Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, November 16, 2015

39 47 59 105 113 | The November 15, 2013 Paris Attacks and Shooter Abdelhakim Dekhar (Predictive of November 13, 2015)

Notice the Gematria of the suspect's name.
Dekhar = 4+5+11+8+1+18 = 47
France = 6+18+1+14+3+5 = 47

Notice the detail about him living in 'London'.

London = 12+15+14+4+15+14 = 74
Masonic = 13+1+19+15+14+9+3 = 74

BFMTV = 63; Paris = 63
The numerology of the date is identical to the more recent, Friday, November 13, 2015 Paris attacks.  Also, both attacks came on a Friday, in paris.

11/15/13 = 11+15+13 = 39
11/15/2013 = 11+15+20+13 = 59 (Kill = 59, Jewish Gematria)

11/13/2015 = 11+13+15 = 39
11/13/2015 = 11+13+20+15 = 59 (Kill = 59, Jewish Gematria)

Further, 113 was coded all over the Friday the 13th attack, as shown in prior work and in prior videos.

Also, notice how the number 105 was coded into the November 15 attack from two years back, just as it was in the more recent attack.  This is another important number to the Zionists and Masons.

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