Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

32 42 61 115 144 | Walter Palmer, Cecil the Lion Hunter Gematria (Is Obama the Lion?)

Crossbow = 3+9+6+1+1+2+6+5 = 33
Jon Austin = 1+6+5+1+3+1+2+9+5 = 33

Zimbabwean = 8+9+4+2+1+2+5+5+1+5 = 42
Zimbabwean = 26+9+13+2+1+2+23+5+1+14 = 96

Cecil = 3+5+3+9+3 = 23
the = 2+8+5 = 15
Lion = 3+9+6+5 = 23
Cecil the Lion = 61
God = 61 (Jewish Gematria)
Obama born in '61
All that '61' coding in the Gyrocopter Story from April 15...

At the White House Correspondents Dinner of 2011, Obama showed the video of his birth, which was the beginning of the film 'The Lion King'.

The = 2+8+5 = 15
Lion = 3+9+6+5 = 23
King = 2+9+5+7 = 23
The Lion King = 61

Cecil = 3+5+3+9+12 = 32
the = 20+8+5 = 33
Lion = 12+9+15+14 = 50
Cecil the Lion = 115
Freemasons = 115 (Simple English Gematria)
Killing = 115 (Jewish Gematria)

America = 1+4+5+9+9+3+1 = 32
America = 1+13+5+18+9+3+1 = 50

Leo is the Lion, and Barack Hussein Obama is a Leo.  I think this story has to do with Obama's fate.

Leo = 3+5+6 = 14
Leo = 12+5+15 = 32

The men arrested.

Theo = 2+8+5+6 = 21
Bronchorst = 2+9+6+5+3+8+6+9+1+2 = 51/60
Theo Bronchorst = 72/81

Honest = 8+6+5+5+1+2 = 27/36
Trymore = 2+9+7+4+6+9+5 = 42
Ndlovu = 5+4+3+6+4+3 = 25
Honest Trymore Ndlovu = 94/103

The man who killed the lion is named Walter J. Palmer.

Walter = 5+1+3+2+5+9 = 25
J = 1
Palmer = 7+1+3+4+5+9 = 29
Walter Palmer = 54 (Obama turns 54 August 4)
Walter J Palmer = 55 (Satan = 55)
Walter Palmer is 55-Years Old

Walter = 23+1+12+20+5+18 = 79 (Murder = 79)
J = 10
Palmer = 16+1+12+13+5+18 = 65
Walter Palmer = 144 (Mark of the Beast = 144) (Forty-Four = 144)
Walter J Palmer = 154

Notice that Walter J Palmer killed Cecil on 7/1, sort of like "Seventy-One".

Seventy-One = 19+5+22+5+14+20+25+15+14+5 = 144

Notice that the lion is named after Cecil Rhodes, who oversaw the injustices diamond trade.
  • Rhodes = 9+8+6+4+5+1 = 33
  • Diamond = 4+9+1+4+6+5+4 = 33

Recall that Jimmy Kimmel broadcasts from a Masonic Temple.

Red = 9+5+4 = 18
River = 9+9+4+5+9 = 36
Dental = 4+5+5+2+1+3 = 20
Red River Dental = 74

Rot = 18+15+20 = 53; In = 9+14 = 23;
Hell = 8+5+12+12 = 37;
Rot In Hell = 113
Mainstream = 113
Dishonest = 113
Green Screen = 113

1 comment:

    Cecil the lion - 115 / 61
    OFFICIALS ALLEGE a spaniard paid $55,000 to hunt the lion

    Lured from safari at Hwange National Park
    Hwange = 58, theres another 58 this week

    The video features a hunter 'Corey Knowlton' who says hunting is the best way to keep animals alive
    Corey Knowlton = 190 (English 190*6 = 1140)
    Hwange National Park = 190


    CortexJuly 29, 2015 at 8:52 AM

    Walter Palmer is 55 years old
    He is not a spaniard, he is Walter Palmer from Eden Prairie, Minnesota
    (Walter James Palmer = 192 / 66)
    He shot cecil with a crossbow
    Crossbow = 114 / 33
    Eden has a jewish gematria of 54
    Walter is a dentist with a previous felony for illegally hunting a black bear in Wisconsin (Wisconsin = 44)
    Black bear = 55
    His dentist office is in BLOOMINGTON = 136 / 55

    His lawyer is Jon Austin - 123 / 33
    Previous attorney for the bear case Doug Kelley - 117 / 45 (a backward 54?)

    Palmer has several hunts on record with the Pope and Young Club
    Pope and Young Club = 74
    The Club's director of records is Glenn Hisey
    Glenn Hisey = 118 / 55

    I am seeing a lot of 55's is anyone else?

    Board records show that Palmer was the subject of a sexual harassment complaint settled in 2006, with Palmer admitting no wrongdoing and agreeing to pay a former receptionist more than $127,000.

    Admitting no wrongdoing...and paying $127,000
    No wrongdoing...and paying 127 thousand dollars
    No wrongdoing... AND... paying 127 thousand dollars

    CortexJuly 29, 2015 at 7:52 PM

    "cecil the lion king" = 156 / 84 !

    "cecil the lion king" = 338 jewish

    CortexJuly 29, 2015 at 7:55 PM

    cecil the lion = the lion king = 61 pythagorean


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