Friday, November 2, 2018

19 26 49 50 60 86 | 49ers cheerleader becomes the first NFL non-player to take a knee, Novemebr 1, 2018

A 49er cheerleader has become the first NFL cheerleader to take a knee, like Colin Kaepernick, once the 49ers QB, became the first NFL player to take a knee.

America = 49
Washington = 49
Scottish = 49
NFL = 49
Super Bowl = 49 

This protest came in the first game of Week 9.

The 49ers started their new QB, Nick, #4, for the first time . #4, Week 9

Nick = 19 / 26; Flag = 19 / 26

Also, 'Week Nine' connects to 'National'.  Week Nine = 86; National = 86 

The date of this protest had the right numerology as well.

11/1/2018 = 11+1+20+18 = 50
San Francisco = 50
America = 50
Washington = 50 
Super Bowl = 50

The protests began in San Francisco, after the hosting of Super Bowl 50, in the following preseason. 

Also interesting, November 1 leaves 60-days left in the year.

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