Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

33 39 59 84 93 | Boko Haram Hoax Headlines, Attack Kills "At Least 33" in NE Nigeria

At least 33 killed?  Silly Zionist Jews...
  • Boko = 2+6+2+6 = 16
  • Haram = 8+1+9+1+4 = 23
  • Boko Haram = 39
  • Boko = 2+15+11+15 = 43
  • Haram = 8+1+18+1+13 = 41
  • Boko Haram = 84
Also, the location of the attack.
  • Northeast = 5+6+9+2+8+5+1+1++2 = 39/48
  • Nigeria = 5+9+7+5+9+9+1 = 45
  • Northeast Nigeria = 84/93
  • Northeast = 14+15+18+20+8+5+1+19+20 = 120
  • Nigeria = 14+9+7+5+18+9+1 = 63
  • Northeast Nigeria = 183
Notice that Kano, Nigeria has the 'black coding' if you will.
  • Kano = 2+1+5+6 = 14
  • Nigeria = 5+9+7+5+9+9+1 = 45
  • Kano, Nigeria = 59

Let us close with this "cute pose" from the "Boko Haram" "terrorist" shown below.


  1. Boko Haram = 84 Will certainly come into play if anything happens to Obama = 84 While in Nairobi = 408 , 191 Very much like 84 & 911.

    Nairobi means Cool Water = 672 ......and 672 is way too close to the date Obama will be in Nairobi, 7/26.


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