Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, June 6, 2016

21 33 66 67 156 911 | Hillary Clinton clinches Democratic nomination, June 6, 2016 headlines, CNN

Today is June 6, tomorrow is June 7, the California Primary.  Both today and tomorrow have connections to women.  6/6 is a lot like 66, 6/7 is a lot like 67.

Today also has a second connection to 'woman'.

6/6/2016 = 6+6+2+0+1+6 = 21

From today, June 6, until the election, November 8, is a 156-days.

911, the 156th prime, connecting to 'thirty-three'.

And you think they're counting the votes?  My goodness.

Recall, Donald Trump 'clinched' May 26, 2016, 166-days before the election, or 23-weeks and 5-days, something like '235'.

Hillary has clinched '11-days' after Donald Trump.


  1. Well this was expected the only question is will she win because there's slot of ppl who aren't fond of her

  2. Announced on 6/6??....

    Not a good sign....

    President = 660

  3. She was the 67th Secretary of State.
    She was 67 years old when she announced she was running on 4/12/2015

    1. At first i thought she announced on 4/21, the day prince died a year later.

      However, from the date she announced 4/12/2015 - 6/6/2016 is a span of exactly 421 days. Like 4/21

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. She mentioned that her mother's birthday was the day the 19th amendment was added. I thought that was an interesting "fact" or connection with the first woman nominee. Also, I tagged you in a comment on a video I shared where a Man who goes by Outlaw Morgan claims he got an email from a source inside DHS claiming that Clinton will get 260 electoral votes and Trump will get 263 causing Congress to step in and there will be lots of civil unrest. I thought the numbers to be suspicious since the equal 523 when added.

  5. She mentioned that her mother's birthday was the day the 19th amendment was added. I thought that was an interesting "fact" or connection with the first woman nominee. Also, I tagged you in a comment on a video I shared where a Man who goes by Outlaw Morgan claims he got an email from a source inside DHS claiming that Clinton will get 260 electoral votes and Trump will get 263 causing Congress to step in and there will be lots of civil unrest. I thought the numbers to be suspicious since the equal 523 when added.


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