Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

NORAD Blimp On the Loose Over Pennsylvania

Notice the common Simple English Gematria of NORAD and blimp, 52.

Notice that CNN put the blimp on the screen at 1:46.  This ties in nicely with the Gematria of their headline.  See below.


    The aerostat, which floats above ABERDEEN, Maryland, had drifted into Pennsylvania, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad) said.
    Two F-16 fighter jets have been sent to monitor the blimp and anyone who spots it is asked to call emergency services.

    In ABERDEEN Scotland rather than two F-16 fighter jets there were two 16 year-old fighters with one of the boys being stabbed, reportedly.

  2. Loose military blimp dragging cable, causing power outages

    blimp " in the English Reduction system equals 25
    Blimp in Jewish Gematria Equals:
    121 312 52

    military blimp " in the English Reduction system equals 69
    Military Blimp in Jewish Gematria Equals: 770 954 159

    "loose military blimp " in the English Reduction system equals 90
    Loose Military Blimp in Jewish Gematria Equals: 985 1350 225

    NORAD" in the English Reduction system equals 25
    Norad in Jewish Gematria Equals:
    175 312 52

    Jlens in Jewish Gematria Equals:
    755 360 60
    Jlens Blimp in Jewish Gematria Equals: 876 672 112

    Bloomsburg in Jewish Gematria Equals: 531 531+135=666

    NORAD spokesman Lt. Joe Mavrocki.

    "Lt. Joe Mavrocki" in the English Reduction system equals 55

    Mavrocki in Jewish Gematria Equals: 883 552 92
    Pentagon in Jewish Gematria Equals: 303 552 92

    JLENS aerostat," in the English Reduction system equals 42

    Jlens Aerostat, in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1182 954 159

    Aerostat, in Jewish Gematria Equals: 427 594 99

  3. Is this the same blimp that was in the news not that long ago because it has awesome (for them - .gov) spying capabilities? I'll see if I can find that info.

    1. Billion Dollar Surveillance Blimp to Launch over Maryland 12/17/2014

    2. First 3 paragraphs:

      In just a few days, the Army will launch the first of two massive blimps over Maryland, the last gasp of an 18-year-long $2.8-billion Army project intended to use giant airships to defend against cruise missiles.

      And while the blimps may never stave off a barrage of enemy missiles, their ability to spot and track cars, trucks and boats hundreds of miles away is raising serious privacy concerns.

      The project is called JLENS – or “Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System.” And you couldn’t come up with a better metaphor for wildly inflated defense contracts, a ponderous Pentagon bureaucracy, and the U.S. surveillance leviathan all in one.

    3. Great job Mary, excellent job connecting the dots.

    4. Haha! I shouldn't laugh, but serves them right!!


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