Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, July 11, 2015

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Notice the 239 above.
Blackout Dates = 2+3+1+3+2+6+3+2+4+1+2+5+1 = 35/44


  1. Before I get to the link below.....I gotta say I have never seen anything like the Sept 23 coding we have been seeing relentlessly for month. I'm new to Gematria, but been a Truther for a long time - I believe the work F2FT has done (and continues to do) on this 23/9 9/23 numerology is truly the breakthrough. You have decoded the next 9-11 event. This is on a life changing level if something happens to San Fran on Sept 23, or one of the other Sept 23 scenarios plays out i.e. Pope, Obama event, Philly, NYC, DC event, Hover Dam, etc etc - F2FT has covered it all in a masterful way.

    Another scary nail in the coffin.....Excerpt: "The military would conduct 239 "germ warfare" tests over populated areas." Germ Warfare = 115. Unbelievable.

    1. I'm not sure the event will be 9/23

      IMO there is too much mainstream hype about the Shemitah and blood moons for an event of such a grand scale (I'm sure there will still be an economic crash this fall tho)

      I think we're more likely to see an "announcement" of a/many new connection(s) on 9/23, in the pope's speech and possibly in the news of the day (similar to the way they "announced" 52 as a number thru SB49)

  2. And of course the link features a huge picture of the Golden Gate Bridge.......engulfed in smoke! Or are those clouds :)

  3. Zach? Hello? No comment on the giant "BLACKOUT DATES" scrawled in large, violent red text in the bottom left?

    1. Blackout Date = 115. Damn. Lets add a possible blackout to occur on 9/23, and in may last for days.....that would certainly cause the expected stock market crash.....and a draw profoundly connecting line to Zachs earlier post about George Bush's 9/24 speech - Happy Anniversay, ha.

  4. Nice Work. I think we have actually gotten somewhere. Whatever happens on 9/23 will include a blackout, and I believe another event or two - likely an attack on the Golden Gate Bridge.

    Here's the link to the Bush speech - couldn't find Zach post, but I believe he listed it under the # 924. The significance of this speech I believe is the date as it relates to the coming Sept 24 crash. Now that I think about it - Zach may have made this a video on his YT channel as he linked LaGardes "7" comments to today.

    The first few seconds are the best!

    1. Haha i agree the first few seconds are classic.
      When i watched it yesterday all i could think about was how nervous he seemed, like "I know the american people are stupid but are they really gonna buy this? Are they really gonna continue to lay down and take it in the ass"
      But of course we do.

      What I'm most pissed about is if there's a blackout and economic panic on 9/24 its gonna totally ruin my birthday. Lol


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