Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, November 14, 2015

39 47 56 66 | Paris Witness, Dennis Plaud, by the 'BancoCash' (How the Paris Terror Hoax Set Was Made)

DP for double penetration.  See what I mean...

Dennis = 4+5+5+5+9+1 = 29/38 (Jew 10+5+23 = 38)
Plaud = 7+3+1+3+4 = 18
Dennis Plaud = 47/56 (France = 47) (ISIS = 56)

Paris = 7+1+9+9+1 = 27/36
France = 6+9+1+5+3+5 = 29
Paris France = 56/65 (Knights Templar = 65/74) (Knights Templar banned from France, Friday 13th)
Attack = 1+20+20+1+3+11 = 56

Notice the Gematria of 47 and 56, those are key numbers in this event.

France = 6+18+1+14+3+5 = 47
ISIS = 9+19+9+19 = 56

The BancoCash in the background is no coincidence either.

BancoCash = 2+1+5+3+6+3+1+1+8 = 30/39 (11/13/15 = 11+13+15 = 39)
BancoCash = 2+1+14+3+15+3+1+19+8 = 66 (Thirty-Three = 66)

Actors, stage placement, a false narrative... it is reality TV, at its most deceptive.  Of course the production is put on with your tax dollars.


  1. Take a look at the Browns vs. Steelers game tomorrow. Something about it doesn't sit right with me after this Paris thing. Numbers wise at least. Heinz Field to seems all to right for something wrong.. 61,129,41,48,57,131, 33

    1. In every terror movie with a football game, the steelers are playing.

  2. black sunday & dark night. Yeah I know. Just look at it for a second you'll see strange things too.

  3. Landry Jones who is suppose to start for Ben tomorrow. Born on 4-4-89
    6 ft 4 in - 223 lbs - 47 pass attempts also 47 name Gematria (Pythag.) ?

  4. Remember the "burned turf" I think it's Game 2, PIT@STL
    In this game "Big Ben", the fuck whose Georgia connection is...being accused of rape in a Milledgeville, GA bar.

    Milledgeville is the home of an insane asylum.
    So Ben goes DOWN in this game in STL.
    Vick comes in to finish. connecting Ben, College "Miami OH"- which cancels out those two. See how the location cancels Miami AND OH.

    Landry Jones Oklahoma QB- which brings Vick back around to connect ATL to OKC (remember the OKC bombing)

    See how Landry Jones of Oklahoma has the 44 Georgia Gematria to bring this all full circle. Burned turf in Game 2.

    Wow. I know that's really complicated. But just see the final link in the chain-
    Landry Jones-OKC wirh 44 Georgia Gematria.

    I think that's why you have the bad feeling about it. I'm trying to prove that when it lines up like that, bad things happen. the 89 SF/OAK earthquake for instance.

    Basically, let's hope that if something does happen, that these fake events don't cause real deaths. See how that makes sense with the "burned turf" in STL? That's scary.

    1. Okay, let me try to get it out more succinctly.

      In Atlanta's 95 World Series, the Oklahoma City Bombing occurs.

      I hate that it lines up. But it does.

    2. Look at the pattern this way and keep in mind that OKC/Seattle is the same. See how Atlanta will win the SB with the Seattle coach.

      Remember Okc Bombing and Braves championship occur simultaneously.
      Now in 1996, Atlanta gets to host the Olympics ritual (with a fake bombing!) So that the Supersonics move up the ladder to lose to Chicago.

      It matches the pattern. We're aware of this.

    3. Also, the key. Remember in these movies who the Steelers player is.
      It's HEINS WARD. FROM GEORGIA. Holy fuck.

      Be aware. See how this is just a circular riddle?


    "NFL issues statement on public safety"

    UGH. FUCK these people! That's exactly how this works. The "real" event (OKC bombing) HAS to occur, but Atlanta gets "happiness" with the WS.

    So now we know Atlanta/Seattle are connected, which is what I was trying to prove earlier. See how clear my conscience is now that I am proving this rigged world?

    1. And this is exactly why Zach and I are connected. It's a diagonal pattern.

  6. To step outside the numbers a bit and focus on pure symbolism, Falcons fit perfectly. Their new stadium is an obvious temple to Saturn, a Cube made out of Triangles with a literal eye opening retractable roof. They have one more year in the Dome, but the opening of the new stadium plays in.

    They use the catchphrase Rise Up, which symbolizes the Phoniex, tried to tell people about this being the Falcons year but it won't just be handed to them, they have to Rise Up! Which means a Wild Card position in the playoffs. My guess was Atl versus Arizona for the NFC championship, Phoniex again plays in, and for some odd reason the Cardinals are using the Rise Up slogan this year too. The black bird rises above the red bird to possibly become the red bird reborn. New unis for the new stadium? Atlantas OG uniforms are Red afterall.

    Still, the Packers might fit as Atl and GB have many connections and having the Falcons beat the OG SB Champ on their way to the 50th championship fits.

    I also predicted the Pats to make it to the SB, before I'd looked into Peyton and the Broncos, but either way fits. Falcons win championship over New England shows an out with old and in with the new, a win ovet Denver gives the Falcons a revenge victory for their one SB loss.

    Either way, Peyton goes out a loser, which is part of his gimmick. Anyone who played at Tennessee was taught how to lose with dignity. The real classes they take in college are just dress rehearsals for the pros.

  7. 100%. The NFC will be:

    1. Carolina 2. GB

    3. Arizona 6. Seattle (though I'm not absolutely sure on this.)

    4. NYG 5. ATL

    It all fits perfectly. And yeah, I knew as I was watching the Falcons-49ers game last week, I just had to prove it to myself. Manning HAS to lose because he's IN Denver precisely to bring this ritual full circle. He's always been a loser. Elway gets the final two, last against ATL. Manning comes over to lose to 3 Wilson and 2 Ryan

    He HAS to do this. Manning is the reverse of Elway. In fact, I THINK Elway was going to be drafter by the Colts. Basically what I'm learning is that everything in the athlete's path is part of the script. Manning 18 loses to Wilson 3 to create the 21 Wilson needs just to lose to the reverse in 12 Brady. This eliminates Carroll.

    Now Manning needs to bring it back around and lose to 2 Ryan, which happens THROUGH Seattle/NY connected Quinn. When you look at all of these things as RITUALS instead of people who watch Manning float horrid passes all year and say "LOL NFL would never let PEYTON lose in his final game!" He has to do this. He's playing like shit precisely to go out on his back at the end.

    Atlanta's two new stadiums in 2017 are symbolic. Turner Field was just a sacrifice site. I THINK (though I need to confirm) that the only team Atlanta beat in TF at the end was the NY Mets, only to lose to the Yankees in the 99 WS.

    It has to be the NY teams. ATL/SEA/NY/AZ are pathways for each other. The Braves have not been past the second round in 14, going on 15 years. You know the team they last lost too in the 01 NLCS. It's ALL a ritual. I think the 15 is representative of SB51 AND Hawks Al Horford (15). Remember it always has to move forward. This is Horford's last year of his contract. I'm pretty sure he will have to move on, so the Hawks can move on with Budenholzer. And this is done after the Falcons win in Feb to keep it moving in constant motion.

    ATL's new Falcons' stadium is then a sacrifice site (a PATHWAY) for another team. That they take the name that's currently attached to the Saints is no coincidence either. I'll have to look up the exact numbers, but I know that in the Sean PAYTON/Brees era, the Saints have made up a lot of ground in the ATL-NO rivalry.

    That probably comes to an end with this ritual. Sean Payton from CHI is like Gary Payton of SEA. I need to prove it, but I'm pretty sure CHI-SEA are 2 paths for each other.

  8. Heinz Field opened 14 years ago? 129 Suites ? Browns vs. Steelers .. That final score should have something to it.

  9. Yep. We'll see.

    Also, what I'm noticing is that the start times of the games are part of the ritual. I'll look into that more.

    1. Ah. Landry Jones "Questionable" to return
      Ben can step back in now because ATL is not playing

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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