Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, July 10, 2015

44 122 | Pope John Paul I, Pope Francis & San Francisco's Super Bowl

Recall the "33 Day Pope", who began August 26, and who died September 28, 1978, a date with some very suspicious numerology.  That was 37-years ago, like the last "Triple Crown Winner".  It was also the day after the Jesuit Order's birthday, September 27, and the current Pope, Francis, is a Jesuit.
  • 9/28/1978 = 9+2+8+1+9+7+8 = 44
  • Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
  • 9/28/78 = 9+28+78 = 115
  • Killing = 115 (Jewish Gematria)
He has a connection to Pope Francis through Gematria, the 266th Pope who is visiting the United States on the 266th day of the year, September 23, 2015.  The Pope will be visiting the 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama.

The current Pope's real name also has a connection to the number 'forty four'.

The Pope plans to leave the United States September 27, the day before the final Blood Moon of September 28.
  • September = 1+5+7+2+5+4+2+5+9 = 40/49
  • Twenty = 2+5+5+5+2+7 = 26
  • Eighth = 5+9+7+8+2+8 = 39
  • September Twenty Eighth = 105/114
Notice 'Blood Moon' and 'Zionism' have identical Gematria.  Also, Abraham Lincoln died on the 105th day of the year, and the Titanic fully submerged that date as well, 47-years later.

With regards to the Pope leaving on September 27, 2015, there is a connection to Catholic and the date he arrives on, the date of Yom Kippur.
  • 9/27/2015 = 9+27+20+15 = 71
  • Notice that number '71'
 From the date the Pope leaves until Super Bowl 50, hosted by the San Francisco 49ers, is a span of 133-days, a number connected to homosexuality.

It is 137-days from September 23.
137 is the 33rd Prime Number

Pope Francis has many connections to San Francisco.


  1. Great work as usual brother of truth. You're getting close to figuring out their hidden language. The Bible says knowledge will be increased at the end of days. Going to find out here soon what's our future.


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