Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, November 13, 2015

25 63 88 113 311 | Bataclan, Ripe for a Massacre 311 Days After 'Hebdo', November 13, 2015 Paris Attacks

Offenbach = 6+6+6+5+5+2+1+3+8 = 42
Offenbach = 15+6+6+5+14+2+1+3+8 = 60

le tout bataclan = 3+5+2+6+3+2+2+1+2+1+3+3+1+5 = 39
le tout bataclan = 12+5+20+15+21+20+2+1+20+1+3+12+1+14 = 147
Bataclan = 2+1+2+1+3+3+1+5 = 18
Bataclan = 2+1+20+1+3+12+1+14 = 54

Charles = 3+8+1+9+3+5+1 = 30/39
Duval = 4+3+4+1+3 = 15
Charles Duval = 45/54

Charles = 3+8+1+18+12+5+19 = 66
Duval = 4+21+22+1+12 = 60
Charles Duval = 126

2/3/1865 = 2+3+1+8+6+5 = 25 (Massacre = 25/43)
2/3/1865 = 2+3+18+65 = 88
2/3/65 = 2+3+65 = 70

Notice the date of designation, November 3, 1991, written 11/3, or 3/11.  Remember, this shooting came 311-days after the Charlie Hebdo shooting, and the numbers 113 are often coded into mainstream hoaxes.  This facility was the right place for a dishonest media story, now the location of the death of '118'.  Death = 118, Jewish Gematria

11/3/1991 = 1+1+3+1+9+9+1 = 25 (First opened on a date with '25' numerology) (Massacre)
11/3/1991 = 11+3+(1+9+9+1) = 34 (First opened On the 34th day of the year, February 3)
11/3/1991 = 11+3+19+91 = 124
11/3/91 = 11+3+91 = 105 (Zionism, Masonry) (Stade de France = 105)

Notice the hall was sold to people who made it a theater in '26, and then a fire set out 7-years later, in '33.  I wonder who was responsible...

Bataclan = 2+1+2+1+3+3+1+5 = 18
Concert = 3+6+5+3+5+9+2 = 33
Hall = 8+1+3+3 = 15
Bataclan Concert Hall = 66

Bataclan = 2+1+20+1+3+12+1+14 = 54
Concert = 3+15+14+3+5+18+20 = 78
Hall = 8+1+12+12 = 33
Bataclan Concert Hall = 165

Bataclan = 2+1+2+1+3+3+1+5 = 18
Theater = 2+8+5+1+2+5+9 = 32
Bataclan Theater = 50 (Jubilee Year)

Bataclan = 2+1+20+1+3+12+1+14 = 54
Theater = 20+8+5+1+20+5+18 = 77
Bataclan Theater = 131 (Super Bowl = 131)
Super Bowl 50 approaching...

The joke is on us.

Charlie = 3+8+1+9+3+9+5 = 38 (Death)
Hebdo = 8+5+2+4+6 = 25 (Massacre)
Charlie Hebdo = 63
Paris = 16+1+18+9+19 = 63

The Charlie Hebdo attacks happened at 11:30 AM, or 113...

Image from DailyMail of first responders tending to a victim after shooting...


  1. A is 1st letter. 11-13. A 113 bava kamma

  2. For that sake an 'am general m1113' is actually a '13 62 13 a113' 62 reversed being 26, which is 13+13

  3. And they say 13 is bad luck. We put our troops in 13 13 13 13 a113 trucks.

  4. Hey Zach, did you notice on the picture of the building how in the second row of windows there is a triangle frame with a little round window right in the middle? All seeing eye in the pyramid.


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