Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, November 13, 2015

33 48 74 88 111 137 666 | The Reporting on the 'Paris Concert Hall' Fatalities, November 13, 2015 (Paris Shooting)

This reminds me of 'America Under Attack' on 9/11.  Notice how the word 'bloodbath' has the same gematria as 'murder'.

It is funny, two nights ago, November 11, I taught my first in person Gematria Lesson to a group of about 20 people in Seattle at a home that I was invited to.  It went over very well, and we talked about the number 153 for about 10 minutes in the time of the presentation.  Why?  Because it shows up in media reporting on hoaxes all the time.  It is the number of fish in the miraculous catch.  And here it is in a major hoax two days later... just two days, think about it.  I know the twenty people in the room are thinking about it.

Fish = 6+9+19+8 = 42
Fish = 6+9+90+8 = 113

One = 6+5+5 = 16
Hundred = 8+3+5+4+9+5+4 = 38
Fifty = 6+9+6+2+7 = 30
Three = 2+8+9+5+5 = 29
One Hundred Fifty Three = 113 (Mainstream, Dishonest, Green Screen)

If you follow my work, you know these numbers.

 You have to love the AK-47s in FRANCE, home of Zionist scum.

France = 6+18+1+14+3+5 = 47

Remember, 112 is the alternate dialing code for 911.

A concert is ripe for a hoax by the 'Gang of 33'.

Concert = 3+6+5+3+5+9+2 = 33
Hall = 8+1+3+3 = 15
Concert Hall = 48 (November 13, leaves 48-days in the year)

Concert = 3+15+14+3+5+18+20 = 78
Hall = 8+1+12+12 = 33
Concert Hall = 111 (666 English Gematria)

You have to love the 1:33 tweet.  (Government = 133)

You have to love the 3:22 tweet even more.

10 to 15, or 115.... or Freemasons = 115.

Notice the 3:08 tweet time.

Death = 4+5+1+20+8 = 38
Germany = 7+5+9+4+1+5+7 = 38 (All MSM reporting mentions Germany was playing in town)

The FBI is not credible, established July 26, 1908.

7/26/1908 = 7+2+6+1+9+0+8 = 33

This sounds like martial law...

Notice the name, Eric Pelletier.

Eric = 5+9+9+3 = 26
Pelletier = 7+5+3+3+5+2+9+5+9 = 48
Eric Pelletier = 74

Eric = 5+18+9+3 = 35
Pelletier = 16+5+12+12+5+20+9+5+18 = 102
Eric Pelletier = 137 (137, the 33rd Prime)

Look at Obummer the actor get in on the action.  Sad times.

And here is the Fox News reporting, 118 DEAD in a Paris Concert Hall.

The Gematria of Concert Hall and Paris Concert Hall is also very interesting . It has me thinking New World Order legislation is coming down on guns, in the United States and well beyond.

You have to appreciate the coding of '666'.  Funny how I mentioned the coding in the first video I did without acknowledging this fact about the shooting.

And here is the New World Order connection.

Those who criticize Gematria, such as YouTube channel 'ExploerOne', have to be blind.  How often do we talk about numbers that show up again and again?  How many times have I written that this number 118 has to do with death?  Here it is, yet again.

Horror in Parris has the 'Poison' and 'Program' Gematria.

10-4, 7-4, over and out.


  1. So when I was looking up the Bochy stuff earlier. I noticed this:


    Bochy is both the first foreign-born manager to reach the World Series (1998) and the first European-born manager to win the World Series (2010). On July 23, 2013, he became the 21st manager with 1,500 wins.

    Hmmm. I bet there's a connection here.

    Born: April 16, 1955 (age 60)
    Landes de Boussac, Bussac-ForĂȘt, France

    1. Just shows how all these events are connected.

      I haven't looked at Carolina's next opponent, but right now I'm assuming they will lose the game to get the 8-1/18 to sink up before next week's Colts/Falcons game. To put Atlanta at 7-3

      This is crucial, I think, because I believe Atlanta will go through Carolina en route to the GB NFC title game at Lambeau. It's always one step ahead, one step behind.

      Remember Carolina at 7-8-1 wins the division over 6-10 Falcons. But if you look closer that's actually Carolina 15 and Atlanta 16. The 1 tie? It's obviously the Cincinnati Bengals. And it's obviously 37-37.
      Because Cincinnati is next in line, as is San Diego with former coach, current head coach of Carolina, Ron Rivera.

      That's why Simmons is traded to LA (his name is 70, he wears 10, or 71 like Falcons SB 50. And the strange LA-ATL trade with Arroyo on 7-30.

      Clippers next after Falcons. I'm sure the Clippers have 37 somewhere.

      Remember Jacksonville and Carolina in the 1996 season, look what they do:
      Jacksonville pulls the upset IN Denver, to surprisingly get to the AFC Title Game with the Patriots.
      Carolina LOSES the 96 or (15) NFC championship game to GB with a fitting score. 30-13. 43. Hence the 34/34 tie with Cincinatti.
      So Atlanta has to go through Carolina, then GB to get to Denver.

      Carolina ends Jacksonville Mike Smith's career in Atl last year. Atlanta now has to go through them. Jacksonville's head coach was NY's Coughlin also. So it's all a very tangled pattern.

      But anyway, the 7-3 Falcons has to take place to align correctly. Remember who Indy just beat last week?

    2. You have an incredible mind, you are blowing me away. When is the book coming out!

    3. Haha. Idk. I might go with a YouTube/Blog combo like you have.
      What's amazing is how clearer it gets and simpler the pattern becomes.
      It's like my mind is totally clear, not bogged down with bullshit.

    4. Also,

      I'm pretty sure the playoff seeding for the NFC for this path has to be
      5 Atlanta/4 NYG (the 44 Gematria game was a sly tribute to the 24-2 Giants victory in 2011/12. It also ties in by defeating Coughlin. For Quinn in his birthplace. Hence Coughlin/Jacksonville and also that Ryan beats his birthplace Eagles in the first game.

      3-6 probably don't matter much. But that can be figured out.
      1. Carolina 2. GB (given the GB loss in CAR)
      Look at the perfect symmetry here:
      It has to be 2-5 NFC title game because Falcons is 25, but it's also a nod to the Carolina 15 from the 7-8 a year earlier.
      Also because GB as 6 beats ATL 1. Kind of like the 66 Packers win SB1, GB repays that by being the path for 5 seed (50) Atlanta who began play in 65. Perfect.

      Also a tell is the year before GB defeated ATL at Lambeau 43-37. 7-10-71.

      We'll figure out the AFC, but it's obvious Denver goes through Cincy, in the second round.

    5. I hope you nail all these, keep it up.

    6. More:

      Saints 7-9 in 2014 (Falcons 6-10 up from 4-12 to get 3rd place, which has to happen for 36/18 SB to occur the next year.) Falcons beat the Saints twice that year, the first time in the Mike Smith/Ryan era. They were 5-1 in the division or 5-0 50 to lose to Carolina 34-3 in the final game. That's where the Denver/Cincinnati connection comes in. who both sum to 51

      That's really Carolina 37, which carries over from the 37-37 tie in Cin.
      But also the Falcons beat the Broncos because Falcons = 49, Super Bowl 50, Broncos = 51. It has to move forward. So that 51 Bengals can move forward. So that the next teams in line in the other sports can move forward.

      Ryan loses in Arizona his first playoff game to Ken Whisenhunt. He beats Whisenhunt in TN/also Manning connected/Whisenhunt is fired. It's the sacrifice that has to take place in the chain. All the backup QB's ATL faces at points in these games are connected as well. Hoyer has to come in to finish the Atlanta blowout of 69 points through Houston, from Cleveland, in Atlanta, so that Houston and Cleveland can also move forward. Now I'm not so sure on the chain because we have Houston/Cleveland. Is that the NBA Finals? Where is LA at this point? That must be why SD will move to LA, with the Rams from St. Louis. It's a payment of some kind so that LA can move forward.

    7. The pattern is in the schedule too. Look at ATL's 2012 13-3 season for the eventual loss to SF

      Wk 1
      Sun 9 Sep
      W at Kansas City 40-24 (1-0)
      Wk 2 Mon 17 Sep WDenver 27-21 (2-0)

      Kansas City has won through Atlanta which just concluded, now Atlanta is free to beat Denver, which cannot happen until SF wins in ATL, AND SF wins in KC. Now it's back around to the SB33 matchup with an ATL victory to move it forward.

    8. Remember, this is coming off the loss AT NYG 24-2. Yeah.

    9. You already know who the next opponents are. They're the next in line.
      San Diego
      Philadelphia- Remember that this is Andy Reid's final year in Phily, with Vick. The cycle is back around so that Ryan can now win the game in Philly and also against Vick that he couldn't do before it came back around to this. Ryan can go home to win, which means Andy Reid goes to Kansas City, the first opponent of Atlanta's season. A victory in KC.

      You might wonder why Atlanta gets the win against Denver and Manning in Atlanta in Game 2 and why doesn't that mean that Manning will get the SB victory?

      Because it's circular, Atlanta is able to get the win IN Atlanta, but cannot win the Super Bowl until Kansas City defeats the NY Mets, who through the Giants enjoyed an 24-2 playoff win at Atlanta's expense to kick off the Giants SB run. That was partially rectified by a KC victory, but it's not fully repaid until Peyton Manning is eliminated from the game. Of course Atlanta will set it off with the victory over ELI Manning.

      This brings around those next teams in line.

      I admit it's a beautiful god-like pattern by the Zionists. But it illustrates how they play god through our entertainment. I also admit that watching the team I lived and died with for years knocking out Manning will bring me some joy. But it also reflects how the Zionists manipulate our emotions through this practice. Do you know how depressed I was when Atlanta lost to SF three years ago?

      So we'll continue to further define the pattern to get it right.

    10. Just look at this:

      This is Jeff Teague's final year of his contract. He wears 0. Look at his path.

      He's from Indiana
      Attended Wake Forest in Carolina

      Back up PG and future starter Dennis Schroder from Germany (which I believe is significant with Dallas/Dirk Nowitzki because in the 2012 season that I'm detailing, the Falcons next opponent after Philly already know it was the Cowboys.

      So look at it. Matt Ryan wins in home city, to end Reid's tenure in order for him to go to KC afterwards. Atlanta beats Dallas in ATL

      Meanwhile Teague is ascending, but still losing those first round series against his home team Indiana.

      Budenholzer comes from the Spurs to lose the 2nd 1st round series against Indiana. 21. So when Atlanta wins the SB in Feb, the Hawks will lose with Teague in May/June, but I think it's also possible that Teague is traded at the Feb deadline after the SB.

      Teague's number? You know it's 0. So what that represents is the clock after Indiana Manning loses for the Falcons. He was the 19th pick in his draft (10) he wears 0 because Schroder (pick 17) also wears 17 can ascend after Super Bowl 50.

      This is also why newly acquired Tim Hardaway Jr., with his father's Miami connections, was acquired from...the New York Knicks. Do you think Hardaway has played a second of basketball this season? You know the answer.

      Do you think he will AFTER the SB? And after Teague is gone? You bet your ass.

    11. Also, look at what Matt Ryan 2 will do.

      Defeat 10 Eli Manning- making Atlanta or 21
      Defeat 1 Cam Newton (from Atlanta) or 21
      Defeat 12 Rodgers the reverse of 21. The reverse, I believe, sets off the completion of the path. For the Manning SB, setting the rest in motion.

    12. Basically,

      So Manning 18 is defeated by 3 Russell Wilson, who begins in Carolina,
      That's 21. The countdown moves when 2 beats 18 as well. 20. But that's also just 2. Ryan 2 just won, eliminating Manning from the chess game 0.

      Hence Teague at 0 moving to another team.

    13. Wow. Look at Braves manager Bobby Cox. From Tulsa, OK.
      Not sure if I mentioned this, but Tommy Hanson, who was just sacrificed...what do you think his birthplace is? Remember that Bochy wins in Atlanta in Bobby's final season, setting off the 3-5, that becomes 3 in 6 this year. I think this is symbolic of Cox's number 6. I always wondered why the fuck managers wear uniforms! It's for this purpose.

      Cox begins his playing career in NY with the Yankees. His first managerial gig is in Atlanta in 78-81. See how Cox from Tulsa has to pass through the Yankees to get to Atlanta the first time. Look at wiki. See the connection. Remember Cox is from Tulsa, Oklahoma.
      “Cox replaced Dave Bristol as the manager of the Atlanta Braves prior to the 1978 season, inheriting a team that had finished last in the league during the previous two seasons and, in 1977, compiled a worse record than the first-year Seattle Mariners of the American League “

      See how Wiki casually throws in the first year SEATTLE MARINERS. That's so easy to miss because the casual reader caught up in a sport that he/she believes is not rigged through connections and numbers will not get the significance. There's more here I want to get into. But holy shit.

      Am I the first to crack this? This is massive. Maybe it was my calling all along.


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