Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, September 24, 2015

118 | Pope Headlines, Double '118' Coding...

Pope = 7+6+7+5 = 25
Challenging = 3+8+1+3+3+5+5+7+9+5+7 = 56
Congress = 3+6+5+7+9+5+1+1 = 37
Pope Challenging Congress = 118

a = 1
slave = 1+3+1+4+5 = 14
to = 2+6 = 8
the = 2+8+5 = 15
economy = 5+3+6+5+6+4+7 = 36
and = 1+5+4 = 10
finance = 6+9+5+1+5+3+5 = 34
a slave to the economy and finance = 118

Notie that both headlines code to '118'.  This is a concurring number.

Pope Francis's speech to congress just concluded.


  1. 'don't be a slave to economy and finance'

    ....aren't we all? I take that as a slap in the face and him sticking his vile tongue out at me more than anything.

  2. Hypocrisy is off the charts. The Vatican, Switzerland, and the BIS are all one operation. The BIS is the central bank for all of the central banks. Central banks create credit out of thin air, charge interest on it, and thus play the roles of masters. Everyone else works or slaves for their money.


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