Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

101 110 113 | November 3 Plane Crash Hoax Upate, 'Heat Flash Detected Midair'

Heat = 8+5+1+2 = 16
flash = 6+3+1+1+8 = 19/28
detected = 4+5+2+5+3+2+5+4 = 30
midair = 4+9+4+1+9+9 = 36
Heat flash detected midair = 101/110 (Numbers central to false flags/hoaxes)

Another day, another 'mainstream' lie.  That said, remember today, 11/3, is an extra special day for the media liars.

Mainstream = 113
Dishonest = 113
Green Screen = 113


  1. Hi,
    I am a subscribed fan of your channel.

    Today I got blocked from commenting on YouTube again. Last time was September 20 when I commented and sent around the link to a video of obama stating that he was training ISIS and the rebels.
    Today I was watching a video about a lady n congress who said that US should stop the illegal weaponizing of "the rebels" and that sending the troops was an illegal act as well.
    A few minutes in I got the message: "an error occurred" and when I refreshed the page: "Page cannot be found". So I tried and tried even restarting my PC. I have the "updates" from microsoft disabled because of the spyware they are putting on our PC"s but I STILL kept getting the message: updating your PC... I even unplugged internet! It kept doing it!. When I finally decided to let it do it's thing and went back online, the video together with several others concerning Syria were removed!

    Then when I commented on the Russian plane "crash" I got blocked again!! Following is my comment I was sending around (without any links):
    Honestly, when you look at the pictures of "the crash" it does NOT LOOK like a crash!! There's NO FIRES or fire marks, no blood, while they said the bodies were flying all over the place, No fire fighters, no smoldering debris, pieces of the plane that are completely "clean" etc. and all that right after the "crash"!!! I bet ANY first response team member would say the same: that is NOT a crash site!! If the US murders 3000 US citizens in one day on US soil just so they could get the war in Iraq started to test their bio- and chemicals weapons on Iraq people, they will do ANYTHING to get WW3 started! WAKE UP, please, we are out of time. God bless.p.s. that's A LOT of tire tracks but without there being ambulances or fire trucks around the "crash"... Think people, who benefits from a WW3?

    I looked up several of the channels I commented on and they even removed them!!! I got lucky and found 1...

    It means I am on to something again and please help spread that this is a hoax. I can't contact any of the channels that I am subscribed to.

    Thanks in advance and please keep going with bringing out the truth.
    I keep trying to wake people up about chemtrails and HAARP as well, although I already have been laughed at out loud in my face...

    God bless you.

    1. Thank you friend, I know your pain and am going through the same things you are. Stay strong!


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