Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, October 14, 2016

33 74 | The Broncos in Orange, TNF, October 13, 2016 (The uniform of the loser)

So, last night it looked good for San Diego (74) to upset the Broncos, potentially becoming 7-4 with a win over their first place division rival.  As we know they did.  And as many of us knew, the game was over as soon as Denver came out in the 'orange'.

Think about how the Browns wear 'orange'; Cleveland = 33

Also, with the Chargers wearing blue, I'm reminded of a local high school in Portland that I would have attended if I did not move.  The Benson Techmen, who wear orange and blue.  Of course I'm speaking about Portland, Oregon, in the 33rd State.

Benson = 2+5+5+1/10+6+5 = 24/33


  1. Lol speaking of Cleveland the browns look about due for a win in Tennessee this weekend to

    1. Tennessee has a 33% chance to beat Bama tomorrow and a 22% chance to win the SEC, per ESPN.

      what a joke

    2. Explain what you mean? Please don't assume we all know what that means.
      Good? Bad?

  2. @Zach here's one for you.

    The 4 teams left in baseball, combined haven't won a World Series in 227 years!.......

    1. Well after learning from Zach over a course of a few months, you start noticing numbers and different types of narratives that can possibly match up. Like I just found out when the Dodgers won it all in 88, Orel Hershiser came in game 4 or 5 can't remember of the NLCS to complete a save, just like how Kershaw came in last night for the save. 227 = Pi, circles and cycles of history.

  3. Lol speaking of Cleveland the browns look about due for a win in Tennessee this weekend to

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Did you move to Seattle during your high school years? Either way, you've always lived in the most liberal and progressive area in the whole country. The best place to be. I sat there with my friends watching the game last night, knowing who was going to win, and I thought "how can we not take advantage of this rigging knowledge." We're of a very small handful of people who know about this, gotta take advantage before pro sports collapse for good.

    1. Got to go after the $ jayhawk. Thats how you hurt them and at the same time raising funds for our cause. First the sports books then the stock market then revolution. It takes alot or money to fund what needs to be done

    2. Jayhawk - Fuck the money ? Lets not be crazy now. Gotta go after the money man. All yall doing is talking on a blog, but you start accurately predicting eventd people will listen

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. yes and no. fuck the money cause it's the incorrect motivating factor for spreading knowledge. however, money is what people respond to so yes, accurate predictions will raise awareness by default. don't get me wrong - I have a betting account as well! however, money has not been my motivation, ever.

      good friends, good times, good food. that's the good life.

    5. Jayhawk, I definitely hear you out. We shouldn't put all of our focus upon sports in anyway, but it's a great way to transcend the work a day world and commit more of our time to truth seeking and speaking. I think there's great potential to really cash in here, which is far better than slaving and then having them steal 20% of your hard earned money. Of course the betting wins are taxed too, but it's still better than busting your balls for it. Another thing, Bowling, I totally agree.. People will start listening when you start making money, because that's what motivates most people sadly.

    6. @jayhawk anonymous - Amen, Brother!

    7. Money isn't necessary for the revolution, but it can help. Thanks for the words Jayhawk.

  6. Watching sports center preview of tenn vs alabama. Said tenn had a 33% chance to win. And a 22% chance to win the sec

    1. So what u think about that ? Think they will beat Alabama ?

    2. Im not sure. I know tenn wear orange jerseys and we saw how that goes last night with the broncos

    3. It is usually the solid orange that spells doom. If Tennessee comes out in their whites or greys, they will have a pretty good shot at the upset. The whole Tennessee run has felt like a betting trap for this particular game anyway.

      As far as the all orange history, you can look at the Broncos Superbowl record, they have always won in white.

    4. Saban is 21-6 against Top 10 teams. Is that a good sign or a bad sign? Tennessee is a 14 point underdog.

      Also, the Denver loss sets up a trap game in Seattle with Atlanta on the way. Sure, they beat Denver, but so did San Diego, no way they beat Seattle. I think they do.

    5. I think they lose to Seattle. Public perception has Atlanta as world beaters. 9x out of 10 when the Public is on a road underdog, it spells trouble for the public.

    6. Wildfire - especially with Seahawks being favored by a huge margin against a 1 loss team. If anything it should have been a pickem. That would have made a 50/50 public betting scenario. But 6 points for a 1 loss team is basically daring you to take Atlanta

    7. Lord of Allusion - I notice that after the Broncos lost last night the percent of public taking the Seahawks rose

    8. Yep. Their basically saying this is a pickem game if it were to be played in Atlanta.

  7. When someone mentioned Denver was wearing orange, at the start of the game, I dumped my whole betting account (wasn't much) into the Chargers.

    Really, that was stealing money.

    1. that's how I was with the Dodgers at the end of the 6th.

      awesome odds

    2. What site did you go to ? To bet...

    3. That was me Matthew. It was the same for me, I knew instantly. However, Zach pointed out a long time ago that all orange loses. I just regurgitated that info.

  8. I wonder, with the potential Navy tribute last night to being 240 years old - are we being primed for a 2-4/4-2 ritual this week instead of the 3-3 ritual we've all had our eyes on for a couple weeks?

    1. week 4 Thursday night football set the 22-7 score of Pi and sent the Dolphins to 1-3 for the start of the 1-3, 13 ritual that week.

      Bengals won with 22 to progress to 2-2

    2. I think thats what Jeremy White is expecting

    3. I expect 42 to be powerful this Sunday. It's not going to be good for black coaches and QBs, I think.

    4. Smart guy for catching that, the football god will reward your good eye.

    5. Matthew if that's the case, I sure can't wait for this 49er bills game. Both black QBs, someone's getting their head knocked off, possibly Kap since he started it all?

    6. I keep waiting for Kap to go off, one of those power of the people things.

    7. The navy vs e Carolina was postponed due to flooding of Hurricane Matthew

  9. Antonio Brown is going to be wearing cleats with Kimbo Slice on one cleat and on the other Jose Fernandez with the number 16

  10. No Gematria backing to this statement, just a thought....I've been thinking Kaepernick (sp) will light it up for a while, a game or 2...become the focus/lightning rod even more, then 'something' happening on the field to 'light up the divisive race narrative'. Let's see the #'s as they 'reveal' the script. Thanks to all.

    1. I agree. The league will want him to do well and carry this drama to the front line. So I also see a surprisingly good game from Kaep and leaning towards the upset in Buffalo.

  11. I keep seeing numbers 33,13,24,42 what's going down on SNF? This site expands my thinking in so many ways it's beautiful. Zach can you please make a article for SNF?

  12. ZACH, I made a big find in the Giants Vikings NFC narrative yesterday. There was a Pespsi commercial that released during the Monday night game on 10/3 that featured Odell Beckham. It is called "CHECKERS". I investigated and it is coded to the MAX with Championship and OBJ gematria.

    Check it out:

  13. This Sunday is the 21st anniversary of the "Million Man March". I think it may be connected to the Redskins playing at home in DC. Or Colin Kapaernick getting his first start of the season. Louis Farrakhan is a supporter of Colin Kapaernick. What do you guys think?

  14. Hey Zachary have you been keeping up with the WNBA finals ?

  15. ...Bama leads series 52-37-8 in 99 meetings

  16. For future reference:

    University of Southern Mississippi E/R=163 w 's'exception 217

    Note to self: Stay away from breaking down all Mississippi Schools in the future!

    1. Can't tell, I've been looking @ LSU/S.Miss for tomorrow. I was sharing for everyone to be alert and careful when you do your #'s with the 's' exception. And the word University of Southern Mississippi had a lot of them. Nothing more


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