Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 17, 2016

33 34 44 54 79 144 | 44-Yaer Old Police Officer killed in Utah, January 17, 2016

Another dead 44-year old officer, what do you know?

Police = 7+6+3+9+3+5 = 33
Officer = 6+6+6+9+3+5+9 = 44
Police Officer = 77

Douglas = 4+6+3+7+3+1+1 = 25/34 (Murder)
Barney = 2+1+9+5+5+7 = 29
Douglas Barney = 54/63

Douglas = 4+15+21+7+12+1+19 = 79 (Murder)
Barney = 2+1+18+14+5+25 = 65
Douglas Barney = 144

Forty-Four = 144
44 and 144 are numbers of assassination

Notice also the numerology of the date of the killing, corresponding with 'Murder' and 'Douglas'.

1/17/2016 = 1+17+20+16 = 54 (Douglas Barney)
1/17/2016 = 1+17+(2+0+1+6) = 27
1/17/2016 = 1+1+7+2+0+1+6 = 18 (6+6+6)
1/17/16 = 1+17+16 = 34 (Murder)

The other officer involved was 51-year old Jon Richey.

Jon = 1+6+5 = 12
Richey = 9+9+3+8+5+7 = 41
Jon Richey = 53

Jon = 10+15+24 = 39
Richey = 18+9+3+8+5+25 = 68
Jon Richey = 107

Notice the name of the shooter, Cory Henderson, 31-years old.

Cory = 3+6+9+7 = 25
Henderson = 8+5+5+4+5+9+1+6+5 = 48/57
Cory Henderson = 63/72 (Douglas Barney = 63)

Cory = 3+15+18+25 = 61
Henderson = 8+5+14+4+5+18+19+15+14 = 102
Cory Henderson = 163

Also notice the name of the Police spokesperson, Lt. Lex Bell.

Lt. Lex Bell = 3+2+3+5+6+2+5+3+3 = 32
Lt. Lex Bell = 12+20+12+5+24+2+5+12+12 = 104


  1. Oh Zach also when Number 33 fumbled the ball the Camera panned over to Manning and he took of his big Coat as he was doing this the announcer said "Peyton takes off his cape"

    Of course all scripted which led to the touchdown and all that numerology. Peyton was batman.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. *just realized I posted this comment to the wrong tab. (had too many tabs open at once lol)


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