Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, June 6, 2016

33 68 | O.J. Simpson has new mugshot released at age 68

Simpson = 33
Race War = 33
Heisman = 33

Barack Obama = 68
OJ won Heisman in '68


  1. Thought this may help all the work I know you are about to do. ESPN keeps showing this commercial promoting a five part 30 for 30 on OJ Simpson titled Made in America which has simple english gematria of 96 which of course = freemason

    The first of the videos comes out 6/11/16

    6+11+20+1+6 = 44 or 6+11+20+16 = 53, the 53rd prime is 239 which is America's year of existence.

    From OJ's last mug shot: 7/31/2013 to his newest 6/06/2016 is a span of 1041 days or 2 years 10 months and 6 days (2-1-6)

    Hope this helped make some connections I didn't make.

  2. The word 'behind' should have been "in front of". Not sure how it fits, but I'd bet it isn't a typo.


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