Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, May 31, 2015

66 99 | NSA Expiration Headlines, "What Happens Now?"

What = 5+8+1+2 = 16
Happens = 8+1+7+7+5+5+1 = 34
Now = 5+6+5 = 16
What Happens Now = 66

In all seriousness, who are these headlines written for?

National = 5+1+2+9+6+5+1+3 = 32
Security = 1+5+3+3+9+9+2+7 = 39
Agency = 1+7+5+5+3+7 = 28
National Security Agency = 99

26 33 62 | Utu, The Sun, the Masons and the Calendar

A fellow truth seeker tipped me off to this knowledge the other day, saying the band 'U2' derived their name from Utu, the Sun God.
  • Sun God = 1+3+5+7+6+4 = 26
  • God = 7+15+4 = 26
  • Utu = 21+20+21 = 62
Notice that Utu also goes by the name 'Shamash'.  This name has a Gematria of '33', as well as 24 and 42.
  • Shamash = 1+8+1+4+1+1+8 = 24/33/42
  • The Sun = 2+8+5+1+3+5 = 24/33
These numbers being coded; 26, 33, 62; trace directly to the Masons, who might have stolen this knowledge from another party once upon a time.  Notice that on the current calendar, March 3 is the 62nd day of the year.
  • Mason = 4+1+1+6+5 = 17/26
  • Mason = 13+1+19+15+14 = 62

Some say that all things trace back to 'Sun Worship'.

111 | Beau Biden Was Treated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center

I just read that Beau Biden was taken to Walter Reed for treatment on May 20, 2015, ten days before his death.  Now I'm extra curious.
  • Walter = 23+1+12+20+5+18 = 79
  • Reed = 18+5+5+4 = 32
  • Walter Reed = 69+32 = 111
  • Army = 1+18+13+25 = 57
  • Medical = 13+5+2+9+3+1+12 = 47
  • Center = 3+5+14+20+5+18 = 65

89 | 'Tragedy Haunts Biden' Headlines

Tragedy has shaped Biden's "political soul"?  Is the media hinting at what is to come?
  • Tragedy = 2+9+1+7+5+4+7 = 35
  • Haunts = 8+1+3+5+2+1 = 20/29
  • Biden = 2+9+4+5+5 = 25
  • Tragedy Haunts Biden = 80/89

86 | Symbol Gematria, the Dollar

Symbol = 19+25+13+2+15+12 = 86
Triangle = 20+18+9+1+14+7+12+5 = 86
Pyramid = 16+25+18+1+13+9+4 = 86

  • Annuit = 1+5+5+3+9+2 = 25
  • Coeptis = 3+6+5+7+2+9+1 = 33
  • Annuit Coeptis = 58/67
  • Novus = 5+6+4+3+1 = 19/28
  • Ordo = 6+9+4+6 = 25
  • Seclorum = 1+5+3+3+6+9+3+4 = 34/43
  • Novus Ordo Seclorum = 78/96
  • Freemason = 96
  • Knowledge = 96
  • Satanism = 96
  • MDCCLXXVI = 4+4+3+3+3+6+6+4+9 = 42

52 | What 'John Kerry' and 'Thighbone' Have In Common

Is this the latest Harry Reid incident?  Kerry broke a 'thighbone'?
  • John = 1+6+8+5 = 20
  • Kerry = 2+5+9+9+7 = 32
  • John Kerry = 52
  • Thighbone = 2+8+9+7+8+2+6+5+5 = 52
Also, notice the 'orange' helmet.
  • Orange = 6+9+1+5+7+5 = 33

The Email I Sent Ms. Glazer at Hofstra Last June

Unfortunately after this, I was never able to have Ms. Glazer respond.  Unfinished business.  

33 47 | Joey Jackson of Hofstra Law, TV Propaganda Agent

Have you seen this face on TV before?  This man lies with the best of them.
  • Joey = 1+6+5+7 = 19
  • Jackson = 1+1+3+2+1+6+5 = 19/28
  • Joey Jackson = 38/47
Jackson attended Law School at Hofstra.
  • Hofstra = 8+6+6+1+2+9+1 = 33
This morning he is talking ever so seriously about the Muslim woman who was denied a Diet Coke.  How important.

227 | Muslim Woman Denied Coke on Plane, New Headline, "I Can't Help But Cry"

Notice two things, the hyphenated headlines, 'I can't help but cry' and the Facebook post time of 7:22, that number that has so much to do with cycles and circles which we find coded so often.
  • I = 9
  • Can't = 3+1+5+2 = 11
  • Help = 8+5+3+7 = 23
  • But = 2+3+2 = 7
  • Cry = 3+9+7 = 19
  • I Can't Help But Cry = 69
  • 69 symbolizes cycles and circles
    • In this case cycles and circles of religious propaganda
And again, the post time of 7:22 is another tribute to the same thing as '69'.  If you decided 22 by 7, you are left with the number for Pi, again having to do with cycles and circles.

84 93 | John Kerry Breaks Femur Riding Bicycle in Scionzier, France

John Kerry broke his femur, riding his bicycle in France?  What kind of cycling was the man doing?  It takes a whole heck of a lot of force to break a person's femur.  What I find equally curious, is the location of the injury Scionzier, France.
  • Scionzier = 1+3+9+6+5+8+9+5+9 = 55/64
  • France = 6+9+1+5+3+5 = 29
  • Scionzier, France = 84/93
The other thing that is curious, is the Jewish Gematria of Femur, like a countdown, '321'.
  • 12/11/1943 = 12/11/1943 = 1+2+1+1+1+9+4+3 = 22
  • 12/11/1943 = 12/11/1943 = 12+11+19+43 = 85
  • 12/11/43 = 12+11+43 = 66

Saturday, May 30, 2015

93 | Propaganda and the United States of America

Propaganda = 16+18+15+16+1+7+1+14+4+1 = 93
"Do what thou wilt"

I've always thought the United States of America must have been fueled on Propaganda since the very beginning.  What about you?
  • United = 3+5+9+2+5+4 = 28
  • States = 1+2+1+2+5+1 = 12/21/30
  • of = 6+6 = 12
  • America = 1+4+5+9+9+3+1 = 32
  • United States of America = 84/93/102
I was trying to look up the history of propaganda, and it turns out to be a difficult search.  Per Wikipedia, it dates back to 1622 and the Catholic Church.  In my estimation, that seems way too recent to be true.

46 | Chicago Blackhawks Advance to Stanley Cup

The Blackhawks have been good in the time of Obama.
  • Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+6 = 37
  • Blackhawks = 2+3+1+3+2+8+1+5+2+1 = 28/37/46
  • Chicago Blackhawks = 65/74/83
  • Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+15 = 46 (Stanley Cup = 46 Pythagorean)
  • Blackhawks = 2+12+1+3+11+8+1+23+11+19 = 91
  • Chicago Blackhawks = 137

111 | 'Quite Simply, the Finest Man', CNN Headlines for Beau Biden

Quite = 8+3+9+2+5= 27
Simply = 1+9+4+7+3+7 = 31
the = 2+8+5 = 15
Finest = 6+9+5+5+1+2 = 28
Man = 4+1+5 = 10
Quite Simply the Finest Man = 111

33 62 | Raised By Wolves, U2 Song From 'Songs of Innocence', September 9, 2014

Checkout these lyrics from U2's September 9, or 9/9 album.  "33 good people cut down"?
  • Raised = 9+1+9+1+5+4 = 29/38
  • by = 2+7 = 9
  • Wolves = 5+6+3+4+5+1 = 24/33
  • Raised by Wolves = 62/80
Raised by 'wolves' could be another way of admitting you were raised by the "Gang of 33".  In the case of Bono, it seems he might have joined the club at the age of "16", when U2 was formed 39-years ago, 1976.
  • Sixteen = 1+9+6+2+5+5+5 = 33  

74 93 | Beau Biden Dies at 46, Son of the 47th Vice President, Joe Biden

Joe Biden's son has died at the age of 46, a curious age indeed, and a number that is a reflection of Joe Biden himself.
  • Joe = 10+15+5 = 30
  • Biden = 2+9+4+5+14 = 34
  • Joe Biden = 64 (Barack Hussein Obama = 64 *Pythagorean Gematria)
  • Son Dead at 46
  • Joseph = 1+6+1+5+7+8 = 28/37
  • Robinette = 9+6+2+9+5+5+2+2+5 = 45
  • Biden = 2+9+4+5+5 = 25
  • Joseph Robinette Biden = 98/107
  • Beau = 2+5+1+3= 11
  • Beau Biden = 36
Beau has reportedly died from 'brain cancer' at the age of 46.
  • Brain = 2+9+1+9+5 = 26
  • Cancer = 3+1+5+3+5+9 = 26
  • Brain Cancer = 52 (Prophecy = 52)
  • Brain = 2+18+1+9+14 = 44
  • Cancer = 3+1+14+3+5+18 = 44
  • Brain Cancer = 88
He was born on a date with 'Masonic'  numerology, as well as 'Thelema'/'Saturn' numerology.
  • 2/3/69 = 2+3+69 = 74
  • 2/3/1969 = 2+3+19+69 = 93
  • 2/3/1969 = 2+3+1+9+6+9 = 30
Notice that Beau was Attorney General in Delaware, a special state in both numerology and Gematria.
  • Delaware = 4+5+3+1+5+1+9+5 = 33
  • 12/7/1787 = 1+2+7+1+7+8+7 = 33
One last point, Beau Biden was the 44th Attorney General for Delaware, possibly a 'fateful' number.

Notice he was the 44th Attorney General of Delaware, and died of cancer, possibly also chemo.
  • Cancer = 3+1+14+3+5+18 = 44
  • Chemo = 3+8+5+13+15 = 44
One last point, Beau Biden died 116-days after his birthday, or the number 911 upside down.

33 47 | 33 Minutes of Epic Fails?

A 33-minute epic fails video?  Nearly 30-million views?  If only we didn't live in a nation of morons.

Epic = 5+16+9+3 = 33
Fails = 6+1+9+12+19 = 47

StayWithJas = 1+2+1+7+5+9+2+8+1+1+1 = 38/47/56
StayWithJas = 19+20+1+25+23+9+20+8+10+1+19 = 155

551 | CNN's Headlines On the Solar Powered Plane

Notie the emphasis, 5 days, 5 nights, 1 pilot.  This reminds me much of the word 'weapon', which is the top hyphenated word on the 'Top Stories' from the right side of CNN's homepage right now, May 30, 2015.
  • Weapon = 5+5+1+7+6+5 = 29
Also, check out the Gematria of 'The Illuminati'; 551 in Jewish, and 153 in Simple English.  Now what do we have here?  Recall that 153 is a number of great importance in the Bible, Sacred Geometry, Gematria, current events and more...

33 74 | Muslim Woman Denied Diet Coke On Plane, Fact or Fiction?

Notice 'weapon' is hyphenated.  This word has a very recognizable Gematria.
  • Muslim = 4+3+1+3+9+4 = 24/33
  • Muslim = 13+21+19+12+9+13 = 87
  • Weapon = 5+5+1+7+6+5 = 29
  • 'Weapon' 23+5+1+16+15+14 = 74
  • 'Muhammad = 13+21+8+1+13+13+1+4 = 74
  • Jesus = 10+5+19+21+19 = 74
  • Cross = 3+18+15+19+19 = 74

Tahera = 2+1+8+5+9+1 = 26
Ahmad = 1+8+4+1+4 = 18
Tahera Ahmad = 44

Notice below, her image, with one eyebrow up...