Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, July 17, 2015

26 | FEMA Planning for Unprecedented Earthquake in Pacific NW

Projected for February 6, or 2/6 at 9:41 am??  The only other thing I have to add is this- my house is a few miles east of I-5.  =)


  1. If you really knew how to do the research you would know why they chose the number 13,000. Every 13,000 years the world experiences a polar shift. This time it will be due to nibiru. Why do you think the elite built all those underground bunkers? Why do you think all the gold in Fort Knox is missing? Try connecting the dots.

    1. If you only knew carbon dating and space travel is a giant hoax, all those theories relating to this would fall apart completely.

    2. Lmao "carbon dating"... You think global warming, no wait, climate change is real too? You people are clueless.

    3. 11rad, other than the US being stripped of its gold reserves and the existence of massive underground bases, nothing you speak of is real.

      NASA = Psyop + fake science
      Nibiru = Psyop
      Pole Shift = Unproven
      Global Warming = Fraud

      If you are older than 12 and still believe science from NASA, there is zero hope for you.

    4. What makes you think nibiru is a psyop. Why are the elite building underground bunkers? What are they preparing for? It's being held under wraps by our government. And I know nasa and global warming is bullshit so I'm not sure why you brought them up. And stating pole shifts are unproven doesn't add anything to your argument. Dummy.

    5. 1300 is his name in JEWISH Gematria - I wonder what that means - A SHILL? He's also from Washington 130 Gematria. Plus his birthday is a 33 Gematria. Oh, it's getting juicy.

    6. 11rad, let me get this straight. You learned about a mythical planet via the Internet 4 years ago, think it's real, and you call me a dummy? Wow.

      The entire surface of our planet and its weather has been weaponized. When they are finally done raping the goyim, they will go underground and flip the switch.

      Your enemy is not in outer space. They are here and always have been.

    7. 44 33 115, that's a logical take on the situation. However, I like to think that there is something being hidden from us. Chemtrails to block our view of planet x? Maybe... The sumerians have many records that ended up being true and they existed 3000 years ago. I'm just saying that the shit happening around the world today is lining up with an apocalyptic event... Also, can you explain the insane increase of earthquakes over the past decade? Looks at the stats. There's something more to this.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Andrew can you link a resource for info on carbon dating? I've been suspicious of this technique myself for a while

      IMO The insane increase in earthquakes can more easily be explained by the jews fucking around with their resonance earthquake machines than because a planet nibiru is going to crash into the earth...
      Like 4433115 said "Your enemy is not in outer space. They are here and always have been."

      In any case, even if your nibiru theory were true, theres nothing we can do about that anyway. Very convenient. Reminds me of the explanation that Jesus is coming and all we can do is stay home and pray our hardest to him for being the great sonnagod...

      Not that theres anything we can do about the other explanation tbh...

      I just don't believe in aliens man

    10. You're dead on Cortex. Could not have said it better.

  2. Hey Truthseeker. On Dec 11, 1995. The Same Exact article came out in New York magazine predicting the "big one" for the NYC area.

    I ran the date calculations from 12/11/95 to the date of the article, and to the Feb 6 date. Interesting large numbers come up, but I don't exactly know what they mean?

    Big One = 52, 312 Two numbers that have been saturating us lately.

    The Big One = 226. Similar to the predicted 2/6 date.

    11rad is the biggest turd troll F2FT has attracted. What a pathetic clown.

  3. They have earthquake weapons. If you see a flash in the sky before the ground shakes that's them.

  4. I don't have anyone blocked. You are confused. What did you say?

  5. I really cant stand this Kaku freemason cunt. Second in pop-science shilling only to Nig Degrass Tyson.

    Notice how in the article he says "WE KNOW ITS GOING TO HAPPEN with 30x the force of san andreas" and then later he says "WE've seen this before with the animals"

    Who is this WE he is referring to? He's a "theoretical physicist" & a professor in New York. He's not a geologist, he's not a seismologist, he's not a biologist. Yet he uses the term "we" as if to include himself, like he was there studying the fault lines in washington, and he was studying animals before earthquakes. This guy has probably never done shit, he's just another carl sagan/stephen hawking who gets huge spotlights and spouts off complicated-sounding fake science handed down to him from his council of grand illustrious rabbi freaks or whatever. Also the way he uses the term 'we' works as just another subliminal way of separating science from the general populus, like "WE've got it, WE're studying this complicated stuff, you just keep doing what you're doing."

    Heres a good page on kaku, including some bioweapons preprogramming from 2004

  6. Lol @ the massive influx of trolls in the past week, including "Troy Bart", f2ft's first officially dedicated shill...zach they're feelin it...stay safe bro


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