Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, November 14, 2015

33 39 42 47 51 79 232 | November Paris Attacks, Wikipedia Article

Notice the attacks began in 'Saint Denis'.

Saint = 1+1+9+5+2 = 18/27
Denis = 4+5+5+9+1 = 24/33
Saint Denis = 42/51/60
Freemason = 42/51
Conspiracy = 51/60

This ties in with 'Stade de France'.  Notice the additional Gematria of 51 and 60.

Stade = 1+2+1+4+5 = 13
de = 4+5 = 9
France = 6+9+1+5+3+5 = 29
Stade de France = 51/60

I have also written much about the Bataclan, notice the attacks ended there at 00:58, emphasis on 58.

Freemasonry = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 58/67

Further, recall that all three of the shooting hoaxes at American theaters have been heavily coded with the number 58, which is a number connected to the assassination of Lincoln in Ford's Theatre.

Willard Hotel = 5+9+3+3+1+9+4+8+6+2+5+3 = 58
Ford's Theatre = 6+6+9+4+1+2+8+5+1+2+9+5 = 58/67
Obama reopened Ford's Theatre on the 42nd day of the year, February 11, 2009 (2+11+20+09 = 42)

The three theater shootings and '58' connections are as follows:

James Eagan Holmes = 58 (Aurora, Colorado)
Grand Theater = 58 (Antioch, TN)
Carmike Hickory 8 = 85 (August 5 Shooting, written 8/5 or 5/8) (Airsoft Gun = 58) (Louisiana)

The President of France even gave his speech at 11:58 local time, again, emphasis on 58 for Freemasonry.  France is very much a Masonic nation.

Notice the detail about the first curfew since '44, the kill number, the 'military' number.

Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
Military = 4+9+3+9+2+1+9+7 = 44

Keep in mind 'murder' has a Gematria of 79, and 'Lucifer' has a Gematria of 232 (Jewish).

Notice that reportedly, 43 people were killed in a massacre the day prior, in Lebanon.

Massacre = 4+1+1+1+1+3+9+5 = 25/43

Notice also how Wikipedia reports that ISIS/ISIL is taking credit for the plane crash hoax in Sinai Egypt of Halloween.  The Jihadi John propaganda is also tied in.

The emphasis on 'an act of war' is more 'propaganda' coding as well, tying to the date of the event.

An = 1+5 = 6
act = 1+3+2 = 6
of = 6+6 = 12
War = 5+1+9 = 15
Act of War = 33
An act of war = 39
11/13/15 = 11+13+15 = 39

It is funny to note that 'suicide vests' has the same gematria as 'suicide belts', another phrase also used to describe the attackers weapons.

Suicide = 1+3+9+3+9+4+5 = 34/43
Vests = 4+5+1+2+1 = 13/22/31
Belts = 2+5+3+2+1 = 13/22
Suicide Vests = 47/56/65 (Knights Templar = 65/74) (Knights Templar, France, Friday the 13th...)
Suicide Belts = 47/56

Notice that France's military has been involved n Syria and Iraq since September 19, 2014.

9/19/2014 = 9+19+20+14 = 62 (Mason = 62)
9/19/2014 = 9+19+(2+0+1+4) = 35 
9/19/2014 = 9+1+9+2+0+1+4 = 26
9/19/14 = 9+19+14 = 42 (Freemason)

This is also a span of 420-days day.


  1. I'll put this here since the previous thread will soon be on page 2.

    So remember how the patterns rotate through the sports. Look at the two (of many) key elements of the 2010 Packers. McCarthy has the Pittsburgh connection. Rodgers SF. This means, they CANNOT win IN either of these locations. It's their places of birth. Ryan cannot win the SB in Philly. Cam Newton cannot win the SB in Atlanta's new stadium., etc.

    So the 2010 Packers can beat SF this year 34-16/7-7. It has to be equal now for the SB to happen as it does, in the path that it does. But it also has to take place in GB, just like Ryan can beat Philly in Atlanta, and it has to be IN Atlanta. That's also why Atlanta goes to face Eli in Game 2, with NJ Quinn. It's a tell that the path begins here with Peyton's brother, in Quinn's birthplace.

    Remember Quinn can WIN the SB, as Defensive Coordinator, with Carroll from SF, for SB48, with the Seahawks. Not as head coach. He has to be there in Arizona for 49, to finish off Carroll's loss against his former Patriots. So that he can move on the very next day Feb 2 (44), the same date as SB48 in his birthplace. One path ends, the next begins.

    So GB has the playoff path I laid out in 2010, with the correct numerology. Notice that they give BACK through winning in those specific locations with less points, to be repaid later.

    That SB ends in Dallas. But look what happens before this:

    GB beats Dallas 45-7 in GB. I'm certain this was also Wade Phillips last game as Dallas coach.
    Notice that when it's the SB location traveling to the SB winner, the SB winner can get the huge 52 point victory. But that 52 point victory is also how Atlanta, who scores 25 unanswered points in Dallas THIS year, gets the win in Dallas. Falcons = 25. The commentators focus on the 25 because that's what Atlanta HAS to pick up along their path. Joe Buck also gives a big tell, I'm pretty sure it's right before the convenient 18 yard run by 2 Ryan. He says “Matt Ryan, 1-4 in the postseason. This is the year he'll do something about that.” He tells you right there! Before the 18 yard run!

    And what's key here as well: Atlanta travels TO the SB location, That's exactly WHY they cannot win that game. It has to be collected in the SB. Matt Ryan's 30/45 303 line makes total sense here. He's 30 years old, the 45 HAS to be 45 because it's a losing effort IN the location that Ryan will end up 5-4 in the postseason. It's all right there. I'll keep going later.

    1. It took alot of comments, but G.S. has officially hooked me on his narrative. I'm quite fascinated.

      ATL =33, 121. GB =9, 54. Falcons =70. Packers =73.

      GS =97. Super Bowl Fifty =197.

    2. Again, it really is a beautiful puzzle but that's the trick of the Zionists.

    3. So here is also why Jordan pursues baseball.

      Notice what occurs. North Carolina Jordan goes through Chicago to win 3 championships, leaves for baseball (it's not because of the gambling. Though he's gambling on the games because he knows the rigging. I think that's another slap in our faces. It's fucking rigged, folks!).

      His path begins with the end of the Lakers in the Magic Johnson era. MJ ends MJ by way of Chicago.
      He wins the 2nd championship in the Miami Heat's 4th year. Kicking it off in Miami. Meanwhile, a year later, the Florida Marlins playing in the Dolphins stadium magically appear.

      So look where that is. Chicago on its 2nd championship before the Marlins existence who have...2 championships, the last of which they get through the 2003 Bartman Cubs. See how it has to be IN Chicago. 11 years later or 2. Marlins have 2 championships, that completes with a victory over the Yankees in NY. In 6 games. 4-2.

      The Heat are currently 3-2 in Finals. Marlins sit at 2-0. But here's where I think Houston and the Cubs come in. LeBron is 2-1 with Heat, but 0-2 with Cleveland. Meaning he cannot win in Cleveland, which I believe is because he's...from Cleveland. The birthplace dictates the loss. That's why he HAS to go to Miami to win. So for that reason, the LeBron Cavs can only act as a conduit. For the Clippers or Rockets. I'll have to look further.

      But Jordan wins 3, HOUSTON in between wins 2, Jordan returns to win 3. See how the Bulls and Rockets cannot meet, but I think the Cubs-Astros CAN. I'm not completely certain. But that explains the Astros mysterious move to the AL so that this can take place.

      So I'm still thinking ATL SB, Clippers-Cavs, Cubs-Astros WS

    4. I'm also wondering, and I'll check the math, this:

      Carmelo Anthony's path: Syracuse-DENVER-NY Knicks
      He CANNOT win with the Knicks.

      Teague at 0 has to move to LA Lakers maybe
      Schroder takes over for him, does Carmelo (3) go TO Atlanta?
      It's 17+3, 20. Ryan's 2. Teague is 0. Creating the 20 for this.
      It makes sense. Is Carmelo the STAR for Budenholzer to break through with the Hawks?

    5. Whoops. Carmelo is 7, like Vick.
      Atl needs the 3 as the next big star.

    6. Oh! So Paul George in Indiana right now is from LA.
      PG (He wears 24 in his Wiki photo, but...why is he currently 13 with the Pacers? Does he combine with Schroder for a Budenholzer championship? That makes better sense than Carmelo.

    7. Holy shit. Yeah.
      So George has the season-ending injury in the Olympics, I think. BEFORE Budenholzer can bypass Indiana and beat Brooklyn, Washington, but lose to Cleveland. All for the Clippers.

      The reward is George combining with Schroder for 30.
      What gives that away is Schroder is the 17th pick, George is the 10th
      Falcons win 71 Super Bowl, setting this in motion.

      That's the theory right now.

    8. Ha, yes, I'm def into it, but man you are all over the place. Its a challenge keeping up, but I like it.

      The most popular #3 in the NBA is D.Wade, but I don't think he's going anywhere. Doesn't Westbrook wear #0?

    9. I know! Haha. It's like the puzzle pieces are there in front of me, but are scattered while slowly coming together.

      Westbrook's track- from LA, with OKC/Seattle. Where can he go? Idk.
      Wade is Chicago-Purdue-Miami which makes sense.

    10. I need help naming my eventual book/blog/channel/whatever.
      The Zionist's Sports Puzzle- I don't really like that, but it's a thought.

      Also, events like Georgia just beating Auburn in Auburn tells the tale further. That has to happen. Cam Newton is Auburn.

    11. The trick of the Zionists manipulating our emotions is a powerful tool.
      Our goal is to use that trick against them. So I'm going to enjoy the fuck out of Ryan winning the SB just like my family and friends and city will, while not getting down on the losses that are just part of the cycle. It's a beautiful story, but you don't cry at the tragedies. You cherish the victories. Just as you all who read this can as well.

    12. I want to tell you all how this brings around the bigger picture. We can all trace ourselves to these moments. Everything in our lives is connected. Just like the Zionists rig the sports for the precise numerology. Just look at this:

      So my mother is from Upstate NY, she moved to Tampa, meets my dad from Atlanta, before this she lives in Maine. Together, they travel to Kansas, New Mexico, and settle in Mass.

      My father, whose father is from Alabama, grows up in Atlanta, but moves to Memphis before returning back. Then meets my mom, who comes down to Atlanta via Maine.

      My brother is born in Mass. in 85, they move to Atlanta in 87 to give birth to me in 88, Two of my high school friends originated in Houston and Jacksonville.

      My friend, who moves to SF/Oakland, is from Atlanta but moved to Carolina between stays in ATL.

      Before this point, I am preparing to move to DC to pursue some kind of investigative journalism thing, but..I don't.
      This Bay Area friend MOVES almost to the day that a girlfriend from Ohio, who I meet in Atlanta, and keep running into magically is telling me she wants to move to NM or COLORADO.

      When I meet her, I'm in the process of changing my journalism track to teaching. I lost touch with her, just as I start looking at Zach's work.

      Zach from Portland, lives in Seattle.

      That's how this universe works. I'll meet a special person from Philadelphia or another place.

    13. Your amazing sir I have to lift my hat off to you sir. Hope your predictions are correct and if they are make a book out of this.

    14. Ive been waiting for somebody like you to talk about the rigging of atl sports. I live in georgia and every time i go and watch a hawks game it seems weird. They always start off slow and when their down they come back and win the game they never maintain the lead throughtout the game.Can't wait for your blog or youtube channel . LOL sorry for my bad sentence structure.

    15. Yeah. Exactly. And then in the games where they start strong, they falter but hold on. In the same way that the Falcons in the Mike Smith years get big leads, falter but win- eventually becoming leads that just evaporate at the end. It's just the cycle.

      My mind has never been clearer haha. I walk around and am just amazed at things.

    16. Your also right about the zionists manipulating our emotions and sports is one way to do it. I think the nfl is a bunch of fuckery because sometimes big name athletes fake their injuries just so their team can look like an obscurity to not win the superbowl. That bastard tony romo has faked his injury just so the cowboys wont have a shot to win the title just my opionion let me know what you think another superstar that fakes his injuries is andrew luck who the falcons wont be playing when they come off their bye week. If sports werent so rigged and controlled by zionists bastards who laugh their tails off when we go insane that our team lost the big game, then the falcons would blow by their last 3 opponents. Ive always dreamed about being a sports star mainly in the nba but now that i know its rigged and scripted i dont wanna play in any sports league because when you sign that contract you have to keep your mouth shut its just sad that these players listen and do what these fuckers tell them to do and not just take it in their own hands and put the team on their back guess its just about$$ these days just sad

    17. And sometimes they let teams who people never thought would win the title
      win it just to keep us in the matrix and watching their bullshit every sunday.

    18. Wait. Ah! So Luck ISN'T playing in this coming game?
      I was waiting for that connection. Here it is: Hasselbeck will start it, who went through Seattle, and Tennessee (Manning connection).

      Hasselbeck's college? BOSTON COLLEGE

      Matt Ryan's college? BOSTON COLLEGE
      That brings everything full circle, because I knew Hasselbeck HAS to come in this game, but I thought it was through something like Vic Beasley knocking Luck out of the game.

      The Romo injury is symbolic of the Romo injury when Rodgers beats Dallas on his way to the SB. I forget who replaces Romo. But hence Matt Flynn coming in to face the Patriots, just to lose that same year.

      It's all in the ritual.

    19. your blowing my mind into other centuries you got to start your blog or channel soon because this is important information.

    20. Will something happen like somebody being sacrificed for the falcons SB?

    21. The sacrifice is Hanson.
      I posted somewhere Bobby Cox (Tulsa born) ends final season by giving Bochy the victory in Atlanta.
      Hanson unfortunately has to die "in the real world" (who knows if these people die) so that Atlanta can get that win back IN San Francisco.

      I would bet Atlanta has 17-1 odds to win the SB. LOL.
      The game is getting clearer as I keep trying to explain it to everybody haha.

    22. Forgot: HANSON is Tulsa born. That's how it connects with OKC/Seattle.

    23. LOL I'm immediately logged out. Thanks for giving me the tell.

    24. So check this out:

      I grow up watching these rigged games, but I'm gaining the knowledge.
      I feel like what set me on this path was watching the 49ers beat the Falcons in Atlanta 3 years ago. I see Harry Douglas. (who is now in TN with Whisenhunt because Ryan lost his first playoff game to Whisenhunt in Arizona.) Whisenhunt, who is now replaced by Mularkey to maintain the ATL connection, has to go. This is done so that the path is clear for Ryan.

      Ryan LOSES to Whisenhunt first. Meaning before Ryan can advance, Whisenhunt MUST be sacrificed in some way. The sacrifice has to maintain the circular progression that I believe is always +1/-2.

      Ryan gets to WIN now after he ELIMINATES Whisenhunt, who is replaced by Douglas and then Mularkey. TN is +2 from ATL for eliminating Whisenhunt. Atlanta gets the +1 SB FROM Manning, who began his career in TN.

      Notice Manning is FROM New Orleans, meaning he must LOSE to them before this can take place.

      I want all of us to benefit from this. But anyway, so I watch that SF/ATL game, and afterwards I know in my heart that what I watched was rigged. Ryan gives up 2 key turnovers that help SF, BUT he gets 396 passing yards with Julio against the supposed fierce SF defense.

      SF +1/ATL -2

      The key is Harry Douglas, who is WIDE OPEN (again, at a certain yard line). He MAKES a disputed catch where he TRIPS on the turf and DOES NOT score the open TD (+1 for the catch/-2 for the rest, which I'm certain he takes with him to TN so it equals out.

      I want you to know also that this is coming straight from memory. See the power in a clear consciousness? We can further decode this, but I believe every total for every player has to achieve an equality that takes place in locations that are NOT where they are born. The rule of thumb, until I can disprove it, is:

      Player plays FOR his beginning location means he CANNOT win with that team. LeBron cannot win in Cleveland. etc.

      I also believe that this has happened because Zach was a 49ers fan, while I'm a Falcons fan. I was going to pursue a teaching job in Philly. Zach is now in Seattle. Ryan from Philly goes THROUGH these locations to win for Atlanta.

      I want to watch my Falcons SB you fucks.

  2. Timespan between France getting entangled on a 42 date is 420 days. 60 weeks. We've also got an ominous warning coded in the latest kill tally, just as 'Notorious Isis Leader Killed' =311 foreshadowed the events of yesterday.

  3. That Wikipedia entry is a lol joke! The Gematria tells you who runs Wiki.

    Wiki =52, 25.

    Wikipedia =1007, 87, 522. The motto of Thelema =522. 52,25 is 522 both ways.

    Looking fwd to November 15th....

    November Fifteenth =187, 1122. There's been lots of build-up on that # combo. Assassination anyone?

  4. November 22nd = *5/8* (13 Moon Calendar)


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