Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

22 404 8888 | The Book of Revelation Numerology and the Three Plane Crashes of 2014

Revelation is of 404 verses, and 22 Chapters.
  • 404x22 = 8888
Recall that the sum of the three major plane crashes this year summed to 8888.  These crashes had much to do with Bible prophecy, from Genesis to Revelation.  Genesis is the first of the 39-Books making up the Old Testament, as referenced above.  Revelation is the last of the 27-Books of the New Testament.

The signs are becoming more clear.

Let us also examine the site of the Super Bowl, and how it corresponds with Revelation.

The Book of Revelation is of 22 Chapters.  Perhaps this is just a coincidence, or perhaps not.
  • Site of Super Bowl 49 
  • Revelation = 9+5+4+5+3+1+2+9+6+5 = 49

88 | Shannon Zwanziger, Programming for Flu Vaccines

Remember that the words 'poison' and 'program' sum to 88 in Simple English Gematria.
  • Program = 16+18+15+7+18+1+13 = 88
  • Poison = 16+15+9+19+15+14 = 88
Let us now examine the name Shannon Zwanziger in Pythagorean English Gematria.
  • Shannon = 1+8+1+5+5+6+5 = 31
  • Zwanziger = 8+5+1+5+8+9+7+5+9 = 57
  • Shannon Zwanziger = 88
Let us also decode the headline above.
  • She = 1+8+5 = 14
  • Passed = 7+1+1+1+5+4 = 19
  • Away = 1+5+1+7 = 14
  • In = 9+5 = 14
  • My = 4+7 = 11
  • Arms = 1+9+4+1 = 15
  • She passed away in my arms = 14+19+14+14+11+15 = 87 = 8+7 = 15 = 1+5 = 6
Notice the girl was 17-years old.
  • Kill = 2+9+3+3 = 17

35 66 | Shanghai, China New Year's Stampede Reporting, Decoding the Hoax

Notice the emphasis on 35 in the reporting, from the estimated number injured, to the time it happened at, 11:35.  Notice that 35 can represent 5-5-5 or 3x5... 5+5+5 = 15 and 3x5 = 15...
  • New = 5+5+5
  • We are entering the new '15 year...
China has Simple English Gematria of 35.
  • China = 3+8+9+14+1 = 35
  • *Shanghai = 19+8+1+14+7+8+1+9 = 67
Also notice the reporting of '42 people were injured', from the same article with the headline of '35'.  The word 'new' has a Simple English Gematria of 42.
  • New = 14+5+23 = 42
Hoax reporting?  I think so.
  • Shanghai = 1+8+1+5+7+8+1+9 = 40
  • China = 3+8+9+5+1 = 26
  • Shanghai, China = 66
This is much like the word 'happy'.
  • Happy = 8+1+16+16+25 = 66
  • New = 14+5+23 = 42
  • Year = 25+5+1+18 = 49
    • Happy New Year = 8+1+7+7+7+5+5+5+7+5+1+9 = 67

23 33 49 121 | The Death of 4-Year Old Jayden Morrison

On The Blackhild's YouTube video titled Black Masonic, I saw the above story about the death of 4-year old Jayden Morrison.  Take the time to watch the video and see just how curious it is for yourself.  With that said, let us also decode the key names.

  • Jayden = 1+1+7+4+5+5 = 23
  • Morrison = 4+6+9+9+9+1+6+5 = 49
  • Jayden Morrison = 72
  • Jayden = 10+1+25+4+5+14 = 59
  • Morrison = 13+15+18+18+9+19+15+14 = 121
    • 49 and 121 are the numbers of Revelation
    • Revelation = 18+5+22+5+12+1+20+9+15+14 = 121
    • Revelation = 9+5+4+5+3+1+2+9+6+5 = 49
This took place in Horry County.
  • Horry = 8+6+9+9+7 = 39
  • Horry = 8+15+18+18+25 = 84
These numbers have much to do with Arizona, the site of Super Bowl 49.
  • Arizona = 1+9+9+8+6+5+1 = 39
  • Arizona = 1+18+9+26+15+14+1 = 84
Now let us examine the names of the corner, Robert Edge, and police officer spokesperson, Raul Denis, with one 'n'.
  • Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
  • Edge = 5+4+7+5 = 21
  • Robert Edge = 54
  • Robert = 18+15+2+5+18+20 = 78
  • Edge = 5+4+7+5 = 21
  • Robert Edge = 99
  • Raul = 9+1+3+3 = 16
  • Denis = 4+5+5+9+10 = 33
  • Raul Denis = 49
  • Raul = 18+1+21+12 = 52
  • Denis = 4+5+14+9+19 = 51
  • Raul Denis = 103
The Blackchild's video, the one I am referring to for this post, is as follows:

'Soul Destroying' Headlines

These people who carry out these hoaxes are real assholes.
  • Soul = 19+15+21+12 = 67
  • Destroying = 4+5+19+20+18+15+25+9+14+7 = 136
  • Soul Destroying = 203
  • Soul = 1+6+3+3 = 13
  • Destroying = 4+5+1+2+9+6+7+9+5+7 = 55
  • Soul Destroying = 68
If you haven't seen the footage, the mainstream media has given us images of a rescue of a blowup doll, and some floating orange life preservers thus far.  Truly... soul destroying.  You know what is soul destroying?  Living in a world of lies that grow each day.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

33 49 | The Ezell Ford Shooting of August 11, 2014

Notice the death occurred on August 11, 2014, the day Robbin Williams was found dead.
  • 8/11/14 = 8+11+14 = 33
  • LAPD = 12+1+16+4 = 33
  • Police = 7+6+3+9+3+5 = 33
The name Ezell Ford also has connections to Michael Brown, let us examine.
  • Ezell = 5+8+5+3+3 = 24
  • Ford = 6+6+9+4 = 25
  • Ezell Ford = 49

The name Michael comes from Revelation, the final book of the Bible.  The decision for no indictment against the shooter was made on a date with a numerology of 49, 96-days after the deliberation period began.
  • Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
  • Revelation = 9+5+4+5+3+1+2+9+6+5 = 49
  • 11/24/14 = 11+24+14 = 49

33 51 | The Death of Christine Cavanaugh

First, notice the CC, or 33 initials.
  • Christine = 3+8+9+9+1+2+9+5+5 = 51
  • Cavanaugh = 3+1+4+1+5+1+3+7+8 = 33
  • Christine Cavanaugh = 84
  • 12/22/14 = 12+22+14 = 48
Christine was born August 16, 1963.

33 66 | Otto Hahn, Enrico Fermi, Lise Meitner and the Roots of Nuclear Weapons/Energy

First, let us notice the year '66.

Let us decode the name Enrico Fermi, it has significant Gematria.
  • Enrico = 5+5+9+9+3+6 = 37
  • Fermi = 6+5+9+4+9 = 33
  • Enrico Fermi = 70
  • Enrico = 5+14+18+9+3+15 = 64
  • Fermi = 6+5+18+13+9 = 51
  • Enrico Fermi = 115

Also, Otto Hahn.
  • Otto = 6+2+2+6 = 16
  • Hahn = 8+1+8+5 = 22
  • Otto Hahn = 6+2+2+6+8+1+8+5 = 38
  • Otto = 15+20+20+15 = 70
  • Hahn = 8+1+8+14 = 31
  • Otto Hahn = 101
Let us also decode Lise Meitner.
  • Lise = 3+9+10+5 = 27
  • Meitner = 4+5+9+2+5+5+9 = 39
  • Lise Meitner = 66
  • Lise = 12+9+19+5 = 45
  • Meitner = 13+5+9+20+14+5+18 = 84
  • Lise Meitner = 129
Also, Nobel Prize.
  • Nobel = 5+6+2+5+3 = 21
  • Prize = 7+9+9+8+5 = 38
  • Nobel Prize = 59
  • Nobel = 14+15+2+5+12 = 48
  • Prize = 16+18+9+26+5 = 74
  • Nobel Prize = 122

66 | Oscar Riedner

Oscar Riedner, the man who sketched the Lombardi Trophy...
  • Oscar = 6+1+3+1+9 = 20 
  • Riedner = 9+9+5+4+5+5+9 = 46 
  • Oscar Riedner = 66
If you follow this blog, I don't need to write anymore.
America's Game.
  • America = 1+4+5+9+9+3+1 = 32

33 | Terabyte

Terabyte = 2+5+9+1+2+7+2+5 = 33
Terabyte = 20+5+18+1+2+25+20+5 = 96

The "Demon Core" Deaths and Nuclear Energy History

This morning I noticed the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant, formerly of Oregon, was demolished on May 21, 2006.  In turn, I wanted to see if May 21st had any relevance to the development of nuclear technology.  This is what I found... please notice key numerology as you read this information.

All of this information is provided from Wikipedia:
  • Demon = 4+5+4+6+5 = 24
  • Core = 3+6+9+5 = 23
  • Demon Core = 47
  • Demon = 4+5+13+15+14 = 51
  • Core = 3+15+18+5 = 41
  • Demon Core = 92
Let us also decode 'Los Alamos'.
  • Los Alamos = 3+6+1+1+3+1+4+6+1 = 26
  • Los Alamos = 3+6+10+1+3+1+4+6+10 = 44
  • Los Alamos = 12+15+19+1+12+1+13+15+19 = 107

  • 8/21/1945 = 8+2+1+1+9+4+5 = 30
  • 8/21/45 = 8+21+45 = 74
  • Harry = 8+1+9+9+7 = 34
  • Daghlian = 4+1+7+8+3+9+1+5 = 38
  • Harry Daghlian = 72
  • Harry = 8+1+18+18+25 = 70
  • Daghlian = 4+1+7+8+12+9+1+14 = 56
  • Harry Daghlian = 126

Notice that this incident happened on the same day in history the Trojan Plant was demolished.
  •  5/21/1946 = 5+2+1+1+9+4+6 = 28
  • 5/21/46 = 5+21+46 = 72
  • Louis = 3+6+3+9+1 = 22
  • Slotin = 1+3+6+2+9+5 = 26
  • Louis Slotin = 48
  • Louis = 12+15+21+9+19 = 76
  • Slotin = 19+12+15+20+9+14 = 89
  • Louis Slotin = 165
Notice that both events happened on the 21st day of the month.

Flight QZ8501 Found, No Video Yet?

I am surprised there is no video footage yet... or am I?

42 55 113 | Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioned

The history of nuclear energy is a history of Numerology and Gematria.  Notice this plant opened on 11/30, emphasis on the '113', 42-years earlier.   Where have we seen these numbers?
  • 11/30/1972 = 1+1+3+0+1+9+7+2 = 24
  • 11/30/72 = 11+30+72 = 113
    • 11/30 = 11+30 = 41
    • USA = 21+19+1 = 41
The plant was decommissioned today.
  • 12/29/2014 = 1+2+2+9+2+0+1+4 = 21
  • 12/29/14 = 12+29+14 = 55
    • 12/29 = 12+29 = 41
    • 21+19+1 = 41

Vermont = 4+5+9+4+6+5+2 = 35
Yankee = 7+1+5+2+5+5 = 25
Nuclear = 5+3+3+3+5+1+9 = 29
Power = 7+6+5+5+9 = 32
Plant = 7+3+1+5+2 = 18
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant = 35+25+29+32+18 = 139

Vermont is the 14th State, the first outside of the 13 Colonies

Monday, December 29, 2014

66 | NFL

The NFL had its first Super Bowl during its 47th season, the '66 Season.


The Church of Satan was established in '66 in San Francisco.  San Francisco is home of the NFL team, '49ers'.  They joined the professional football league in 1949, but were established three years earlier, in 1946.

Anyhow, on the religion angle, the Bible is of 66-Books and ends with 'Revelation', a word involving '49' Gematria.

  • Revelation = 9+5+4+5+3+1+2+9+6+5 = 49

33 39 93 | Malaysian Airline System and AirAsia Curiosities, Thelema's 93 is Present

Notice above that the MAS logo looks very much like a 33.  The acronym MAS also sums to "33" in Simple English Gematria.
  • MAS = 13+1+19 = 33
  • Sam = 19+1+13 = 33
The airline was founded 5/1/1946 or 5/1/46.
  • 5/1/1946 = 5+1+1+9+4+6 = 26
  • 5/1/46 = 52 
Operations commenced on 1/10/72.
  • 1+10+72 = 83 = 11
The airline hubs out of Kuala Lumpur.
  • Kuala = 2+3+1+3+1 = 10
  • Lumpur = 3+3+4+7+3+9 = 29
  • Kuala Lumpur = 39
Now, let us examine the connections between AirAsia, which also hubs out of Kuala Lumpur.

Notice that AirAsia was founded in the year '93, a number central to where it hubs as well as Malaysian Airline Systems.  The date it commenced operations is also curious, because November 18 is the 322 day of the year, a number central to world history as well Yale's Skull and Bones.
  • Think of Flight 93, of 33 Passengers
  • Think of the '93 WTC Bombings...
Further, notice that it began on the 322 day of the year in the year '96.
  • Freemason = 96
  • Satanism = 96
When we think of Satan and Satanism, we often think of the number 666.  On the roulette wheel, there are 36 numbered spaces, with the highest number being 36.  If you sum all of the numbers, they sum to 666.  Think of the relationship between 36 and 666.
  • 11/18/1996 = 1+1+1+8+1+9+9+6 = 36
Bonus notes...
  • Airlines = 1+9+9+3+9+5+5+1 = 42 = 6
  • Airways = 1+9+9+5+1+7+1 = 33 = 6
  • Luggage = 3+3+7+7+1+7+5 = 33 = 6
  • Travel = 2+9+1+4/18+5+3 = 24/42 = 6
  • Vacation = 4+1+3+1+2+9+6+5 = 31 = 4
    • 31-33 are the Foundational Degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry
    • Think of vacation, being the foundation

33 | Bed-Stuy, the Perfect Location for a Shooting Hoax

Bedford-Stuyvesant is often referred to as Bed-Stuy, and has been a popular location on television due to the recent shooting.  Notice the population of "153",000.  What do we know about the number 153?  Think Vesica Piscis.
  • Bed = 2+5+4 = 11
  • Stuy = 10+2+3+7 = 22
  • Bed-Stuy = 2+5+4+10+2+3+7 = 33
  • Newtown = 5+5+5+2+6+5+5 = 33
Let us also decode the name Bedford-Stuyvesant.
  • Bedford = 2+5+4+6+6+9+4 = 36
  • Stuyvesant = 1+2+3+7+4+5+1+1+5+2 = 31
  • Bedford-Stuyvesant = 67
Please watch this related video:

21 55 | Today's Date Numerology

Today is Monday, December 29, 2014.
  • 12/29/14 = 12+29+14 = 55
  • 12/29/2014 = 1+2+2+9+2+0+1+4 = 21

33 | Los Angles and Florida Police Shooting Hoaxes of 12/28/14

Notice the two officer names mentioned, and notice that they both work for the LAPD.  The officer names are Lillian Carranza and Megan Aguilar, both women.
  • Lillian = 3+9+3+3+9+1+5 = 33
  • Carranza = 3+1+9+9+1+5+8+1 = 37
    • Lillian Carranza 70
  • Megan = 4+5+7+1+5 = 22
  • Aguilar = 1+7+3+9+3+1+9 = 33
    • Megan Aguilar = 55
Again, these officers work for the LAPD.
  • LAPD = 12+1+16+4 = 33
  • Police = 7+6+3+9+3+5 = 33
  • Detective = 4+5+2+5+3+2+9+4+5 = 39
  • Officer = 6+6+6+9+3+5+9 = 44
With regards to the 'Florida Police' shooting, we're not even given the names of any officers, but we are told Crime Stoppers is offering a reward.  Recall that Florida had a recent reported police shooting the day after the NYPD officers were supposedly shot.
  • California = 3+1+12+9+6+15+18+14+9+1 = 88
  • Florida = 6+12+15+18+9+4+1 = 65