Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, July 12, 2015

52 61 106 | Kyle Busch's Win on July 11, 2015

Yesterday, July 11, marked 74-days before the Pope's September 23 visit.  The winner of yesterday's NASCAR race has numbers of significance coded all over him.
  • Notice the May 2, or 5/2 birthday (Pope = 16+15+16+5 = 52)
  • It is 144-days from May 2 to September 23
    • In the beginning of the year I said to each out for 52 and 144 in Pro Sports
  • He is listed as 6'1"
  • And his name has the Gematria of 106, of much significance right now
  • Kyle = 11+25+12+5 = 53
  • Busch = 2+21+19+3+8 = 53
  • Kyle Busch = 106
With regards to May 2, that is the 122nd day of the year, which has a connection to Pope Francis.
  • Pope = 16+15+16+5 = 52
  • Francis = 6+18+1+14+3+9+19 = 70
  • Pope Francis = 122
He drives a 'Toyota Camry'.
  • Toyota = 20+15+25+15+20+1 = 96
  • Camry = 3+1+13+18+25 = 60
  • Toyota Camry = 156
  • 911, the 156th prime number
Also, ESPN gave us this hint before the race was over yesterday....

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