Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, August 2, 2014

33 | Dear Canada, Turn Off News 1130

In the name "News 1130", the coded 113 couldn't be anymore obvious.  Just the other day my buddy Banazir linked me a story of a shooting of a "33-year old male" in "Maple Ridge".  That story, courtesy of propaganda network, News 1130, can be read right here.  It should be noted that Canada uses the "Maple" Leaf as their symbol, helping unite North America as 47, 311, 33; or Canada, United States, Mexico.

If you are not familiar with the Fibonacci or Lucas Numbers, please inquire about them, because they are very relevant to what I am writing about and what is occurring in this world- after all, they are the numbers of all things living.


  1. Five minutes ago, I read the number 113 at Henry Makow, citing another doomed flight:

    "On February 21, 1973, Israel shot down a Libyan passenger jet, LN 114, bound from Tripoli to Cairo that had lost its way in a sandstorm and flew into the Sinai, occupied by Israel. The pilot, a French national, had realized the error and had turned back to Cairo. 113 passengers and crew were murdered in cold blood."

  2. 2/21/1973 = 2+2+1+1+9+7+3 = 25/7
    114 is much like 44, associated with assassination
    Egypt = 57772 in letters to numbers, notice the 777
    Cairo = 3+1+9+9+6 = 28
    Israel = 9+1+9+1+5+3 = 28

  3. 1. Typo?

    2/21/1973 = 2+2+1+1+9+7+3 = 25 = 7

    2. The multiples of the number 11 are so well hidden that I did not see the 11 x 4 = 44


  4. Let me know about typo, I am not seeing it. Thank you. What amazes me is how repetitive and unimaginative they are in their doings against us.


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