Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

33 42 59 84 153 | Ida B Wells & Her Chicago Death of March 25, 1931

  • Ida = 9+4+1 = 14
  • B = 2
  • Wells = 5+5+3+3+1 = 17/26
  • Ida B Wells = 33/42
Let us decode her full name.
  • Ida = 9+4+1 = 14
  • Bell = 2+5+3+3=  13
  • Wells-Barnett = 5+5+3+3+1+2+1+9+5+5+2+2 = 43/52
  • Ida Bell Wells 44/53
  • Ida Bell Wells-Barnett = 80/89
She wrote for 'The Daily Inter Ocean'.
  • The = 2+8+5 = 15
  • Daily = 4+1+9+3+7 = 24
  • Inter = 9+5+2+5+9 = 30
  • Ocean = 6+3+5+1+5 = 20
  • The Daily Inter Ocean = 89
Her date of death is quite revealing.
  • 3/25/31 = 3+25+31 = 59
And look at where she died, Chicago, IL... funny the 44th President has ties there.  Also, she died on the 84th day of the year, a number equally as connected to Obama.
  • Obama = 84 in Jewish Gematria (50+2+1+30+1 = 84)
  • Obama's birthday is 8/4 or August 4
Also, Ida appears to be another one of these agents who was selected because she lost her parents at a young age.

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