Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 17, 2016

87 | Clinton and Sanders Spar, January 17, 2016, Democratic Debate Headlines



    An interesting story coming out of New York, it fits with the whole 69 thing going on right now, which is in almost absolutely everything right now. I haven't gotten too into the decoding yet, but right off the bat I spotted the 23s. 23 years since a homicide in that city, one victim from BC.

    How does it get us to 69? Basic Lucifierian stuff. 23 chromosomes per parent, but there is a belief that a third line has been implanted on some, a devil gene or nanotech or transhumanism, whatever the means, making the new evolved super human a 69 chromosome individual. Spooky.

    So we got Cancer, we got Bears, we got weird love triangle murders, 69 chromosomes, up is down, the Agenda seems to be pushing for a real flip in reality. Movies become life, life becomes movies....

    1. Being called a Terrible Tragedy---1014, ***169****

  2. I was just thinking about this last night. It reminds me of the pole shift hypothesis that was hot back around 2012, as if instead of Planet X or some shit it's an artificially induced inversion of reality being manufactured to meddle with the energy and natural harmonics.

    Cataclysmic Pole Shift Hypothesis =138/156

    1. Ever seen In the Mouth of Madness by John Carpenter??

    2. John Carpenter is my jam, buddy! Been a while since I've seen that one but The Thing is one of my all-time favs - Lovecraft and the Ancient Ones released back unto our plane.

      Look at this: ANCIENT ONES =47/119. Star of David =47/119. The interdimensional monstrosity behind the Zionists eh, parasites infecting the world with their insanity.

    3. Haha! I fell asleep wstching The Thing last night. Poor dogs. Love Carpenter and have always wanted to decode him. Probably should.

    4. Nice! I just refreshed myself on the plot of Mouth of Madness and the spooky village it takes place in is HOBB'S END =33/69. Twilight Zone =69. Bermuda Triangle =69. Hoia Baciu =69 (which is known as the Romanian Bermuda Triangle). Perfect coding.


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