Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

96 | Look Who Is Behind Donald Trump, "Michael Cohen"

Michael Cohen, where have I heard these names before?
  • Michael = 13+9+3+8+1+5+12 = 51
  • Cohen = 3+15+8+5+14 = 45
  • Michael Cohen = 96
  • Never Again = 96
  • Freemason = 96
  • Satanism = 96
  • Jews = The Synagogue of Satan


  1. History of the Protocols of Sion.....additional research and discernment is required.

  2. The masonic Zionists are the outer part of the target and provide cover with the victim card. Some say that the Jesuits run the show. I think that they are simply brain washed agents that follow orders. That being said, the four men behind Obama are all Jesuit trained Roman Catholics. One out four people in the US are RC, and the probability of having 4 out 5 coming from that group is 1.5 %. On the Supreme Court, 6 are RC and 3 are Jews. With 25% RC and 2% Jews in the US, when combined into a 27% group, the probability of this happening is 1/131,000. If you look into their schooling, you will find Jesuit and Switzerland connections. Even North Korean's current leader spent several years being trained in Switzerland. After Judge Roberts cast the deciding vote on Obama Care, he cried some crocodile tears in front of the cameras. The next day he flew over to the Isle of Malta to get his promotion from the papal Knights of Malta. The article I provided fails to mention Switzerland or the BIS. I am convinced that Switzerland and/or the Vatican is the head of this attorney, corporate, central banking, knights Templar like snake.

  3. You are right joe, the BIS, IMF, & Swiss corporate connections are absolutely critical. There is a reason the Swiss military is allowed in to the middle of Italy to guard Vatican City.

    This is a subject that we must all continue to rip into. I very much appreciate you providing the link and bringing this topic up.

  4. My pleasure and if you get a chance look into the Treaty of Verona 11/22/1822. That was a treaty between various European Catholic monarchs and Rome to destroy all popular forms of self-government. Now think about this, does Washington DC remind you of the Vatican in any way? They also want us to think that the Jews run the media. If you look closer, Rupert Murdoch has a couple of Papal Knighthoods under his belt and most of the talking heads on FOX are RC. MSNBC with Matthews, Maddow, etc. is the same way. There have been estimates that there have been thousands of books written on the Jesuits, but you would be lucky to find a dozen good ones today. 'Rome's Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln' is a book that provides damning detailed evidence of Rome hiding one of the conspirators for five months outside of Montreal. The man's name was John Surratt and he was shipped over to Europe eventually becoming a Vatican guard! The Vatican allowed him to escape, but he was captured and brought back for two 'civil' trials. (hung because of RC jurors)
    (start it at the 40:00 mark)

  5. (hung juries or mistrials because of RC jurors)

  6. ...and I don't consider them Jewish. they are only Jewish by later conversion out of convenience. The Scythian Empire(savages) eventually became a larger Khazarian empire. 800ad conversion to Judaism was a cover for their mass ritual killings. Of course the Star of David goes as far back as records like the swastika. 6 pointed star has nothing to do with these so called Jews and is used in rituals/Hex. Closely related to Saturn.


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