Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, May 24, 2014

33 44 | THE UC Santa Barbara Shooting Hoax, Robert Johnson and Sheriff Bill Brown

If you're watching CNN and other mainstream reporting on the UC Santa Barbara shooting, you've likely seen interviews with witness Robert Johnson, and Sheriff Bill Brown, who have been the lead sources of information on this incident thus far.  Both of these men happen to have 'master numerology'.
  • Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
  • Johnson = 1+6+8+5+1+6+5 = 32
  • Sheriff = 1+8+5+9+9+6+6 = 44
  • Bill Brown = 2+9+3+3+2+9+6+5+544
  • Police = 7+6+3+9+3+5 = 33
The shooter is reported as Elliot Rodger, 22-years old.  It should be noted that 22 is the 'master number'.
  • Master = 1+1+4+2+5+9 = 22
The name Elliot Rodger is also quite coded.
  • Elliot = 5+3+3+9+6+2 = 28
  • Rodger = 9+6+4+7+5+9 = 40
From that name we can gather 33, 47 and 96.  From those numbers, we can create the three word phrase that seems to rule the day; "People obey Satanism."
  • People = 7+5+6+7+3+5 = 33
  • Obey = 15+2+5+25 = 47
  • Satanism = 19+1+20+1+14+9+19+13 = 96
The point is, these numbers represent these words and more.  As I've said before on this blog, time and time again, it is as if we are being forced to live out a predetermined narrative, much like an epic, and stories like this, as well as Sandy Hook, September 11, the World Wars and much more are part of this narrative of tragedy.  The word Epic, is also a word with '33 numerology'.
  • Epic = 5+16+9+3 = 33
If you're saying, "But this epic is lame", so am I.  That is why I want to expose the narrative, and end the madness that is being waged against us.

Update:  The Victims of the USBC Shooting Hoax, Name Numerology


  1. I'm confused. How does Elliot add up to 28? You coded T as 2 instead of 17 (8). Elliot should be 34, should it not?

    1. Hi Sami, T is the twentieth letter so 20 reduces to 2 because 2+0 (the digits in 20) = 2.


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