Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, August 3, 2014

33 | Conakry of Guinea and the Ebola Outbreak | Is the Ebola Scare Even Real?

Per Dr. Sanjay Gupta, of CNN, the Ebola outbreak began on the outskirts of Conakry, the capital and largest city of Guinea.  This is also where the 33-year old doctor, who has been brought to Atlanta, Georgia, contracted the virus.  He is "patient zero" at this time and why he has been brought to the United States for treatment is unclear.  It should be noted that Conakry has a Gematria of "33", and Atlanta is located on the 33rd Parallel north, meaning both cities have much in common with the "ill" doctor's age.
  • Conakry = 3+6+5+1+2+9+7 = 33
  • 33-year old doctor
  • Atlanta is abbreviated ATL
  • ATL = 1+20+12 = 33
  • Atlanta is on the 33rd Parallel North
  • The word "ill" has a Gematria of "33"
  • Ill = 9+12+12 = 33
It should be noted that movies such as "Omega Man", also known as "I am Legend", and Planet of the Apes, both feature viruses with "33" connections that wipe out humanity.  In Omega Man and I Am Legend, the virus is known as "KV".  In Planet of the Apes, it is known as ALZ113; notice that 113 is much like 11x3 = 33.
  • Omega Man = 6+4+5+7+1+4+1+5 = 33
  • KV = 11+22 = 33
  • ALZ = 1+12+26 = 39
  • Flu = 6+12+21 = 39
  • ALZ 113...
  • USA = 311
  • HIV = 8+9+22 = 39
  • AIDS = 1+9+4+19 = 33
Personally, I believe this "33-year old patient zero" was brought to the United States as an excuse for more fear, or possibly even a real outbreak.  Since the inception of this blog I have been predicting that the next major catastrophe will take place in the region between Georgia and North Carolina.  I believe this because of the placement of the Georgia Guidestones, and because of the fiction from the last decade that speaks to the destruction of North Carolina- also, this is where the banks are headquartered, and the banksters are behind much of this wrongdoing.

Also, Georgia is the fourth state, with a Gematria of "44", and those numbers, historically, aren't good.
  • Georgia = 7+5+6+9+7+9+1 = 44
  • Georgia = 4th State
Just ask Phillip Seymour Hoffman who was found dead on the fourth floor of a hotel with "44" bags of heroin on the 33rd day of the year.  Notice the numbers 44 and 33.  In this case, there is also a "39", because Hoffman died in New York.
  • NY = 14+25 = 39
  • New York = 5+5+5+7+6+9+2 = 39
  • The United Nations in NY is of 39-floors
  • The Declaration of Independence had 39-signers
  • James Madison proposed 39-amendements on a date with "39" numerology...
The point is, everything happening in the world, is all numbers.  Why?  Well, at least in part, it is because our rulers.... they go by the numbers, and it is as simple as that.  Be safe.

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