Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, October 6, 2016

45 | 'It's a monster', Hurricane Matthew headlines, 33-days before the 45th Presidential election, October 6, 2016

This headline is a tribute to Rick Scott, the 45th Governor of Florida, and likely, the 45th Presidential election, which is 33-days away.  Again, the qualifying wind speeds for a Hurricane are 33 m /s.

The name 'Matthew' reminds of the first book of the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

The New Testament is 27 books, and the 27th book is Revelation, the book of prophecy and destruction.

Prophecy = 52/106 (10/6/2016 = 10+6+20+16 = 52)


  1. "Superstorm Sandy" as the media dubbed it was the pregame party for the 2012 election, if you recall. It landed in Fatso Chris Christie land on 10/29/12.

    Superstorm Sandy = 227 and 74 (74 also connecting to 74mph)
    Superstorm Sandy = 83 (Election)

    10/29, when Christie kissed Obama's ass for federal aide came 8 days before the 11/6 election.

    10 + 29 + 2+0+1+2 = 44 (election resulted in remaining 44th President)
    Eight Days = 44

    Also one hell of a piece of predictive programming for Sandy Hook.

    Superstorm Sandy officially became a tropical storm on 10/22, and made NJ/Northeastern landfall on 10/29.

    From 10/22/12 - 12/14/12 was 7 weeks 4 days, and also 1 month 22 days (74, 122)

    From 10/29/12 - 12/14/12 was 46 days (Sacrifice), 6wk 4dys (Israel, Zion, Thelema, Do what thou wilt), 1mth 15dys (Freemasons), and 1104 hours (411 Assassin, 11*4 44 Kill)


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