Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, November 16, 2015

33 | DailyMails 33 Photos of Eagles of Death Metal Concernt, Moments Before November 13 "Terror Attack"

Notice the use of the word 'joyous'.  Keep in mind this article has '33' photos.

Joyous = 1+6+7+6+3+1 = 24/33

Also notice the supposed 5.4k shares.

Bataclan = 2+1+20+1+3+12+1+14 = 54


  1. *All Pythagorean Gematria - #'s

    1.) The lead singer of The Eagles Of Death Metal Jesse Everett Hughes was nicknamed "The Devil" (J. Devil) When he was 13 years old !? by Josh Homme (Queens Of The Stone age) when according to him he lashed out in vengeance when picked on by a kid named Karl Doyle.

    Josh Homme = 39

    Jesse= 13

    Everett= 32

    Hughes=32 (32+32=64) just a note because that # has been Everywhere.

    =77 total

    Karl Doyle= 33

    2.) Jesse Hughes noted Pseudonyms :

    Boots Electric =54

    Fabulous Weapon=54

    3.) Again Important to note that Jesse Hughes was born on 9-24-1972

    and his bands third record "Heart On" was released on October 28, 2008 Has a Track called "Secret Plans" and a bleeding heart on the cover. Bataclan =54 and that looks like a heart made out on that concert floor.

  2. By The way. From the release date of "Heart On" (2008) to the day of the Paris scam Attack Friday was a 84 month span.

    Eagles Of Death Metal =84

  3. Suspicious that no one in the crowd is holding a smart phone.

    1. The crowd photographs look somewhat synthetic to me. Computerized.

      On the same night, Bosnia-Herzegovina v Republic of Ireland.

      The second half played in the fog:

    2. Not a heavy metal crowd for sure. More of a Taylor Swift type. Picture 2 looks like kids waiting for the new Harry Potter movie.
      The lightbulbs in the background are way too far away and too small compared to the aftermath picture.
      How come the bodies aren't covered? Where are the first responders? 89 dead?
      Hard to believe no one took pictures of the band, or pictures of the terrorists as a matter of fact.
      Blood has been mopped around like in a cafeteria.
      And who in their right mind would take a picture of dead people without rushing to see if someone needs help first? Isn't it considered a crime to not assist a person in danger?
      I lived in Paris for a few years. Why pick 6 soft targets when the terrorists could've gone on a rampage on the Champs Elysees on a Friday night where thousands of people like to hang out at the many bar, restaurants, theatres. Why split up in tiny cells when 7 terrorists together could've done much more damage. Lies.
      Back in the old days, Bataclan was an operetta about a conspiracy to dethrone The emperor of China...
      Bataclan can also be slang for junk, or caboodle ...
      Junk for sure.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. -Boots Electric first record "Honkey Kong" came out Sep. 20, 2011.

    9+20+2+0+1+1 =33

    -The first Live show Boots Electric played was @ CD 101 Summerfest of August 2011

    Boots Electric = 54

    SummerFest Eve = 54

    CD 101 (One Zero One) = 67

    By the way Jesse Hughes has a picture of a heart with a inverted cross tattooed on his wrist.


  5. That CD 101 Summerfest Eve was held in Columbus, Ohio.

    Columbus Ohio = 54

    Assassin= 101 (English Ordinal)

  6. That first show Boots Electric was in August of 2011.

    August = 17 <-- The Death # (Pythag.)

    August = 89 (English Ordinal)

    *89 The Supposed number of people who died @ the Bataclan?

    Jesse Hughes made a Doc. about himself of course entitled "The Redemption Of The Devil" it released Oct.2 2015.

    The Redemption of the devil =123 (like the airplane crash 123 - 321)

    from oct 2, 2015 to the Paris attack nov 13 2015 is exactly 42 days? Freemason


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