Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

62 74 | CNN Regular, Richard Quest

Richard Quest is a manchurian news guest, if you will.
  • Richard = 9+9+3+8+1+9+4 = 43
  • Quest = 8+3+5+1+2 = 19
  • Richard Quest = 62
His birthday is March 9, 1962.
  • 3/9/62 = 3+9+62 = 74

49 88 | Why the 2015 NFL Draft is in Chicago for 2015

Notice this year's NFL Draft takes place in Chicago.  This is curious because it comes 88-days after Super Bowl 49 on February 1, 2015, and Chicago is just off of the 88th Meridian, barely on the 87th.  Further, Illinois is the 21st State and Super Bowl 49 closed out with some major '21' connections as I have well documented.
  • Draft = 4+18+1+6+20 = 49
With regards to that '49' theme, this year's coming Super Bowl will be hosted in San Francisco, home of the 49ers.

Also, notice that the draft will conclude on 5/2, a number of much significance from Super Bowl 49.
  1. 52 was the sum of the score of the game, 28 Patriots, 24 Seahawks
  2. The halftime show was all about the 'roar'
    • Roar = 18+15+1+18 = 52

This year's Super Bowl, Super Bowl 50, will be in California (Maryland = 88)

42 49 | Washington State Gun Hoax, Fryberg's Father Busted on 3/31/15

This is another coded hoax I am quite certain.
  • Washington = 5+1+1+8+9+5+7+2+6+5 = 49
  • 3/31/15 = 3+31+15 = 49
Notice the father is currently 42-years old.  Washington is the 42nd State, named after George Washington, who was born February 11, the 42nd day of the year, at least on the "old calendar".

New Research, Anne Frank Died 1 Month Earlier (LOL)

I don't even know what to say.  Clearly they are hinting at the hoax.

33 | Spurs Photo, More "Intentional 33"

Notice 'Leonard' in the caption.  This photo is from March 31, 2015.

33 47 51 77 96 | The Civil War, Dixie and the Battle of Fort Sumter, Wars by the Numbers

Lincoln was the 16th President
Sixteen = 1+9+6+2+5+5+5 = 33/42
War = 23+1+18 = 42
Our history is riddled with wars that are riddled with numerology.  Let's take the beginning of the Civil War for example, beginning with the formation of the '11 Confederate States', who adopted their Constitution on March 11, 1861, emphasis on the 3/11, or 311.  (U.S.A. = 3.1.1.) (Rhode Island, the 13th Colony, sums to 311 in Jewish Gematria)
  • This 3/11 fits perfectly with the nickname 'Dixie'
  • Dixie = 4+9+6+9+5 = 33
  • Dixie = 4+9+24+9+5 = 51
  • Confederate = 3+6+5+6+5+4+5+9+1+2+5 = 51
  • Confederate = 3+15+14+6+5+4+5+18+1+20+5 = 96
Further, that date of establishment connects to the larger "United States of America'.
  • United States of America = 84/93/102
  • 3/11/1861 = 3+11+18+61 = 93
  • Lincoln would be assassinated 4/15/65 
    • 4/15/65 = 4+15+65 = 84
    • 4/15/1865 = 4+15+18+65 = 102
Moving on, notice the war began on April 12, 1861, 32 days, or four weeks and four days after the creation of the Confederate Constitution.  If you count the end date, it began 33 days later...  Also, April 12 is the 102nd day of the year...
  • 4/12/61 = 4+12+61 = 77

Let us also decode the location of where 'the war began'.
  • Fort = 6+6+9+2 = 23
  • Sumter = 1+3+4+2+5+9 = 24
  • Fort Sumter = 47
  • Battle = 2+1+2+2+3+5 = 15
  • of = 6+6 = 12
  • Battle of Fort Sumter = 74
Fort Sumter is located on the 32nd parallel, very close to the 33rd.

The leader of Dixie and the Confederate States was Robert E. Lee.
  • Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
  • E. = 5
  • Lee = 3+5+5 = 13
  • Robert E. Lee = 51
  • Robert = 18+15+2+5+18+20 = 78
  • E. = 5
  • Lee = 12+5+5 = 22
  • Robert E. Lee = 105
Recall that April 15 is the 105th day of the year.  Lincoln would die on April 15, 1865.
  • 4/15/65 = 4+15+65 = 84
  • United States of America = 84 (Pythagorean Gematria)
Robert E. Lee was born January 19, 1807 and died October 12, 1870, in the lone month with '33' Gematria.
  • October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33

44 311 | Spanish Flu and Intentional Killer Epidemics

The first documented case of Spanish Flu, what became a worldwide epidemic, was March 11, 1918.
  • Spanish = 1+7+1+5+9+1+8 = 32
  • Flu = 6+3+3 = 12
  • Spanish Flu = 44
  • 3/11/18 = 3+11+18 = 32 (Spanish)
From the dates above, you'll see quite a few other curious '311s', especially pertaining to major wars.  Recall, "The Beast" sums to 311 in Jewish Gematria.

33 | ISIS LOSES TIKRIT Headlines

Saddam Hussein's hometown, possibly a pay-op town to boot.
  • Tikrit = 2+9+2+9+9+2 = 33

33 | LeBron & His 3 NBA Friends

23+7+3 = 33
Today we're told LeBron has three friends in the NBA, the photo is of them above.  Notice that "Wade" is not in uniform.
  • Wade = 23+1+4+5 = 33
  • 23+7+3 = 33
  • LeBron = 12+5+2+18+15+14 = 66
  • Thirty-Three = 66 (Pythagorean Gematria)
  • Cleveland = 33
Are you getting it truth seeker?

The NBA is a '33' league, from Bird to Magic to the NBA Finals and beyond.
  • Bird = 2+9+18+4 = 33 (Wore 33)(Massachusetts = 33)
  • Magic = 13+1+7+9+3 = 33 (Earvin = 33)(Wore 33 at Michigan State)
  • NBA Finals = 33 (Pythagorean Gematria)
  • Patrick = 33
  • Riley = 33
    • Riley has the "TM" on 3-Peat
    • TM = 20+13 = 33
  • So much more...
  • Michael Jordan = 113
  • Kobe Bryant = 113

33 96 99 | Russia to Attack Yellowstone and the San Andreas? Propaganda for the Future

Remember, Russia and the United States are one and the same.  The division is a manipulation of the masses.
  • San Andreas = 1+1+5+1+5+4+9+5+1+1 = 33/51
  • San Andreas = 19+1+14+1+14+4+18+5+1+19 = 96
  • Yellowstone = 7+5+3+3+6+5+1+2+6+5+5 = 48/57
  • National = 5+1+2+9+6+5+1+3 = 32
  • Park = 7+1+9+2 = 19/28
  • Yellowstone National Park = 99/117

33 | Invesco, Sponsoring Jake Tapper's CNN

Just turned on CNN and noticed 'Invesco' is the sponsor of today's show.
  • Invesco = 9+5+4+5+1+3+6 = 33
What else should we expect?

Notice, like CNN, Invesco is based in Atlanta, Georgia, on the 33rd Parallel.
  • ATL = 1+20+12 = 33

A YouTube Channel Comment Worth Reading, Start to Finish +Germanwings Connection

Ra R're-er 3 hours agoN'ice work hear here!  The Jure-knee d'own the Rabbi-toll Liz knot UN-like de character Andy Dufresne (doo/due 4 rain/reign) in Shawshank Redemption, who crawled through 500 yards of sewage tube to the English channel of watter 2 fined free-dumb (du-ring a reign storm) and his statement to Red about how U can create a Person if UNO h'owe the system works!  All the prisoners sit around talking fondly of Andy after his escape about how special he was, too stupid to figure out that he had run OFF with all the mon-eye that the other prisoners had earned buy their labor, while he played the role of the victim throughout the hole ordeal!  And, in the end, the viewer seize Andy AZ the hero of the moo-V!  As a loan originator, t'heir wood bee much moneye 2B maiden buy creating loans for 500 hundred yards (with house on them) and the profits 2 won is losses 2 the other butt de ewe cannot go after the Bang-cur in the Courts bee cause the Bank and the Court are won in the shame!
Eye halve Big Ben shredding de Alp-Ha-bet 4/4 sum time n'owe witches Y this/shit is music tomb eye ears 2 sea sum won else doo-wing sum goo'd work ON this/shit/hits the fans butt the poo'r lost amen ah souls shit in the bleat-chairs oar pews if U Will, bleating 4 the man with the hard wood 2B a swinger and launch de balls deep into the f'an base bee cause th@ is wear the assets ARe.
If few doo the Gematria ON de word "shit" it is 56/11, then "assets" is 83/11, so the 2 words are won in the shame butt the shit gets much deeper the farther one plunges in-2 the Rab'bit hole, AZ FOREX AM pole, it seams 2B th@ all the Professional Sports are allegory 4 gay sex.  Doo knot get mi wong, couSIN eye dig the sporting Eve'nts, butt the truth sea-cur doG is all weighs sniffin a round the shit piles and sPeKing of turds, the foo't-ball is a turd witch has 2B pooshed deep into the oather manz tear-it-tore-eye 2's core at'ouch d'own butt 4 religious confirmation, go back to l'ass cheers throwback mount-ain US gayme beat-wein the Ben Gay Packers and the Cleveland Browns 2 sea witch tea-m got t'heir assets kiked and just like in Shawshank Redemption, the 3 sisters wanted "shit on my dick or blood on my knife" and Aarons Rod via his arm-y led the attack butt F U doo knot bee leave me, ass-k yores elf Y the quarterback be Putin his hands "up under center" to receive the turd/foo-TB-all!
N'owe, how does de boo-k (ghost story) of Revelation reel-8 TWO de gayme of Football?  It's all about a 6 inch Dick, witches Y de DOLLAR Bills in yore wallet are 6 inches long.  You sea the average dick used 2B 6 inches, butt noah daze it bee semen from recent stud-y that they are like 5.14, witch OFF course is doo 2 the chemicals and synthetic hormones, witches all buy de-sign of the times.  Sow, de big deal in Revelation is the numb-burr of the Beast yes?  Six hundred and three score and six (sum say 666) sow if won were 2 take the 6 inch Dick (dollar Bill/William) it wood take 600 of them to go from goal line to goal line (100 yards), then it wood take three score (3X20) or 60 dicks/dollars to cover the distance kneaded (knee dead ball) foray first down (10 yards) and it wood take 6 dicks/dix/dollars to cover the distance of one yard, witches 3 feet, sew t'heir won can stitch it all 2-get-her 4 the 600 and 60 and 6 oar 666 enco-dead in-2 Football!
N'owe SIN sea is called the "quarterback" and a quart is 32 ounces, it is plausible 2 ass-ume th@ 2B a quarterback in the NFL, re-choirs amen 2 attain 32nd degree status within the brotherhood of brotherly love.
Back 2 religion!  There are 44 letters in the first verse of Genesis (1:1) and those 44 letters are divided in-2 segments of 33 and 11 buy a comma (ca ma)!  Drag Queen Elisabeth ruled for 44 years, the priesthood of the 33rd degree was behind hymn and 11 and 33 have many meanings and reasons, one of witch is the fact th@ Christmas day is "day one" and "day eleven" (January 4) is the day when the Earth is nearest to the Sun in hour egg shaped orbit and there are 33 eleven day cycles leading to the Winter Solstice on 22 December when the Sun neither rises higher nor falls lower in the sky for 3 days and on the mourning of Christ'm-ass, the upward journey begins anew and the northern hemisphere sell-ebb-rates the good tidings of the Prophets and Law says!
In de moo-V "Roadhouse" Frank Tillman says "I've cum-in-2 a little bit O' money!"  witches knot the same as halving "2-in-cums" sow the IRS is about the "in-cum tax" butt if U "cum-in-2 money" eye suspect that t'heir is no tax!  Just like an ATTORNEY (AT-TORN-EYE, witches the anus REAM-MEMBER?) does knot work for ewe, he/she/it (he shit) works 4 the BAR ASS-O'-SEA-ACE-PSY-ON, butt is also lie-sensed to work as a Lawyer.  A Lawyer signs your contract and works for ewe, an ATTORNEY gets you to sign his contract and ewe work for hymn!  Same with the POLICE man, who wears 2 hats, Peace Officer and POLICY OFFICER. (POLE ICY OFF ICE HEIR)
sPeKing of the word "man", it is mirrored to re-veal "nam" and "n=14" and "ad=14" sew "man = Adam" witches just won of the endless BIBLE gaymes played on the'm'asses, butt all sow the word "man" mirrored is "nam(e)" witches touche' a "Name" is a reflection of a "man" and is a dead thing, butt in this/shit system the dead rule the living!  SUM HEAR MAY REAMEMBER THAT MAN-Y NAM'ES WERE DRAFTED 2-GO-2 VIET "NAM"!  If ewe believe ewe are the name, THEY got ewe buy the shore tan Curly's, and Curly was always the fav-o-Rite of the 3 STOOGES (3 stew gis-m) who were always fucking shit up yes?  If sum bee thin-King eye yam crude oil yore self couSIN it's a slippery slope an' this/shit wuzz hear w'hen eye arrived butt sum won had 2 Crow like de Rooster sow hear rye yam!  An' doo knot get me star-Ted on The-o-dore eminemin-8-ing frum de chic-Ken on the Barbie doll wit de bro-Ken leg!
Ever tri this/shit/hits the fans of sports religion cypher?  The BIBLE Cypher!  God=26=the 26 Latin characters!  The Lu-cypher (Lucifer) came down from heaven (down the Alps) from ROME and "it" is the Written Language (lang-wedge) witch divides us all (a soul) (a Sol) witch trans-forms (filled out) us in-2 a "Solomon" and once the AlphanumeRick co-deck of 52 has skull phuctus in the Temple, it is hard 2 over-cum the aft-term math!  The 3rd boo-k of de New Testiclement is de Lu-key, butt won of m'eye flav-o-Rites is the revelation @ the beginning wit de 1st 2 bouquets of flours 4 baKing bred 4 buns knot 2 in the ovem in the BIBLE combined GENESI-SEX-ODUS!  N'owe th@'s goo'd clean phun!
1 2  3  4 5 6  7 6  5  4  3 2 1
A B C D E F G H I   J  K L M
Lots of work on this cypher by: Piece bee up on U Andyore little sl'ice of Caesars Pisces pie seize!  Did you Eve'r call yore Mom Mother Hubbard?  Had 2 ask!  Bee back 2 check con cash it from time-2-time B4 writs tool-8 sow beyond yore toes 4 blest growth of G'reign crops!

49 | Today's Numerology +They're (The MSM) Laughing at Us

Can you hear them laughing?

They're hitting us in the face, on the daily.

The LeBron headline calls for the theme music - "Friends" by Whodini.

Oh, and today's date has '49' numerology.
  • 3/31/15 = 3+31+15 = 49
  • 3/31/2015 = 3+3+1+2+0+1+5 = 15

44 111 | Lupercalia, the Germanwings Crash and Easter Sunday

February 13 is the 44th day of the year, the day of the Festival of Lupercalia.
  • Lupercalia = 3+3+7+5+9+3+1+3+9+1 = 44
  • First celebrated in 44 BC (At least so the story goes)
39 days, or 1 month and 11 days later, the Germanwings plane crashed on the 44th Parallel with 144 passengers on board.
  • Forty Four = 144
  • Obliterated = 111 (666 in English Gematria)

The name at the front and center of the Germanwings Crash is 'Andreas Lubitz' which sums to 152 in Simple English Gematria.  This comping April 5 is 'Easter Sunday' which also sums to 152.
  • Andreas Lubitz = 152
  • Easter Sunday = 152
  • Easter Bunny = 144
  • April Fourth = 144
    • 144 Passengers on Board...
    • April Fourth is the day before Easter this year
The concept of the Easter Bunny originates out of Germany and the Lutheran Church, just like the Germanwings Airplane.  In both cases, they might very well be entirely made-up bullshit.
  • Santa Claus = 111 (666 English Gematria)
  • Easter Bunny = 144

It should be noted that after Super Bowl 49, I said to look for the numbers '144' and '52' going forward in major news stories.  In the case of this story, the numbers were central; 144 passengers and the plane was in the air for 52-minutes, from 10:01 to 10:53.

79 | March 20 and Murder

This is the anniversary date for the beginning of the Second Iraq War with the United States and a whole lot more.  I just wanted to document the observation- what a day for murder.

33 123 | The Eiffel Tower Google Doodle

3/31/1889 = 3+3+1+1+8+8+9 = 33
3/31/89 = 3+31+89 = 123

Talk about a structure ripe for conspiracy...

Today this monument turns 126 years old, a number of much significance to the Hoover Dam of Arizona...

44 | Anit-Blogger Propaganda?

  • Washiqur = 5+1+1+8+9+8+3+9 = 44
  • Rahman = 9+1+8+4+1+5 = 28

33 66 99 | Patrick Sondenheimer (Name Change)

In earlier reports, his last name was Sonderheimer, with an 'r' instead of an 'n'.
  • Sondenheimer = 1+6+5+4+5+5+8+5+9+4+5+9 = 66
  • Patrick = 7+1+2+9+9+3+2 = 33
  • Patrick Sondenheimer = 99

144 | Gematria, Why I No Longer Wonder What the Easter Bunny's About

I used to ask where this tradition of the 'Easter Bunny' and 'Easter Eggs' came from, but now that I know Gematria, no longer do I wonder.
  • Easter = 5+1+19+20+5+18 = 68
  • Bunny = 2+21+14+14+25 = 76
  • Easter Bunny = 144
  • Easter = 5+1+1+2+5+9 = 23
  • Egg = 5+7+7 = 19
  • Easter Egg = 42
  • Easter Eggs = 43/52

Monday, March 30, 2015

44 144 152 | April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday Gematria

I recognized the name Andreas Lubitz summed to 152 and drew connections to Pennsylvania and possibly June 1.  Today I realized 'Easter Sunday' sums to 152.
  • Easter = 5+1+19+20+5+18 = 68
  • Sunday = 19+21+14+4+1+25 = 84
  • Easter Sunday = 152
  • Easter Sunday = 5+1+1+2+5+9+1+3+5+4+1+7 = 44

Easter Sunday will be April 5, the day after the third blood moon, April 4.

Recall that the plane had '144 passengers' and crashed on the 44th Parallel.  The word 'kill' has a Gematria of '44'.
  • Easter Bunny = 5+1+19+20+5+18+2+21+14+14+25 = 144
  • Forty Four = 6+15+18+20+25+6+15+21+18 = 144
  • April Fourth = 1+16+18+9+12+6+15+21+18+20+8 = 144
  • April Fourth is much like 4/4, or 44
    • April Fifth = 1+16+18+9+12+6+9+6+20+8 = 105

33 44 | The Death of State Auditor Robert Jackson, Age 44

So the 44-year old, Robert Jackson, shot himself either late Friday or early Saturday, this past weekend.  Nothing suspicious here.  Never mind it was in Michael Brown land, Missouri.
  • Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
  • Jackson = 1+1+3+2+1+6+5 = 19
  • 44-years old
  • Missouri = 42
Also notice this story comes out of 'Jefferson'.
  • Jefferson = 1+5+6+6+5+9+1+6+5 = 44

33 77 | The Golden Gate Bridge and Recent Symbolism

The bridge has some numbers on it, starting with its '33 construction beginnings and 4200-ft length, emphasis on '42'.  These coordinates above are also something else...
  • The = 2+8+5 = 15
  • Golden = 7+6+3+4+5+5 = 30
  • Gate = 7+1+2+5 = 15
  • Bridge = 2+9+9+4+7+5 = 36
  • Golden Gate Bridge = 81
  • The Golden Gate Bridge = 96
  • The = 20+8+5 = 33
  • Golden = 7+15+12+4+5+14 = 57
  • Gate = 7+1+20+5 = 33
  • Bridge = 2+18+9+4+7+5 = 45
  • Golden Gate Bridge = 135
  • The Golden Gate Bridge = 168
  • ***Marin = 13+1+18+9+14 = 55
  • ***County = 3+15+21+14+20+25 = 98
  • ******Marin County = 153 (A reflection of Golden Gate Bridge)(A number of much importance and pertaining to the Vesica Piscis and other spiritual symbolism)
The bridge opened May 27, the 147th day of the year, 77-years ago.  It took 4 years, 4 months and 22 days to complete.

31 33 47 | WrestleMania 31 and the Coming Super Bowl

The Site of Super Bowl 50 was the host of WrestleMania 31, held on a curious date.
  • First Super Bowl in 47th Season
  • 3/29/15 = 3+29+15 = 47 (Date of WrestleMania 31)
  • WrestleMania = 5+9+5+1+2+3+5+4+1+5+9+1 = 50
  • San Francisco = 1+1+5+6+9+1+5+3+9+1+3+6 = 50
The main attraction of WrestleMania 31 was Brock Lesnar.
  • Brock = 22
  • Lesnar = 33
  • Brock Lesnar = 55
  • Satan = 55
    • Marin County = 55
Again, the first Super Bowl was in the 47th season of the league, in the year '66.

The Church of Satan was established in San Francisco in '66, and the 49ers in '49.  That means this year will be the 66-year anniversary of them being in the NFL.

My early pick for Super Bowl 50, Colts vs 49ers.

33 47 | John Calipari, Former Coach of Massachusetts and Memphis, Current Coach of Kentucky

John Vincent Calipari, born February 10, 1959, is the only coach to have his coaching records vacated at two schools, Massachusetts and Memphis.  He lead Massachusetts the year Kentucky won the National Championship with Rick Pitino, another guy that greased his hair like a gangster.
  • Massachusetts = 33
  • Memphis = 47
  • Kentucky = 47
Let us decode his numbers.
  • John = 20/47
  • Vincent = 33/87
  • Calipari = 42/69
    • February 10, 1959
    • 2/10/59 = 2+10+59 = 71
    • 2/10/1959 = 2+1+0+1+9+5+9 = 27
Notice that John just coached his 227th game, and won, over Notre Dame, a Catholic School.

44 | Lupercalia and the 44th Day of the Year (Code for Murder)

The festival of Lupercalia, traced back to the year 44 BC, the year of Caesar's assassination, is first celebrated on the 44th day of each year.  Let us examine the curious Gematria of Lupercalia.
  • Lupercalia = 3+3+7+5+9+3+1+3+9+1 = 44
  • Kill = 44
In Jewish Gematria, Lupercalia and Murder both sum to 399.