Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, February 29, 2016

33 39 46 88 | George Kennedy, former Oscar winner, dies on date of 88th Oscars

George Kennedy, former Oscar winner, has died the day of the 88th Oscars.  Let's hope it was a coincidence.

Poison = 16+15+9+19+15+14 = 88
Dead on date of 88th Oscars

George = 7+5+6+9+7+5 = 39
Kennedy = 2+5+5+5+5+4+7 = 33
George Kennedy = 72

George = 7+5+15+18+7+5 = 57
Kennedy = 11+5+14+14+5+4+25 = 78
George Kennedy = 135

Notice he died 10-days after turning 91.

2/18/1925 = 2+18+19+25 = 64
2/18/1925 = 2+18+(1+9+2+5) = 37
2/18/1925 = 2+1+8+1+9+2+5 = 28
2/18/25 = 2+18+25 = 45

2/28/2016 = 2+28+20+16 = 66
2/28/2016 = 2+28+(2+0+1+6) = 39
2/28/2016 = 2+2+8+2+0+1+6 = 21
2/28/16 = 2+28+16 = 46 (Sacrifice)

More Mark Zuckerberg 'ISIS Threat' headlines

If we ever hear a story about ISIS offing Mark Zuckerberg, let us not forget that these headlines began on the date Zuckerberg met with the FBI to fight ISIS.

47 | Judge James Orenstein rules on 'Feds v Apple', February 29, 2016 (Apple vs Feds "by the numbers")

Another fitting headline for a fitting date.

Judge = 10+21+4+7+5 = 47
2/29/16 = 2+29+16 = 47

Making matters even more interesting, is the name of the judge.

James = 1+1+4+5+1 = 12/21
Orenstein = 6+9+5+5+1+2+5+9+5 = 47/56 (Star of David)
James Orenstein = 59/77

James = 10+1+13+5+19 = 48
Orenstein = 15+18+5+14+19+20+5+9+14 = 119 (Star of David) (All Seeing Eye)
James Orenstein = 167

Notice the name Orenstein is a Jewish name.

'77', as in 'James Orenstein', is also a number that applies to a judge and the legal system.

Court = 3+15+21+18+20 = 77

Like all news, this story is part of a contrived deception against the people.  When Obama was taking office, the telecommunication companies and government had already sold out the people, making it legal to collect everyone's data, while also protecting the constitution breakers from immunity.  Ultimately, the majority of the data that passes through your cell phone, is already collected by the government; texts, calls, etc.

47 79 119 166 187 | Middletown, Ohio shooting "hoax-drill" of February 29, 2016

This news story comes on a fitting day for an Ohio school shooting drill/hoax.

2/29/16 = 2+29+16 = 47
Ohio = 15+8+9+15 = 47

To be more specific, the shooting took place in 'Middletown, Ohio', fitting the pattern.

Middletown = 4+9+3+3+2+5+2+6+5+5 = 47

The location of the shooting, the 'lunchroom', also fits the pattern.

Lunchroom = 3+3+5+3+8+9+6+6+4 = 47
Lunchroom= 12+21+14+3+8+18+15+15+13 = 119 (Middletown)

The shooter's name is 'James Austin Hancock'.

James = 1+1+4+5+1 = 12/21
Austin = 1+3+1+2+9+5 = 21/30
Hancock = 8+1+5+3+6+3+2 = 28
James Austin Hancock = 61/79 (Murder = 79)

James = 10+1+13+5+19 = 48
Austin = 1+21+19+20+9+14 = 84
Hancock = 8+1+14+3+15+3+11 = 55
James Austin Hancock = 187 (Homicide Code)

The gematria of 'Middletown' is quite interesting, and fitting for a shooting hoax.

Middletown = 4+9+3+3+2+5+2+6+5+5 = 47
Ohio = 6+8+9+6 = 29
Middletown, Ohio = 76

Middletown = 13+9+4+4+12+5+20+15+23+14 = 119
Ohio = 15+8+9+15 = 47
Middletown, Ohio = 166

The gematria of Madison also stands out.

Madison = 4+1+4+9+1+6+5 = 30/39
Junior = 1+3+5+9+6+9 = 33
Senior = 1+5+5+9+6+9 = 35/44
High = 8+9+7+8 = 32
School = 1+3+8+6+6+3 = 27/36
Madison Junior-Senior High School = 157/175/184

Madison = 13+1+4+9+19+15+14 = 75
Junior = 10+21+14+9+15+18 = 87
Senior = 19+5+14+9+15+18 = 80
High = 8+9+7+8 = 32
School = 19+3+8+15+15+12 = 72
Madison Junior-Senior High School = 346

With regards to the county and the police spokesperson, nothing stands out.

Butler = 2+3+2+3+5+9 = 24
County = 3+6+3+5+2+7 = 26
Sheriff = 1+8+5+9+9+6+6 = 44
Butler County Sheriff = 94

Butler = 2+21+20+12+5+18 = 78
County = 3+15+21+14+20+25 = 98
Sheriff = 19+8+5+18+9+6+6 = 71
Butler County Sheriff = 247

Richard = 9+9+3+8+1+9+4 = 43
Jones = 1+6+5+5+1 = 18/27
Richard Jones = 61/70

Richard = 18+9+3+8+1+18+4 = 61
Jones = 10+15+14+5+19 = 63
Richard Jones = 124

It should be noted that today is the 60th day of the year.

Police = 16+15+12+9+3+5 = 60
February 29, 60th day of the year

In these shooting hoaxes, police drills are reported as real life tragedies.

I'm tempted to call the school to find out if a 'Zayd Ahmed' even goes there.  His name gematria and the fact that he is an 11th grader stands out.

Zayd = 8+1+7+4 = 20
Ahmed = 1+8+4+5+4 = 22
Zayd Ahmed = 42 (Freemason) (February)

Zayd = 26+1+25+4 = 56
Ahmed = 1+8+13+5+4 = 31
Zayd Ahmed = 87

The school is on a fitting road for a shooting hoax.

Alexandria = 1+3+5+6+1+5+4+9+9+1 = 44
Shooting = 1+8+6+6+2+9+5+7 = 44

The school also has a fitting name for being on the 39th Parallel.

Madison = 39
James Madison made 39 proposals that became the Bill of Rights on a date with 39 numerology,_Ohio)

33 43 | Adam Miller, injured victim in Kansas shooting hoax, February 25, 2016

Of course the man ABC interviews has a '33' name.

Miller = 4+9+3+3+5+9 = 33
Adam = 1+4+1+4 = 10
Adam Miller = 43 (2+25+16 = 43)

Cedric = 3+5+4+9+9+3 = 33
Ford = 6+15+18+4 = 43

No surprises here.

22 40 47 67 | February 29, 2016, Leap Day Numerology +Google Doodle's Leap Day Decode

Above is the "Google Doodle" for leap day, 2016.

Do you think it is a coincidence the numbered bunnies sum to 58?  This number connects to 'Freemasonry' as well as our Gregorian Calendar.

Freemasonry = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 58
Gregorian = 7+9+5+7+6+9+9+1+5 = 58
Calendar = 3+1+12+5+14+4+1+18 = 58

Let us also decode today's date numerology.

2/29/2016 = 2+29+20+16 = 67
2/29/2016 = 2+29+(2+0+1+6) = 40
2/29/2016 = 2+2+9+2+0+1+6 = 22
2/29/16 = 2+29+16 = 47

Sunday, February 28, 2016

26 44 51 71 239 | Olivia Munn at 88th Oscars jokes, "August 27, 2016, the day robots takeover"

Tonight at the Oscar's, Olivia Munn joked that August 27, 2016, will be the day robots takeover the earth.  What stands out about this day, is that it is the 239th day of the year, a number that has been of extreme focus in recent history.

8/27/2016 = 8+27+20+16 = 71
8/27/2016 = 8+27+(2+0+1+6) = 44
8/27/2016 = 8+2+7+2+0+1+6 = 26
8/27/16 = 8+27+16 = 51

August 27, 2016 is 26-weeks from today.

Lisa = 3+9+1+1 = 14/23
Olivia = 6+3+9+4+9+1 = 32/50
Munn = 4+3+5+5 = 17
Lisa Olivia Munn = 63
Olivia Munn = 49/67 (Revelation = 49/67)

Has Olivia given us a 'revelation' about the future?  That remains to be seen.  This post will serve as documentation for any potential funny business to come.

Lisa = 12+9+19+1 = 41
Olivia = 15+12+9+22+9+1 = 68
Munn = 13+21+14+14 = 62
Lisa Olivia Munn = 171
Olivia Munn = 130

7/3/1980 = 7+3+19+80 = 109
7/3/1980 = 7+3+1+9+8+0 = 28
7/3/80 = 7+3+80 = 90

33 74 | Lillard scores 33-points against Larry Bird's Pacers, February 28, 2016

From the 33rd State, to the team that Larry Bird is President of, the Indiana Pacers.  I'm pretty sure that is what Lillard's 33 points are about.

Oregon, 33rd State
Bird, wore #33
Bird = 2+9+18+4 = 33

There's also this one other connection between 'Larry' and 'Oregon'.

Larry = 12+1+18+18+25 = 74
Oregon = 15+18+5+7+15+14 = 74
Masonic = 13+1+19+15+14+9+3 = 74

42 47 84 142 | Ohio Pastor supposedly shot dead by his brother, Sunday, February 28, 2016

Another shooting story, this one quite fitting for a 'Sunday'.

First, some gematria basics.

Ohio = 15+8+9+15 = 47
Christian = 3+8+9+9+1+2+9+1+5 = 47

Pastor = 16+1+19+20+15+18 = 89
Religion = 18+5+12+9+7+9+15+14 = 89

Daniel = 4+1+5+9+5+3 = 27
Schooler = 1+3+8+6+6+3+5+9 = 41/50
Daniel Schooler = 68/77 (68-years old)

Daniel = 4+1+14+9+5+12 = 45
Schooler = 19+3+8+15+15+12+5+18 = 95
Daniel Schooler = 140

William = 5+9+3+3+9+1+4 = 34 (Murder)
Schooler = 1+3+8+6+6+3+5+9 = 41/50
William Schooler = 75/84

The name gematria of '84' ties in with 'Sunday'.

Sunday = 19+21+14+4+1+25 = 84

William = 23+9+12+12+9+1+13 = 79 (Murder)
Schooler = 19+3+8+15+15+12+5+18 = 95
William Schooler = 174 (New World Order)

St. = 1+2 = 3/12
Peters = 7+5+2+5+9+1 = 29
Missionary = 4+9+1+1+9+6+5+1+9+7 = 52/70
Baptist = 2+1+7+2+9+1+2 = 24/33
Church = 3+8+3+9+3+8 = 34
St. Peters Missionary Baptist Church = 142/151/178

The gematria of the church ties in with the fact that this is a story involving 'brothers'.

Brothers = 2+9+6+2+8+5+9+1 = 42

St. = 19+20 = 39
Peters = 16+5+20+5+18+19 = 83
Missionary = 13+9+19+19+9+15+14+1+18+25 = 142
Baptist = 2+1+16+20+9+19+20 = 87
Church = 3+8+21+18+3+8 = 61
St. Peters Missionary Baptist Church = 412

59 95 104 113 | CNN's racially divisive Oscar's headlines, 'What will Chris Rock say?' & #OscarsSoWhite

What = 5+8+1+2 = 16
will = 5+9+3+3 = 20
Chris = 3+8+9+9+1 = 30/39
Rock = 9+6+3+2 = 20
say = 1+1+7 = 9/18
What will Chris Rock Say? = 95/104/113
Chris Rock = 50/59 (Chris Rock = 104, Simple English Gematria)

Do you see the 59 and 95 coding?  59 is the number stamped all over black americans, and '113' is the number of the masons and zionists ongoing agenda.  That same gang is often called the 'New World Order'.

Black = 2+12+1+3+11 = 29
and = 1+14+4 = 19
White = 23+8+9+20+5 = 65
Black and White = 113

Christopher = 3+8+9+9+1+2+6+7+8+5+9 = 67/76 (Chris = 3+8+9+9+1 = 30/39)
Julius = 1+3+3+9+3+1 = 20/29
Rock = 9+6+3+2 = 20
Christopher Julius Rock = 107/125
Chris Rock = 50/59

Christopher = 3+8+18+9+19+20+15+16+8+5+18 = 139 (Chris = 3+8+18+9+19 = 57)
Julius = 10+21+12+9+21+19 = 92
Rock = 18+15+3+11 = 47
Christopher Julius Rock = 278
Chris Rock = 104

2/7/1965 = 2+7+19+65 = 93
2/7/1965 = 2+7+1+9+6+5 = 30
2/7/65 = 2+7+65 = 72

As Chris Rock made this remark, he talked about how actors such as DiCaprio get great roles every year.  The camera went to Leonardo in this moment, and his face looked somewhere between displeased and amused.

5 44 47 51 112 | Super Bowl 51 and the sure bet Indianapolis Colts

To date, the Colts have participated in four Super Bowls; Super Bowl 3, Super Bowl 5, Super Bowl 41 and Super Bowl 44.  I am thoroughly convinced, that by the end of the upcoming NFL season, they will have participated in 5, with number 5 being Super Bowl 51 in Houston Texas, where Andrew Luck played his high school football, and where his father played his entire NFL career for the Houston Oilers.

You can read about his father linked below:

Houston = 8+15+21+19+20+15+14 = 112

Andrew = 1+14+4+18+5+23 = 65
Luck = 12+21+3+11 = 47 (SB 51 is 47th Super Bowl of Modern Era)
Andrew Luck = 112

On that '112' theme, notice below that the first ever Super Bowl the Colts participated in, Super Bowl 3, was on the date January 12, or 1/12.  Call it coincidence.

With regards to Super Bowl 51 being the 47th Super Bowl of the modern era, it not only ties to the name 'Luck', it also ties to his father's name, 'Oliver Luck'.

Oliver = 6+3+9+4+5+9 = 36
Luck = 3+3+3+2 = 11
Oliver Luck = 47

2016 will also mark 47-years since the Colts appeared in their first Super Bowl in '69.

Again, Super Bowl 51 is being hosted by the Houston Texans.

Houston = 8+6+3+1+2+6+5 = 31
Texans = 2+5+6+1+5+1 = 20
Houston Texans = 51

Conspiracy = 3+6+5+1+7+9+9+1+3+7 = 51

Notice the Houston Logo is a five pointed star.  Again, should the Colts make it, it will be their fifth Super Bowl.

In recent history, the Colts have received special tributes while playing in Houston against the Texans.

This past season, the Colts defeated the Texans in Thursday Night Football, 27-20, for a sum of 47-points.  Again, this coming year will be the season of 47th Super Bowl of the modern era.  The Colts and Texans would play again later in the season, while Andrew Luck was out with a supposed shoulder injury.  Their games were separated by a span of 74-days, the reflection of 47.

The season prior, 2014, the Colts played at Houston on Thursday Night Football as well, October 9, 2014.  The Colts won that game 33-28, on a date with '33' numerology.

10/9/14 = 10+9+14 = 33 (Thursday Night Football 2014)
10/8/15 = 10+8+15 = 33 (Thursday Night Football 2015)

66-days later, the Colts would again defeat the Texans, December 14, 2014, 17-10.

Notice the scores and spans of days between the games.  The first Super Bowl was in the 47th season of the NFL, at the end of the 1966, or '66 season.

Also, in 2016, notice that the Colts play in Houston, 112-days before the Super Bowl (in Houston).

2/5/2017 = 2+5+20+17 = 44
2/5/2017 = 2+5+2+0+1+7 = 17
2/5/17 = 2+5+17 = 24

The Super Bowl being played on a date with '44' numerology reminds me how the former Colts and Packers head coach died Lindy Infante, on October 8, 2015, just before the Thursday Night Football game between the Texans and Colts.  There are only two states in the nation that have '44' gematria, and the football teams from those respective states have a backdoor relationship; the states are Wisconsin and Georgia, and the teams are the Packers and Falcons.

You can read about Lindy Infante's death here:

Wisconsin = 5+9+1+3+6+5+1+9+5 = 44
Georgia = 7+5+6+9+7+9+1 = 44

Also with regards to '44', the Colts did participate in Super Bowl 44, where they lost to the New Orleans Saints, a team that plays in the same division as the Atlanta Falcons.

Here's one more '44' connection.

Super Bowl 3 + Super Bowl 5 + Super Bowl 41 + Super Bowl 44 + Super Bowl 51 = 144

Forty Four = 6+15+18+20+25+6+15+21+18 = 144

More to come... girlfriend is demanding food!