Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

33 118 | CNN Foreshadows George H.W. Bush's Approaching Death (Falls and Breaks Neck 33-Days After B-Day)

January 18?  1/18?  Death = 118 (Jewish Gematria)

The first President from the political dynasty family, which began with Senator Prescott Bush, has broken his neck.
  • George = 7+5+6+9+7+5 = 39
  • H.W. = 8+5 = 13
  • Bush = 2+3+1+8 = 14/23
  • George H.W. Bush = 66/75
His date of birth is interesting.
  • 6/12/1924 = 6+12+19+24 = 61
  • 6/12/1924 = 6+1+2+1+9+2+4 = 25
  • 6/12/24 = 6+12+24 = 42

His fall comes 33-days after turning 91.


  1. I thought they would stage GHWBs death on 3/22/18 at age 93.
    Now it looks like his death will be used as an "October Surprise" to get Jeb PR.
    Remember 0bama's grandma's death a week before the 2008 election?

    1. Exactly, this could be a big stepping stone for Jeb.

  2. NECK = 33
    33 vertebrae and that that's where he broke a bone at


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