Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, February 19, 2015

NUTELLA and ISIS, CNN Headlines

You can't make this up.


  1. Well, if I were a comedian writer I could probably come up with something similarly ridiculous.

    "Women Being Lured By..........." Nope I can't replicate that. NUTELLA?! If someone were suffering from a mental condition that caused them to be like a child I still don't think they would be lured in with kittens and nutella. I just can't stop reading that headline.

    You know the guys that made that up were probably drunk. "Hey Joe, we need another headline." Burp. "Let's go with, 'ISIS Gets Chicks about you give me a plural noun........ok, Kittens and now a food product....Nutella. Done."

    Do the sleeping public believe this? Are they trying to see how ridiculous they can be and still have people think that anything they say is truth?

    1. MIchael, I really do think there is nothing more to it than what you describe.

  2. A hoax on top if a lie on top of a hoax. Just the right formula for a CNN lead story.

    1. I do not know how these stories continue to surprise me.

  3. About a month prior to this story, a video was posted on YT of a kitten eating nutella. My guess is it inspired the writer to pull this story from his ass. There is no other rationale.


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