Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, May 8, 2014

33 Watch | Ha Ha Clinton, 21st Pick Overall by Green Bay Packers

Ha Ha Clinton, #6 (33 = 3+3 = 6)

Ha Ha Clinton was the 21st pick overall of the 2014 NFL Draft, by the Green Bay Packers.  What struck me curious, was his first name "Ha Ha", but then the '33 last name' of Clinton-Dix.
  • Clinton = 3+3+9+5+2+6+5 = 33
  • Dix = 4+9+6 = 19
My buddy and I were flipping between the Blazer Spurs game and the draft when we saw this.  We both thought, "Ha Ha"?  I instantly said, let's check his birthday, I bet it is suspicious.  Sure enough, it was.  Before I show it, here's a hint:  It came out the same day and month as Disney's first animated film, the classic, Snow White.  That date is 12/21, or December 21.  Notice that 12+21 = 33.
  • Ha Ha Clinton was born December 21, 1992
  • 1992 = 1+9+9+2 = 21
  • 12/21/1992 = 12/21/21, reduces to 3/3/3 in numerology (1+2 = 3, 2+1 = 3)
  • Notice the 21s
  • 12/21 = 12+21 = 33
Ha Ha Clinton was taken 21st overall by the Green Bay Packers.

My point is this.  Is the Illuminati farming athletes, and giving them absurd '33 names'?  Personally, I think they are, from Tony Parker, to Kobe Bryant to Robinson Cano, to Michael Jordan to Larry Bird to Reggie Miller and many, many more..
  • Kobe = 11+15+2+5 = 33
  • Magic = 13+1+7+9+3 = 33
  • Cano = 3+1+14+15 = 33
  • Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
  • Parker = 7+1+9+2+5+9 = 33
  • Bird = 2+9+18+4 = 33
  • Miller = 4+9+3+3+5+9 = 33
  • Dirk = 4+9+9+11 = 33
  • Even Baby Jordan
  • Minor = 4+9+5+6+9 = 33
  • Many more...
  • DeAndre = 4+5+1+5+4+9+5 = 33
  • Just like Michael Jordan...
  • Seriously, many more...
O'Neal = 47, Ernie = 33, Kenny = 33, Barkley = 74
For you NBA fans, think of the TNT NBA crew, Ernie and Kenny on Turner Network Television, with Barkley and O'Neal also present and often bickering.  These guys have some numerology... check it out.
  • Ernie = 5+9+5+9+5 = 33
  • Kenny = 11+5+5+5+7 = 33
  • Barkley = 2+1+18+11+12+5+25 = 74
  • O'Neal = 15+14+5+1+12 = 47
  • 47 vs 74
  • Turner = 2+3+9+5+5+9 = 33
Of course, TNT is courtesy of Robert 'Ted' Turner III, born November 19, 1938.
  • 11/19/1938 = 1+1+1+9+1+9+3+8 = 33
  • Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
  • Turner = 2+3+9+5+5+9 = 33
This is the sequel to the RATM song, this is Know Your Owners.

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