Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Just turned on the TNF game for the first time... 7:07 PM, October 6, 2016

I didn't mean to turn the TV on at 7:07, but that's when I did.  I'm on the west coast, PST.

Anyhow, what was on the screen, was a Fried Twinkies commercial, which apparently you can buy at Wal-Mart, the store paid for with your tax dollars (that's why the prices are low).  Right after that, was "thriller / scare" music with a camera coming up behind a blond woman with a nice figure.  Then, it shows a hand grab her hair hard from behind before the camera changes angle and she is being dragged by her feet, with her belly down, through a doorway and out of the lit room.

Anyway, this is the shit we see, day after day, on the tube.


  1. Lol!

    I'm watching Red Sox-Indians and there was a good 30 seconds of silence. Out of nowhere, the commentators go "This guy was a 33rd round draft pick". Next pitch he strikes out, and the inning ends lol.

    1. I love how often things that like that happen in sports.

  2. Just turned on the TV to see a sloppy jew lol

  3. I am waiting for the movie "when Goy attacks" followed by "Jew's get Goyed" ..

    1. You'll be the director brother, after the real Holocaust. Then from that day on, we'll make movies about how HEROIC it was to wipe the plague from the planet. Our film studios will be in HEROWOOD.

  4. 'Killer Gentiles III' is a classic.
    Ends with 6m dead 🔯 and plenty of guilt.

    'Great Goy Massacre' is solid. Ends with 6m dead 🔯 and plenty of fear.

  5. Anybody notice today's date??


    Sixth of October twenty sixteen and backwards

  6. So basically it was an advert describing a scene played out every 15 minutes in America, where one of the 36000 white women (per year) is violently sexually assaulted or raped by blacks according to the

  7. anyone else likes TX in the early game tomorrow? public money is 50-50 so far.

    1. i like texas but i wish zach would decode some of the games

  8. 10 = 10
    7= 7
    2016 = 2 + 1+ 0+ 6 = 9
    10 + 7+ 9 = 26

    8, 53, 26, 33

    10/7/2016 = 1+0+7+2+0+1+6 = 17 (1+7=8)

    10/7/2016 = 10+7+20+16 = 53(50 = 5+2 = 8)

    check out the start times for tomorrow mlb games: 1:08, 5:38, 4:38, 9:15

  9. The storm was to hit us the 6/7th=13
    There's that number again Zack

    1. Not that any of this is planned, 'aahem' (clearing my throat), but in case it was.

      Date between hurricane u.s. mainland direct hit and election day is 33 days.

      If it hit on the 6th, 33 days until election day not including end date, Or if you say it technically hit on the 7th, it would be 33 days including election day.

      I know there is information that came out since 2013, talking about the U.S. using man - made weather events in Vietnam to double the number of rain events on Ho Chi Minh Trail. Hurricanes are no exception.

      Is this all a grind on Jeb Bush? Lol.
      Or just a countdown until E-DAY?

    2. I mean that rain making technology, that is well-documented technology would be 45 to 50 years old. We can make it rain on the fuckin moon in 2016!

    3. Fat Joe released Make It Rain on 10-31-06, 9 years, 11 months, 1 week from today.


    4. Which was, coincidentally, 61 weeks and 1 day since the Levees broke in New Orleans, 8-29-05.



    5. Fat Joe featuring Lil Wayne, reppin Nawlins and Florida.

      Make it Rain on them bitches...

  10. "fat slob andrew" in the English Ordinal system equals 140
    "twinkie eater" in the English Ordinal system equals 140

  11. Hey Zach i been following your long term evaluations on path to SB LI and it seems like Vikings can be 5-0 going into the Colts game possibly being defeated by them falling to 5-1 = SB 51

    1. Zach can you please look into McGregor Vs Alvarez. There is a lot of coding in Alvarez's birthdate to NY. His birthday is on 1/11. The span of days from his last loss to this fight in 11/12 is exactly 111 weeks. New York=111

    2. thats wrong it will be the 14th game for vikings,unless they have alot of ties


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