Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, July 16, 2015

YouTube Video (My New Favorite Personal Critic)

The end of this video is truly hilarious.  Hope you enjoy as much as I did!

And as it happens, he even has two more on the subject.


  1. So he knows Jesus is alive but the greatest people to ever walk the earth are the founding fathers? Hmmm. Ill say it for him. The greatest person to walk the earth is Jesus Christ. That's what I believe. What you do and don't believe is something you're gonna have to take up with the Father. That's not my business. But here's something. Most everyone Christian most likely reads the KJV. But who was King James? A homosexual like a lot of people say? Did he have bedpartners like a lot of people say? Who was he? King James had 54 translators to translate and write the KJV. One of which was supposedly William Shakespear, "the father of freemasonry" some say. Some also say the English language owes a great debt to Shakespeare. That says a lot right there. So if you read Psalm 46 in the KJV and count 46 words from the beginning you will find the word "shake" and if you count 46 words from the end not counting the word Selah you will find the word "spear". Also Shakespeare was 46 years old at that time. And supposedly King James was a member of the freemason scoon and perth lodge. Big fan of your work Zach. Keep it up. Take care bro and be safe.

  2. Truth: 24/87/488
    Seeker: 27/63/195
    Truth Seeker: 51/150/683

    Zach: 20/38/512
    Here: 27/36/98
    Zach Here: 47/74/610

  3. I won't say it it but he's kind of got a point. You are in the Alex Jones tier because you promote fear and state that the ooga booga shadow guberment is crafting events using numbers. So now we should fear numbers?

    A bird took a shit on my car this morning. Uh oh, let me check the numbers because surely the masons were behind this!

    Bird = 33 in simple gematria (there's that spooky number they like to use)

    Defecation = 223 in Jewish gematria

    Masonic = 223 in Jewish gematria

    The ooga booga masons made that bird shit on my car! Thanks, Zach.

    1. 11rad,
      Several years prior to learning Gematria I used numerology, map coordinates, architecture, symbols & financial reports to find their "fingerprints", so to speak. What I found was statistically certain. The exact numbers i found before were yet again present using Gematria. People and events of significance are being coded with the same numbers by the same "group". There is only one organization that can accomplish this: Freemasons. There is only one gang of people on this planet that has the power to use the Freemasons this way: Satanic J e w s.

      Zach's work does not scare me one bit. Exactly the opposite.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You won't get very far if you get offended by some guy on the Internet. Why the need to post his videos or even respond to him? Any negativity is the result of your ego. I think you overestimate yourself because a strong individual would pay no mind to negativity and sure as fuck wouldn't respond with negativity as you just presented in the post above. You have just illustrated that your mind is weak. Maybe that's a good thing in your case because then the elite won't take you seriously.

    4. Also, the zionist Jews and the Vatican are behind this. The masons play a big role as well, along with other secret societies.

      Try not to get so buttflustered next time, truth seeker.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Let me guess, you think Jesus was a Mason as well lmao. There's deception in this world but you're going overboard. Get a clue.

    7. you should go back and read what you said about responding negatively and having a weak mind and try to apply it to your own life

  4. Hey truth seeker = 10'96' / 1128 / '188' / ( 71 / 80 / 89 ).............train # 188
    Hey truth seekers = 1186 / 12'42' / 207 / ( 72 / 81 / 90 / 99 ).....2+0+7 = 9
    Zach here = 610 / '444' / '74' / ('47')...............................................7+4 = 11
    Where have we seen these numbers before truth seekers? =)

    1. I think Zach may be a shill. He has the numbers... What's with all the 74's he has?

    2. Wow the hornet's nest has been rattled.. As always brother of truth "good job"

    3. 11rad,
      Zach is not a shill. Not even close. I get the feeling you are too dumb to grasp the complexity of the topic or you're jealous of Zach. Likely both.

    4. The only thing Zach might be onto something is 9/23. If nothing happens on that date then I will know he's full of baloney.

    5. What ever happens on 9/23 might happen behind closed doors. Gematria is a very useful tool and these Templar connected groups are using it!

    6. a shill for what? zach would be literally the worst gatekeeper of all time, and idk how you can call him a fearmongerer, all he does is expose the you can draw whatever conclusion you want from them. if you've studied this to any length and think the numbers are all coincidence, you simply haven't seen enough, or you are too scared to imagine how deep the matrix you live in is.

    7. Also, like joe said, I don't think we will see a major false flag on sept 23. I think they've flashed it too much and too many people are aware of it. I think we're more likely to "receive" numerological clues pointing towards San Fran, SB50, Hoover dam, etc. Also probably another big step in the race war agenda, that jefferson davis letter to the pope on 9/23/1863 blew my fucking mind.

      Or maybe the shits really about to hit the fan and they just don't give a fuck anymore.

    8. Great points Cortex. This will all crystallize in the next 30 days.

  5. On a side note ..
    Is that gay guy on crack..???lol

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Bug Bites = 85 = The Devil = The Pope

  6. Troy: 24/78/630
    Bart: 14/41/183
    Troy Bart: 38/119/813

    Mormon: 34/88/280
    Sad Tard: 22/67/280

  7. im 12 and wat is this?

  8. hahahaha. This guy is full of himself. He literally does exactly what he says he hates. He contradicts everything he says. It's like 23 or something. hahaha way to back up your point with facts.

  9. Most of the founding fathers are freemasons. That has been common knowledge for a long time now.


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