Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, July 18, 2015

229 | Cascadia Subduction Zone Gematria

The Gematria of Cascadia Subduction Zone reminds me of September 22, a Tuesday.  Just food for thought.

Below is a BBC documentary that discusses how Portland or Seattle will be the first cities to experience a 9.0 or higher earthquake.  This one is from 2011, some years before the very recent predictions for "The Big One" in the Pacific NW.

1 comment:

  1. Getting warmer Truthseeker. We are in for a doozy of a stretch in Sept. The 21st-28th is on fire.

    If it does start on the 21st - 9/21 - America =129 Redeem =129 Bad Karma =129 Unburdening =129

    It's all in the Details =229


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