Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, November 26, 2015

33 74 99 | Saturn Symbolism- The Cross, the Crescent & More

The numbers coded within cross and crucifix, are highly related to the numbers coded within the symbolism of Saturn.

Cross = 3+18+15+19+19 = 74
Jesus = 10+5+19+21+19 = 74
Lucifer = 12+21+3+9+6+5+18 = 74
Crucifix = 3+18+21+3+9+6+9+24 = 93
God's Son = 7+15+4+19+19+15+14 = 93 (They say the sun is 93m miles away)

Saturn = 19+1+20+21+18+14 = 93

Notice the symbol of Saturn is a cross with crescent.

Crescent has interesting Gematria as well.  The number 33 is often paired with both 74 and 93, numbers connected to Saturn and the cross.

Crescent = 3+9+5+1+3+5+5+2 = 33/42
Saviour = 1+1+4+9+6+3+9 = 33/42
Jehovah = 1+5+8+6+4+1+8 = 33
The Sun = 2+8+5+1+3+5 = 24/33

Think of Flight 93 of 33 Passengers, or Jesus being crucified on the cross at age 33, or how only the 33rd State (of 50, in the United States), Oregon, has a Gematria of 74, like the Gematria of cross.  There is a whole lot more, including it being said that 'the sun' is 93 million miles away.


  1. They are worshippers of Saturn, those Kabbal Zion Mason dicks, so whether or not each and everyone of us worships something, they do.

    1. Yes, and it seems they have tricked many others into worshipping the same thing as them.


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