Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

33 | Bill Gates Is On A $330-Million Boat | Subliminal Programming of "33"

I suppose this is subliminal programming at it's finest.  It is funny to think that for the first 30-years of my life I never noticed what I was reading and was before my eyes.  It turns out all this time, it was so often "33".  Bill Gates, as it happens, was head of Microsoft for 33-years, before stepping down.  If you look at the Microsofot symbol from the early days of the company, it looks an awful-lot-like-a-33...
My guess is one day we're going to read about Bill Gates dying on this boat, or a boat a lot like it.  This one is called, "The Serene".  His buddy Paul Allen has another called, "The Utopia" which he keeps parked in "Seattle".
  • The = 20+8+5 = 33
  • Serene = 19+5+18+5+14+5 = 66
  • The Serene = 33+66 = 99
Utopia also has interesting Gematria.
  • Utopia = 21+20+15+16+9+1 = 82
  • Seattle = 19+5+1+20+20+12+5 = 82
Here is a curious fact from the article, courtesy of Yahoo News.
Though for all his wealth and influence, Gates doesn’t actually own “The Serene.” He’s renting it from Stolichnaya vodka distributor Yuri Scheffler. 
The name Yuri Scheffler has curious numerology, that often comes paired with "33" and other master numerology.
  • Yuri = 7+3+9+9 = 28
  • Scheffler = 1+3+8+5+6+6+3+5+9 = 46
  • Yuri Scheffler = 28+46 = 74
The article also mentions other "33" names, such as the Clinton family.
Still, even if Gates doesn’t own his own yacht, his choice of vacation rentals certainly trumps that of Bill and Hillary Clinton, who were in the spotlight on Friday after it was revealed they were renting an $18 million Hamptons estatefor about $30,000 per week.
Bill Clinton was born Bill Blythe, but his biological father was murdered on May 17, 1946.
  • 5/17/1946 = 5+1+7+1+9+4+6 = 33
  • Clinton = 3+3+9+5+2+6+5 = 33
Bill Clinton would take on the last name we are familiar with before attending Harvard alongside George W. Bush, who was born July 6, 1946.
  • 7/6/1946 = 7+6+1+9+4+6 = 33
The name George is based on the Norwegian name Jorgen.  Norway happens to be one of eight "33" named nations in the world, all of which have multiple "33" associations.
  • Norway = 5+6+9+5+1+7 = 33
  • Jorgen = 1+5+9+7+5+5 = 33
The point is, this network, this Gang of 33, this Mafia of 33, it goes back, and it has roots.  People like Bill Gates are just the latest agents in an ongoing series of agents and frontmen for these puppeteers who work from the shadows, keep we the people under an eternal eclipse.
  • Eclipse = 5+3+3+9+7+1+5 = 33
Eventually, most "33" agents unexpectedly die, like Robin Williams yesterday, August 11, 2014; and Phillip Seymour Hoffman earlier this year, on February 2.
  • 8/11/14 = 8+11+14 = 33
  • February 2 = 33rd Day of the Year
Let us close by looking at Microsoft's old symbol, which looks very much like a "33".

1 comment:

  1. Well, it makes sense that he would rent a boat because why deal with maintaining it? But other than that Bill Gates (William Henry like Prince Willliam and Henry) has the same features as many world leaders and it would not surprise me if they were not all closely related. They need to poison the rest of us with vaccines and fluoride so that we don't overpower them, since they are inbred. His own wife looks like him.


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