Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, October 31, 2014

55 555 | SpaceShipTwo Crash Hoax and Halloween Numerology

Today has already seen the crash of "SpaceShipTwo", with wing SS6EEN showing.
  • SpaceShipTwo = 1+7+1+3+5+1+8+9+7+2+5+6 = 55 (10/31/14 = 10+31+14 = 55)
  • SS6 = 116 = Country = 3+15+21+14+20+18+25 = 116
  • EEN = 555
  • Halloween = 8+1+3+3+6+5+5+5+5 = 41
  • USA = 21+19+1 = 41
  • Home = 8+15+13+5 = 41
  • Mom = 13+15+13 = 41
  • King = 11+9+14+7 = 41
  • Lock = 12+15+3+11 = 41
  • Key = 11+5+25 = 41
  • 10/31/14 = 10+31+14 = 55
It is important to note that October is the only month with "33" Gematria.
  • October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33
Also of interest, the words 'spaceship' and 'UFO'.
  • Spaceship 1+7+1+3+5+1+8+9+7 = 42
  • UFO = 21+6+15= 42

55 | Numerology Good for Dow?

Today's date is 10/31/14, a special date coinciding with Halloween, which has a special Gematria.

  • 10/31/14 = 55
  • Halloween = 8+1+3+3+6+5+5+5+5
  • Halloween = 41
  • USA = 41
  • King = 41
  • Lock = 41
  • Key = 41

33 | The Zodiac Killer's Last Letter, Reference to "Sam" and March 22

A reader asked me to investigate the Zodiac Killer, so this is the beginning.  What stands out to me right away about this entity, is that their final letter was written on January 29, 1974.  Not only is the year curious, so is the numerology of the date, 33.
  • 1/29/1974 = 1+2+9+1+9+7+4 = 33
  • Sam = 19+1+13 = 33
In addition to that, many of the dates mentioned in the story of the Zodiac Killer are quite curious, especially the March 22 mentions.  Read the excerpts below, and appreciate the dates.
  • 3/22/71 = 3+22+71 = 96
  • Donna Lass disappearance of 9/6...
Notice how the Modesto attack of a year earlier also took place on March 22.  Modesto is the home of elites such as George Lucas and many other media tycoons.  Notice how in the details of this story, it seems the Zodiac Killer has a cozy relationship with the media.  This is also true of other serial killers, which might be the biggest clue of all who is behind these murders, if they're even happening/

From this excerpt above, I find it curious that he said his name was "Sam", much like the "Son of Sam" killings which would occur nearly a decade later, and which would also end on  a date with a numerology of "33", much like the Zodiac Killer's last letter.  I also appreciate that he confirmed he was a real killer on 10/14/69.
  • 10/14/69 = 10+14+69 = 93

This poster reminds me more of the Freemasons than anything else, from the times to the secret coding.
  • Donna = 4+15+14+14+1 = 48
  • Lass = 12+1+19+19 = 51
  • Donna Lass 48+51 = 99
  • Donna Lass = 4+6+5+5+1+3+1+1+1 = 27

Thursday, October 30, 2014

33 42 | Reminder The 'Quarantine' Nurse is 33-Years Old

Not only is the nurse 33-years old, her name in Gematria sums to the numerology of the date her story emerged from our very honest and informative mainstream media.

In this story, the Governor of Maine, Paul LePage, is joining a cast of characters now including Agent 33, Chris Christie, of the third state New Jersey.
  • Maine = 13+1+9+14+5 = 42
  • Paul LePage = 7+1+3+3+3+5+7+1+7+5 = 42

33 54 | Thomas Michael Menino Dies at 71, Shortly After Leaving Office (Killer Cancer and Elites)

There is something very ritualistic going on.  Elites continue to die rapidly from cancer after leaving the limelight, as is the case with Thomas Michael Menino, the 53rd Mayor of Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Boston  = 2+6+1+2+6+5 = 22
  • Massachusetts = 4+1+1+1+1+3+8+3+1+5+2+2+1 = 33
  • Boston, Massachusetts = 22+33 = 55
  • Yesterday's numerology, the last day of his life, was '53'.
  • 10/29/14 = 10+29+14 = 53
Massachusetts is one of three "33" States in the Union.
  • Thomas = 2+8+6+4+1+1 = 22
  • Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
  • Menino = 4+5+5+9+5+6 = 34
  • Thomas Michael Menino = 22+33+34 = 89
  • 12/27/1942 = 1+2+2+7+1+9+4+2 = 28
  • 10/30/14 = 10+30+14 = 54
  • 10/30/2014 = 1+0+3+0+2+0+1+4 = 11
Thomas Michael Menino was a 'politician' and died on a date with a numerology of '54'.
  • Politician 7+6+3+9+2+9+3+9+1+5 = 54
  • 10/30/14 = 10+30+14 = 54 (RIP)
Thomas Michael Menino became the Mayor of Boston in the curious year of '93, a number having much to do with Thelema and the Occult.  His death at age 71, and name summing to 89, is reminding me much of 'religion', a very dark religion.
  • Thomas Michael Menino = 89
  • Religion = 89
  • Zeus = 71

ISIS Headlines and Psychological Programming

Just look at it.  Sad.  If ISIS were real, it would be the perfect argument for ending the war on terrorism, which clearly doesn't work after 13-years in and counting.

9 11 | Wichita's Coded Plane Crash (Heading to Arizona)

Today's date numerologies yield values of "9" and "11".  What could be more fitting for a plane crash?  Making matters even more interesting, the plane was heading from Kansas to Arizona as reported, or from the site of Game 7 of the World Series to where Super Bowl 49 will be.  This almost reminds of the Omaha plant explosion during the weekend Peyton Manning was rallying money with "Omaha" calls at the line of scrimmage.
  • 10/30/14 = 10+30+14 = 54 = 5+4 = 9
  • 10/30/2014 = 1+0+3+0+2+0+1+4 = 11
The riddlers are riddling.

Tim Cook, Apple CEO, Comes Out for the Republic

Today headlines have been made because Apple CEO Tim Cook has admitted he is homosexual, something become more fashionable in society by the day.  Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against homosexuals, but I do have a male homosexual friend who tells me he notices more and more "straight men" wanting to experiment on craigslist.   Perhaps that is because more and more often we're hit with headlines of more and more people admitting to being homosexual.
  • Tim = 20+9+13 = 42
  • Cook = 3+15+15+11 = 44
  • Tim Cook = 86
  • Republic = 18+5+16+21+2+12+9+3 = 86
It should be noted that the English language and homosexuality are quite curious.
  • Gay = 33
  • Homosexual = 133
  • Queer = 66
  • Happy = 66
  • Thirty-Three = 66
It should be noted that Cook came out in Bloomberg.
  • Bloomberg = 2+3+6+6+4+2+5+9+7 = 44

9 11 54 | Temple Mount Controversy and Palestine's President Abbas

The numerology of today is as follows:
  • 10/30/14 = 10+30+14 = 54
The name President Abbas also has a Gematria of "54", and he is front and center today with the Temple Mount shooting.
  • President = 7+9+5+1+9+4+5+5+2 = 47
  • Abbas = 1+2+2+1+1 = 7
  • President Abbas = 54
Isn't it curious?  Perhaps Palestine's leadership is as much controlled by the New World Order as any other.  The numerology of today also breaks down to both "9" and "11", let us examine.
  • 10/30/14 = 10+30+14 = 54 = 5+4 = 9
  • 10/30/2014 = 1+0+3+0+2+0+1+4 = 11
When we start thinking of nines and elevens, we should also start thinking of the 'Star of David'.
  • Star = 19+20+1+18 = 58
  • of = 15+6 = 21
  • David = 4+1+22+9+4 = 40
  • Star of David = 58+21+40 = 119

55 74 | More Proof of HAARP (Super Outbreak of April 3 and 4, 1974)

Let us examine the Super Outbreak of April 3, 1974, and recall that this year, on April 3, there were violent tornadoes in Glendale, Missouri, a city with a connection to the site of Super Bowl 49.
It should be noted that the date April 4 has much to do with assassination, the date "Super Outbreak" ended.
  • Super = 1+3+7+5+9 = 25
  • Outbreak = 6+3+2+2+9+5+1+2 = 30
  • Super Outbreak = 55

76 64 | Knights of Templar, or Knights Templar?

A reader told me today the phrase 'Knights of Templar' is incorrect.  I told him in my research that I see the name written as both Knights Templar and Knights of Templar, with the added 'of'.  Look at this caption above, courtesy of Reuters.  Here the phrase 'Knights of Templar' is used; this is true in many other sources as well.
  • Knights Templar = 65
  • Knights of Templar = 76

66 | San Francisco World Series Earthquake Conspiracy, 66-Days Later

Oh my goodness, say it isn't so.  A 6.0 earthquake hit San Francisco 66-days before they won the World Series in 2014; and we're talking about the team that suffered through the '89 World Series Quake against the Oakland Athletics from across the Bay.
  • World = 5+6+9+3+4 = 27
  • Series = 10+5+9+9+5+1 = 39
  • World Series = 27+39 = 66
One more connection to 66:  The city of San Francisco gave birth to the Church of Satan in the year '66; same year the NFL came to be.

Also, the numerology of the day had much to do with "Bochy", the manger of the Giants.
  • 10/29/14 = 10+29+14 = 53
  • Bochy = 2+15+3+8+25 = 53
Further, three of the four most winning World Series teams originate from New York; Giants; Yankees; Dodgers.  It should be noted that New York is the eleventh state.
  • 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11 = 66
  • See the connection between 11 and 66?
Perhaps all of the coded "39" in New York also makes it a fitting state for winning the World "Series".  (Recall 'Series' sums to 39)
  • NY = 14+25 = 39
  • New York = 5+5+5+7+6+9+2 = 39
  • Empire = 5+4+7+9+9+5 = 39
  • The United Nations are 39-Floors Tall
  • New York was established July 27, 1788
    • 7/26/1788 = 7+2+6+1+7+8+8 = 39
    • 7/26/88 = 7+26+88 = 121
    • 7/26 = 7+26 = 33

33 | Malcolm Smith, Plus Super Bowl 48 Score in Jewish Gematria...

Malcolm Smith was the MVP of Super Bowl 48, which was played 2/2/14.  Both the names Malcolm and Smith yield a Gematria of "33", matching the name "Seahawks", and the fact that the game was the first Super Bowl played on the 33rd day of the year, February 2.
  • Malcolm = 13+1+3+3+6+3+4 = 33
  • Smith = 10+4+9+2+8 = 33
  • Seahawks = 10+5+1+8+1+5+2+1 = 33
  • February 2 = 33rd Day of Year
  • Seahawks established in '74
Recall the 9/11 truther during Malcolm Smith's MVP press conference.

33 47 911 | July 21, 2005 London Bombings of Shoreditch

On my 22nd birthday, a date with a numerology of "33", the London Bombings of July 21, 2005 occurred.  The last bomb exploded at the curious time of 9:47am local time.
  • 9:47
    • 4+7 = 11
        • 9:11
The date is also a giveaway for who was behind this attack.
  • 7/21/05 = 7+21+5 = 33
As always, the same numerology is coded into the media/government/police sponsored bombings.
  • Muktar = 13+21+11+20+1+18 = 84
  • Said = 19+1+9+4 = 33
  • Ibrahim = 9+2+18+1+8+9+13 = 60
  • Muktar Said Ibrahim = 177
In this story, Shoreditch was the main location.
  • Shoreditch = 1+8+6+9+5+4+9+2+3+8 = 55
A few months after my 22nd birthday, my ear started to ring.  It has never stopped.  What is a trip is in the movie Pi, the main character also has ringing in his ears, and his character experiences something much like what I am experiencing.

33 119 | The Score of the Los Angeles @ Phoenix Game 99 to 119

Tonight was the opening night of the 2014-15 NBA Seeson, and the Phoenix Suns scored 119 points in their victory over the Los Angeles Lakers.  In all of the sports leagues, it seems that the NBA is king when it comes to "33".  Could this game be a salute for what is to come for the region?  Could the game have been scripted for the final score to be what it was?  Notice also how Kobe Bryant scored 31.
  • Kobe = 11+15+2+5 = 33
  • Bryant = 2+18+25+1+14+20 = 80
  • Kobe Bryant = 113
Chief Seattle gave a speech on March 11 in history- saying all things are connected.
  • Chief = 3+8+9+5+6 = 31
  • Seattle = 19+5+1+20+20+12+5 = 82
  • Chief Seattle = 113
  • Famous speech on March 11, 1854 (160-years ago)
Life is more interesting with Gematria/Numerology vision, especially when the pieces fit the puzzle.  The Hoover Dam collapsing would surely be more detrimental to the nation than even September 11.
  • New York = 5+5+5+7+6+9+2 = 39
  • Arizona = 1+9+9+8+6+5+1 = 39

33 113 | The MLB Player's Strike of 1994, Another Salute to Masonry

The MLB player's strike has a very magical date numerology, beginning with August 11, or 8/11.  In the year 2014, that was the day Robin Williams supposedly committed suicide.
  • 8/11/1994 = 8+1+1+1+9+9+4 = 33
  • 8/11/94 = 8+11+94 = 113
Look at the numerology of that date; it would make James Madison dance in his grave.

It should also be noted that the Commissioner's Trophy was established in '67, the same year the first Super Bowl was played.

53 | The World Series, Bruce Bochy and Paul Kitterman

Today it was reported that 53-year old Paul Kitterman was found 110-miles from Denver where he was last seen.  This is curious for the following reasons.
  • Today's date is 10/29/14 = 10+29+14 = 53
  • Paul Kitterman = 7+1+3+3+2+9+2+2+5+9+4+1+5 = 53
  • Paul Kitterman is 53-years old
Since that story, the San Francisco Giants have won their third World Series in 5-years.  Emphasis on the "3" and "5".  Making matters even more interesting, is the Gematria of the name Bruce Bochy, not to be confused with fellow MLB player Bruce Bochte.
  • Bochy = 2+15+3+8+25 = 53
  • Bochte = 2+15+3+8+20+5 = 53
The name "Bruce" also yields interesting values, especially one connecting back to the Hoover Dam and the coming Super Bowl.
  • Bruce = 2+9+3+3+5 = 22
  • Bruce = 2+18+21+3+5 = 49
Bruce Boche has been the manager of the Giants since 2007.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New York Based Baseball Teams and the World Series (46 of 110 Titles Claimed)

First, I wonder if the Yankees will ever win another MLB Championship seeing as how they're already at 27 titles to date, a very special number in the "MLB".
  • MLB = 13+12+2 = 27
  • New York Yankees have won 27 World Series Titles
Second, I wonder how anyone can overlook the fact that New York based baseball teams have won 46 of the 110 World Series events to date; nearly half.  This evening, the Giants claimed their eighth World Series Championship, in their twentieth appearance as a team.

26 33 96 | Don't Doubt Orange in October, Brian Sabean and Giants World Series Success

Brian Sabean seemed 'off' after winning the 2014 World Series; just an observation...
I was wrong again with my baseball World Series prediction.  Let it be known the San Francisco Giants won their third World Series in five seasons on a date with a numerology of 53.  Their championship shirts read "Orange October".
  • 10/29/14 = 10+29+14 = 53
  • Giants have won 3 of last 5 World Series
  • Orange = 6+9+1+5+7+5 = 33
  • October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33
The General Manager of the San Francisco Giants is Brain Sabean, who is the longest tenured GM in the league.  He has been the GM of the Giants since '96.  96 is a number having much to do with Scottish Rite Freemasonry, and Satanism.  The Church of Satan was established in San Francisco in '66, and the word Satanism sums to 96 in Gematria.
  • Brian = 2+9+9+1+5 = 26
  • Sabean = 1+1+2+5+1+5 = 15/24
Brian Sabean replaced Robert Quinn and has lead the Giants to thirteen winning seasons in seventeen years.
  • Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
  • Quinn = 8+3+9+5+5 = 30
Brian Sabean also has a life number of "29", a number I thought was working in the Royals favor prior.  Brian Sabean was born July 1, 1956.
  • 7/1/1956 = 7+1+1+9+5+6 = 29

33 49 | Suge Knight Arrested at Age 49

Suge Knight is the former head of Deathrow Records, famous for signing Snoop Dogg and Tupac Shakur.  All three of these men have "33" name Gematria.
  • Knight = 2+5+9+7+8+2 = 33
  • Shakur = 1+8+1+11+3+9 = 33
  • Dogg = 4+15+7+7 = 33
Today it is reported he has been arrested at the age of 49-years old.  This is curious for two reasons.
  • Suge = 1+3+7+5 = 16
  • Knight = 2+5+9+7+8+2 = 33
  • Suge Knight = 16+33 = 49
Also, in the Bible, the beginning and opening books are 'Genesis' and 'Revelation', books with Gematria of "33" and "49" respectively.
  • Genesis = 7+5+5+5+1+9+1 = 33
  • Revelation = 9+5+4+5+3+1+2+9+6+5 = 49

33 | Hagel Announce 21-Day Mandatory Ebola Quarantine

It should be noted that I live in close proximity to the FEMA Region 10 base of Washington State.  This past Sunday, the military deployed troops to the base where they have since setup camp.  I talked to my neighbors who have lived here for nearly twenty-years and they told me this is the first time they have seen troops stationed here since the days after September 11, 2001.

I'm now wondering if this troop presence has anything to do with Chuck Hagel's mandatory quarantine news.
  • Charles = 3+8+1+18+12+5+19 = 66
  • Hagel = 8+1+7+5+12 = 33
I might soon live across the street from the Ebola Quarantine zone... time to move?

53 110 | Is Paul Kitterman a World Series Riddle Connecting the Hoover Dam?

Checkout the excerpt above, and notice the numbers 53 and 110.  Also recall that Paul Kitterman sums to 53.
  • Paul = 7+1+3+3 = 14
  • Kitterman = 2+9+2+2+5+9+4+1+5 = 39
  • Paul Kitterman = 14+39 = 53
World Series = 57/66/75 (Height, 5'7")
10/23 = 10+23 = 33
10/23/14 = 10+23+14 = 47

It should be noted that the current World Series is the 110th.  53-years ago was the 1961 World Series between New York and Cincinnati, in which Sherman Jones pitched for the Reds.  His name is very much connected to the Hoover Dam, and he was once very connected to the San Francisco Giants and city of Kansas City where he became Mayor.  In his career, he pitched 110-innings, and recorded 53-strikeouts.

Tonight is Game 7 of the World Series in Kansas City.  Will the flood gates go?  Something tells me no, but on the eve of the Super Bowl, it might be a go.  Super Bowl 49 will be hosted in close proximity to the Hoover Dam, and the Dam originally cost $49m to build.

33 47 77 | The Death of President Michael Sata and President Guy Scott

It is reported that Michael Sata died from illness, unexpectedly, October 28, 2014.  He was 77-years old and the former President of Zambia.  He came to power on the back of the Patriotic Front (PF).
  • Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
  • Sata = 10+1+2+1 = 14
  • Michael Sata = 33+14 = 47
  • Patriotic = 7+1+2+9+9+6+2+9+3 = 48
  • Front = 6+9+6+5+2 = 28
  • Patriotic Front = 48+28 = 76
Michael Sata was born July 6, 1937, nine years to the day before President George W. Bush.
  • 7/6/1937 = 7+6+1+9+3+7 = 33
  • 7/6/1946 = 7+6+1+9+4+6 = 33
It should be noted that the word 'ill' has a Gematria of "33".
  • Ill = 9+12+12 = 33
With the death of Michael Sata, Guy Scott becomes the first White President of a subsaharan African Nation since apartheid.  He was previously the Vice President to Michael Sata.  Guy Scott becomes the sixth President of Zambia.
  • Guy Scott = 7+3+7+1+3+6+2+2 = 31
  • Scott = 19+3+15+20+20 = 77
Guy Scott became Vice President in 2011.  He was born June 1, 1944.
  • 6/1/1944 = 6+1+1+9+4+4 = 25/7
  • 6/1/44 = 6+1+44 = 51
  • Conspiracy = 3+6+5+1+7+9+9+1+3+7 = 51
The media is saying this transition could cause potential "race" problems in Zambia.  Let us keep our eyes open to see how this story unfolds.

33 | GZA's 4th Chamber and Ebola Virus Lyrics

If you have not seen my video post on YouTube pertaining to the Wu Tang Clan, please watch just below.  After doing so, checkout these lyrics from said group. I appreciate the use of Ebola, and the mention of the number 144,000 and also the mention of "6-million".  If you're not familiar with these numbers, you have some reading to do.  It has me wondering, will we soon read of 6-million dead from Ebola as we once read about 6-million dead from Nazis?

33 | W.A. Bechtel, W.H. Wattis and the Construction of the Hoover Dam (+$49m significance)

W.A. Bechtel, also known as Warren Bechtel, was the head of the largest construction and engineering group the United States has ever known, until he died shortly before the the completion of the Hoover Dam, the second curious death of a prominent figure in the dam's construction; more on the first death in a moment.  Also curious, his connections go to Kansas and San Francisco, just like Sherman Jones, who is also connected to the Hoover Dam.  Currently, the 110th World Series is taking place between San Francisco and Kansas City.  Currently the 110-mile Lake Mead is sitting calmly, just as the 110-stores if the World Trade Centers were on September 10, 2001.
  • Warren = 5+1+9+9+5+5 = 34
  • Bechtel = 2+5+3+8+2+5+3 = 28
  • 9/12/1872 = 9+1+2+1+8+7+2 = 30
  • 9/12/72 = 9+12+72 = 93
  • W.A. Bechtel = 5+1+2+5+3+8+2+5+3 = 34
  • Company = 3+6+4+7+1+5+7 = 33
  • W.A. Bechtel Company = 34+33 = 67
  • W.A. Bechtel died 8/28/1933
    • 8+2+8+1+9+3+3 = 34
    • 8/28/33 = 8+28+33 = 69
Prior to Bechtel's demise, the first curious death came when the head of initial Hoover Dam building project died, W.H. Wattis.  He died on the date of September 13, 1931, at the beginning of the project.
  • W.H. Wattis = 5+8+5+1+2+2+9+1 = 33
  • 9/13/1931 = 9+1+3+1+9+3+1 = 27

It should be noted that the cost of the dam, $49-million, is curious for the following reasons.
  • 49 is the number of Revelation
  • Revelation = 9+5+4+5+3+1+2+9+6+5 = 49
  • Arizona is hosting Super Bowl 49 in Glendale
  • Glendale = 7+3+5+5+4+1+3+5 = 33
During Super Bowl 49, we might find out the reason for the "33-minute" blackout of Super Bowl 47. We could possibly find out sooner than that, maybe even tonight...  if you're not following, think more deeply.

74 | "Lawrence Hatfield" Tribute to 'Deceased Cirillo' of Ottawa

Lawrence Hatfield has been shown on television today giving tribute to the fallen soldier from the Ottawa shooting hoax of last week.  His name Gematria is quite curious.
  • Lawrence = 3+1+5+9+5+5+3+5 = 36
  • Hatfield = 8+1+2+6+9+5+3+4 = 38
  • Lawrence Hatfield = 36+38 = 74
Isn't it all so sad?  These people have no shame.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

GTA San Andreas and the Hoover Dam, aka Sherman Dam

Yesterday I wrote about the death of Sherman Jones and how that corresponds with the current World Series matchup between the Kansas City Royals and San Francisco Giants.
  • Sherman = 1+8+5+9+4+1+5 = 33
  • The game is made by Rockstar
  • Rockstar = 9+6+3+2+1+2+1+9 = 33
Grand Theft Auto San Andrea was released October 26, 2004; slightly more than ten years ago.  Is it possible to think that the fate of the dam was coded into this video games that teaches people of all ages to kill for fun?  The Hoover Dam is referred to as the Sherman Dam in a game named after the major fault line running through California.
  • San Andreas = 1+1+5+1+5+4+9+5+1+1 = 33

96 | The "Official Number" of Dead Building the Hoover Dam

Is this a tribute to the 96 workers who died, or those who will die when the dam is demolished?
It is reported in some places that 112 people died building the Hoover Dam, but the Government's official records state that 96 people died.

This is curious because 96 is a very important number to the Freemasons, and it is also the sum of the name Herbert Hoover, which the Hoover Dam is named after.
  • The ranging degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry are 31-33
  • 31+32+33 = 96
  • Herbert = 8+5+9+2+5+9+2 = 40
  • Hoover = 8+6+6+22+5+9 = 56
  • Herbert Hoover = 40+56 = 96

33 1911 | The Death of Robert Falcon Scott

Today it is reported that a notebook was recovered from Royal Navy explorer Robert Falcon Scott.  It is from the expedition named Terra Nova that took his life.
  • Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
  • Falcon = 6+1+3+3+6+5 = 24
  • Scott = 1+3+6+2+2 = 14
  • Robert Falcon Scott = 71
  • Robert Scott = 47
  • Scott = 19+3+15+20+20 = 77
  • Terra Nova = 2+5+9+9+1+5+6+4+1 = 42
Robert Scott was born on the fateful day of June 6, 1868.  In history, June 6 is remembered as "Doomsday".
  • Doomsday = 4+6+6+4+1+4+1+7 = 33
  • Thirty-Three = 2+8+9+9+2+7+2+8+9+5+5 = 66
The notebook is said to have belonged to George Murray from Scott's expedition.  Murray is yet another man with "33" Gematria.
  • George = 7+5+6+9+7+5 = 39
  • Murray = 4+3+9+9+1+7 = 33
I appreciate the detail about how the photos were taken in 1911.  Do we need to wonder any longer who was behind the deaths of these men and this expedition?  It almost makes you wonder what they found.

6:22 | The Curious Time of the October 28, 2014 NASA Rocket Explosion

The reported time of the NASA rocket explosion is 6:22 PM local time, on October 28, 2014.  When it comes to rockets exploding, NASA, loves to code "33" into the spectacles.  In this case, the explosion comes in the lone month with "33" Gematria.
  • October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33
  • 10/28/2014 = 1+1+2+8+2+0+1+4 = 18/9
The 6:22 explosion times reminds me of the curious date in history, June 22, as well as the debut of the show from earlier this year, The Last Ship, which premiered on June 22, 2014.  That show is about a viral outbreak that kills 80% of humanity on the planet.  Interestingly enough, it was 7/22, a month to the day later, that the 33-year old male contracted Ebola and became "patient zero", then was transported to Atlanta, Georgia, on the 33rd Parallel North. He contracted his illness in Conakry.
  • Conakry = 3+6+5+1+2+9+7 = 33
Let us close by looking at some information pertaining to the last ship, a show that was renewed on 7/18/14 for another 13-episodes.
  • 7/18/14 = 7+18+14 = 39

33 110 | Could the Hoover Dam Explode During the Giants-Royals World Series?

What day was the concrete poured?  Doomsday?
Please also see my other posts, especially the one about Sherman Jones.  We're currently in the 110th World Series, and the name Sherman Jones connects most to the San Francisco Giants, who have already experience World Series disaster, and the city of Kansas City, where the World Series Game is tonight.

(Scroll Down)

31 33 96 | Historic Dates for the Hoover Dam

Look at the dates above for the NRHP and NHL.
  • NRHP = National Register of Historic Places
  • NHL = National Historic Landmark.
NRHP Date Numerology:
  • 4/8/1981 = 4+8+1+9+8+1 = 31
  • 4/8/81 = 4+8+81 = 93
NHL Date Numerology:
  • 8/20/1985 = 8+2+0+1+9+8+5 = 33
  • 8/20/85 = 8+20+85 = 113
Of course the Hoover Dam is named after Herbert Hoover.
  • Herbert = 8+5+9+2+5+9+2 = 40
  • Hoover = 8+6+6+22+5+9 = 56
  • Herbert Hoover = 40+56 = 96
  • HH = 88
Combine this post with the information about Sherman Jones, CFR 33, Interstate 93, the newly built bridge details, and even the coordinates- all together, we have quite a few reasons to be concerned.  This isn't even considering what is known to be decoded within the folding of the new $100-bill.

33 47 | Sherman Jones, the Hoover Dam, and the 2014 World Series

On November 24, 2008, Sherman Jones died while working on the bypass bridge for the Hoover Dam.  This date is curious because it was November 24, 1922, that the Colorado River Compact was signed in New Mexico, giving way to what would eventually become the Hoover Dam.  The name Sherman has a Gematria of "33" and the names traces back to a former major league baseball player who has ties to Kansas City.
  • Sherman = 1+8+5+9+4+1+5 = 33
  • Jones = 1+6+5+5+1 = 18
  • Sherman Jones = 33+18 = 51
  • Conspiracy = 3+6+5+1+7+9+9+1+3+7 = 51
The Gematria of Hoover Dam is a common pairing with "33" and in conspiracy.
  • Hoover Dam = 8+6+6+4+5+9+4+1+4 = 47
Let us take a look at Sherman Jones, the baseball player and politicians, courtesy of Wikipedia.  While we do that, let us think if there is some sort of clue or association between this name and what is to come.

Born 2/10/35... 2+10+35 = 47... Sherman = 33...
Within those stats, I'm noticing San Francisco, Kansas City and 110 and 1/3 innings pitched.  Currently the Giants and Royals are playing in the 110th World Series.  In my first blog post I speculated that the Hoover Dam was nearing its moment, just as the World Trade Centers were once nearing their moment.  Could we be in for another World Series surprise?

I'm hoping these are just coincidences...