Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, May 1, 2014

47 | Christian Propaganda Out of China

Today it is reported a 4.7 million dollar church was demolished in China, in an act that is being perceived as a move against Christianity.  Please pay extra careful attention to the number "4.7", as that is very similar to the number for Christianity.
  • Christian = 3+8+9+9+1+2+9+1+5 = 47
Notice Christianity is opposite of 'Jesus' and 'Cross' numerology.
  • Jesus = 10+5+19+21+19 = 74
  • Cross = 3+18+15+19+19 = 74
Checkout this quote from the CNN article.
"Jin Leibo, a spokesperson from the propaganda department of Yongjia County, where Sanjiang Church was located, told CNN that the church was destroyed as it was "illegal.""
Notice the name "Jin", from the "propaganda department".
  • Jin = 10+9+14 = 33
 The truth of the matter is, this entire article is propaganda, especially the $4.7-million dollar figure.  CNN is a 33-network, reporting the 33, and other numerology.  This article is part of that, and it seems most out of CNN are also.

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