Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, July 24, 2015

If Jeb Beats Hillary, an Email Scandal Will Decide the Election

The joke we live in is beyond ridiculous.  Does anyone give a single solitary fuck about Hillary Clinton's email?  This has been a news story for months, in a nation where valuable stories are never told.


  1. Nine Two Three in Simple Gematria Equals: 156
    Six Six Six in Simple Gematria Equals: 156
    Thirty Three in Simple Gematria Equals: 156
    South Carolina in Simple Gematria Equals: 156

  2. The important issue is that Hillary allegedly used the Tor onion router, yet nobody will talk about it. Even her detractors avoid this. That is why it is a waste of time. Using the Onion router is like having your own white house/President red switch network. It's supposedly multi-layered and cannot be tracked. It appears she was one of the first to utilize it as everyone else had legit government emails and he sed it to interface and direct all the 8a businesses. This is why she has now become powerful and so dangerous and how she got away with the murders at Benghazi to give one example. Her and bill used this onion router system in a clever way setting up honeypot sites to entrap and extort politicians and people with money, hence the Clinton fund worth billions. This woman represents everything that is wrong with this country and has been fingered for countless deaths. She should be in front of firing squad. With that said, you are right, nobody will find any of this out; they'll have the American people think she did something like use a different Gmail account instead of the gov email and nobody will know what she was really up to. What she did was a huge deal. The fact that so many were emails were erased and nothing has been done should indicate what power she wields over all those years of blackmail and extortion. The fact they both get $250,000 to speak one hour at various schools and corporations is also telling for these crooks who have nothing to say.

    1. All of these people are criminals. I wouldn't worry about what email they use to do their dirty work.

    2. More specific links are below. Some of the info can be found by just googling, such as the amount the Clintons individually command for speeches or the amount of money in the Clinton Fund(at least the $$ they report which is at least 2 billion) I believe Abel Danger(purposely misspelled) has been around for about 8 years. Their claims are quite disturbing(see link at bottom) yet I've been able to do my own research and verify much of what is presented. One of the gentlemen has a family member who works for the "Senior Executive Service" created by Jimmy Carter, a relatively unknown agency with the clout to develop programs such as "ConAir". (like the Movie) An ex-Marine fighter pilot, Field McConnell flew for Delta, quit and sued Honeywell Boeing for not informing pilots of the uninterruptible Auto Pilot utilized by flight towers that can over ride the Airliner autopilots. I mention this because Hillary, a patent attorney was allegedly directly involved with getting the technology patented.


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