Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

33 | Space Shuttle Endeavour's First Launch and the First African-American Woman In Space

Space Shuttle Endeavour first launch on May 7, 1992, a date with numerology of "33", tying in nicely with a space program that began many moons ago on a March 3, or 3/3, or "33".
  • Endeavour = 5+5+4+5+1+4+6+3+9 = 42
  • 5/7/1992 = 5+7+1+9+9+2 = 33
The first Endeavour flight concluded on a date with "33" numerology as well, May 16, 1992.
  • 5/16/1992 = 5+1+6+1+9+9+2 = 33
The orbiter is named after the British HMS Endeavous, the ship which took Captain James Cook on his first voyage of discovery (1768–1771). This is why the name is spelled in the British English manner, rather than theAmerican English which lacks the "u".  The name also honored Endeavour, the Command Module of Apollo 15, which was also named after Cook's ship.
  • Cook = 3+15+15+11 = 44
  • James Cook = 1+1+4+5+1+3+6+6+2 = 29 (2+9 = 11)
In the time of the Endeavour's service, two of its largest accomplishments were (1) on its first mission, it captured and redeployed the stranded INTELSAT VI communications satellite and (2) the first African-American woman astronaut, Mae Jemison, was brought into space on the mission STS-47 on September 12, 1992.  September 12, 1992 is also a date with "33" numerology.
  • Endeavour = 5+5+4+5+1+4+6+3+9 = 42
  • INTELSAT VI = 9+5+2+5+3+1+1+2+4+9 = 42
  • 9/12/1992 = 9+1+2+1+9+9+2 = 33
Isn't it astonishing?  The Gematria coders are making jokes about putting African-Amerian women in space.  It is no different than how they have Beyonce singing about watermelon on her songs.
  • Beyonce = 2+5+7+6+5+3+5 = 33
As for Mae Jemison, she has been a bit of an entertainer herself since retiring from NASA.  She has appeared in several episodes of Star Trek and been a regular guest on television networks from sitcoms to news programs.  She was born October 17, 1956.  October also happens to be the only month with "33" Gematria.
  • October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33
  • 10/17/1956 = 1+0+1+7+1+9+5+6 = 30, reduces to 3


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  3. Sometimes some things can be done in the most complicated way. Wanted to remove the solved question. Not the rest:

    Every time I see one of those spacesuits with a dozen patches sewn on it I wonder what kind of magic yarn the NASA tailors use so that their spacesuits do not become leaky.

  4. Ha! Seeing as how the Space Program is the "33" Program, they probably do claim to use magic yarn.
    Magic = 13+1+7+9+3 = 33


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