Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, November 14, 2015

33 42 59 | Four Years and Two Months to the Day Earlier, Niggas In Paris Released (Paris Attacks of November 13, 2015) (Tupac's Death too)

3:39 in length... Hip = 33; Hop = 39
Notice the album single, Niggas in Paris, came out September 13, 2011, the 15-year anniversary of the death to Tupac Shakur, who died September 13, 1996.

9/13/2011 = 9+13+20+11 = 53
9/13/2011 = 9+13+(2+0+1+1) = 26
9/13/2011 = 9+1+3+2+0+1+1 = 17
9/13/11 = 9+13+11 = 33

What most people don't know, is that Tupac Shakur sums to 139, just like 'Freemasonry'.

Think about how the date September 13, or 13/9, is a lot like 139.

9/13/1996 = 9+13+96 = 118
9/13/1996 = 9+1+3+1+9+9+6 = 38 (Rapper = 9+1+7+7+5+9 = 38) (Nigga = 14+9+7+7+1 = 38)

They first reported that '118' people were dead at the Bataclan Theater.

Niggas in Paris, the name of the song, has Gematria that seems to be a fateful number coded on black americans again and again.

Niggas = 5+9+7+7+1+1 = 30/39
In = 9+5 = 14
Paris = 7+1+9+9+1 = 27/36
Niggas In Paris = 71/89 (Seventy-One = 144)

Jay-Z was married on April 4th, Kanye West was married on the 144th day of the year.

Forty-Four = 144
April Fourth = 144

The number '144' even connects back to the album the single is off of, 'Watch the Throne', which was released on August 8, 2011, or 8/8 for HH, for Hip-Hop.

Also, that number 89, a number showing up around tragedy for black americans again and again.  Michael Brown was shot on 8/9, which also happens to be Whitney Houston's birthday.  August 9 is also the day that leaves 144-days left in the year.  In the movie 'CRU LOVE', the main character dies on a date with a numerology of 89, and that movie, is all by the masonic numbers, as so many other movies area.

Niggas = 14+9+7+7+1+19 = 57
In = 9+14 = 23
Paris = 16+1+18+9+19 = 63
Niggas In Paris = 143

The album came out 4 years and two months before the attacks in Paris, this November 13, 2015.

217 reminds me of the number of passengers on the Eygpt Plane crash hoax...
You know what's up with 4 and 2, right?

Nigger = 5+9+7+7+5+9 = 42

Notice the double 59 coding.

Negro = 59
Slave = 59
Blues = 59
Motown came out in '59

Let us not forget the Paris 'Terror Attacks' happened on November 13, 2015, a Friday the Thirteenth.

11/13/2015 = 11+13+20+15 = 59
Jason = 10+1+19+15+14 = 59 (Jason, Friday the 13th?)

59 is the kill number in Jewish Gematria.
Also this is what's up with '42'.

Kanye = 2+1+5+7+5 = 20
West = 5+5+1+2 = 13/22
Kanye West = 33/42

Five = 6+9+22+5 = 42
Nine = 14+9+14+5 = 42


  1. The entertainers are chess pieces, but I'm starting to think entertainers (Real People) (in RIGGED system) is how REAL people in the RIGGED system are enslaved.

    The RIGGED tragedies in the REAL universe require FAKE/RIGGED ZIONIST actors to enslave us through our emotional state.

    I want confirmation that the tragedies on TV actually lead to any deaths.

    1. I think for the most part, the forces at work tying everything together are more spiritual than many want to consider. This system is just too complex & all-encompassinh to totally be the work of men. Satan (by any name) is the one they serve, whether knowingly or not, their principles once corrupt are in line with what must be accomplished through them. I don't believe the entertainers or businessmen or politicians know the extent of what's going on or how they're being used as pieces, but still it all ties together with actions & words & symbols & numbers... The spiritual world is more real than this physical shit..the material world is just the physical manifestation of the spiritual truth & lies.

    2. I wonder if a lot of celebrities might be CGI creations. The Kardashian family give me that uncanny valley feeling, especially Kim.

      Ever seen the movie Simone. It's basically an inverse of the Truman Show. Instead of a real person living in a false world, it's about a computer generated person presented as a celebrity who fools the world.

    3. very interesting point. I have often wondered if some celebrity shows are all CGI myself. I have watched some speeches by politicians that look very CGI. It could easily be done.

    4. Great thoughts from all of you. I need to checkout this movie Simone now... thank you for heads up.

  2. Right. See how the veil is slowly lifting for me. It's almost 5 AM, I haven't been to sleep, but do you know much energy I have? My mind is clearing.

    1. Do you listen to 92.9? I get alot of the numbers from there concerning the Falcons and the rest of the league. Also, key phrases they like to use like Eye Test. The NFL and NCAA analysts have constantly talked about passing the eye test or visually succeeding or looking the part.

    2. That happens during bouts of creativity. I've had that happen before. Hours go by and it feels like minutes. You look at the clock and it's like wow where did the time go? Your mind is concentrating so hard it becomes timeless. I love that feeling but I think it freaks other people out.

  3. And with every comment I post, getting closer to the truth, I have to enter in a Captcha.

    1. I know that feel man. Read into religious texts and you will notice satan (a thief and a lier who can only pervert what he steals) uses everything the "god" figure used in their respective religion. Primarily focusing on the bible, you can see that his techniques (including divide and conquer through mixture of races and language) are the same ones god used againts him to prevent his quick victory back then. He is the exact opposite of god and he is not leaning away from this description. He never does. You can almost anticipate with 100% accuracy whats coming next. I haven't been moved by any news articles in weeks. It feels like those lies don't phase me anymore and I can see clearer like you said...
      Really amazing feeling of calmness too.
      Well thats if you happen to follow this stuff^^ it is really interesting how bad he wants to be like the most high. Even leaving a trail of crumbs to try and "prove" that nothing happens without his say at least in the business side of things, or so they say...

  4. Okay, so here's what we know:

    Our universe is connected through patterns in a +1/ -2 motion. It is both a chess game, and a puzzle.

    You meet someone from Houston, she loves wearing this red sweater, her name is Melissa.
    Melissa hasn't met someone from Portland, but she just loves the Red Sox, and is interested in space.

    YOU pick up Astros for down the road, she GETS Houston Astros.
    +1, -2
    Gain one, give two.

    You pick up RED SOX, but you don't combine anything else. What you give, you'll get back in two for the eventual connection.

    So Zach (Seattle, by way of Portland, with the correct life number) HAS to do specific things in his path to get to my matching life number in the correct location.

    Atlanta and Seattle are diagonal.

    Zach KNOWS everything is rigged. But he NEEDS me to show it to him.
    He HAS to be IN Seattle
    I HAVE to be IN Atlanta, completing the path.

    Notice he starts in Oregon, gets to Seattle
    I have to go through his Seattle, with my Atlanta, so that I can move forward to Oregon, where he starts. The numbers line up for this.

    So he GIVES the numerology knowledge
    I am watching the world and I know it's rigged, but cannot connect how. While I'm bombarded with these rigged sporting events.
    I use the numbers to GIVE the sports knowledge that he knows are rigged. But I have to prove it WITH his numerology knowledge. Making the connection.

    These locations are the 1 path. It's diagonal. Which is why my mom from NY gets down here to give birth to me.

    Look how Matt Ryan does it. Philadelphia and San Francisco connect as a 2 path (I don't THINK it's a 1 path because DENVER/GB must line up in the circular motion.

    See how Ryan, in his rigged universe of sports, that I'm absorbing but cannot make the full connection does what I have to do in a different way.

    So Seattle, NY, Atlanta, Arizona are 1 paths FOR one another.
    It plays out in football. As it will this year for Ryan.

    This is exactly WHY Ryan in Atlanta HAS to be knocked out by AZ (Whisenhunt) in his FIRST year
    So that eliminates his LOSS in that rookie year, that he just GOT BACK in TN (where Whisenhunt conveniently is) to complete the SB path.

    I'm getting closer.

    1. Sorry if I'm being obtuse, I'm really trying to understand. And what about the "sacrifice" involving Mike McCarthy's brother in Green Bay?

    2. Yes, you have a great mind and you're taking this research places fast. Just don't forget to sleep, ha! =)

  5. Ok, I'm a little late to the party, but would you mind walking me through it, like you would a child? How did you know Golden State would score 107, what does 107/17 have to do with the Falcons? And how do you know THIS is the year Atlanta gets its reward? And are you saying that literally no team has ever won a championship in any sport if it has a player from that area?

    1. I'll show you soon. I need to prove that last theory. Can anyone think of an example?

      The 107 in GS (Which basically is San Francisco, where this SB50 will take place), is 17 or 71. Super Bowl Fifty is 71.

  6. The word Nigger is important, I think, because it's an anagram of Engineer. Think of all those train incidents.
    Also contains the word Green which we associate with Go.
    And Gingers, who as we have been told by South Park, have no souls.

    Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons, last name is a scrambled Negro with -ing added.

  7. Also, as you have shown, 42 and 59 pop up all the time around around African Americans. AA or 11
    42 + 59 =101
    101 is introduction, basics
    Also the number of the torture room in 1984

    Black out
    in the dark
    not in the know

    Like in the game The Sims, you can put your Sim on free will where you don't direct them but leave them to their own devices but then they end up doing a lot of stupid shit because they are driven by their moods not logic.

    I think those numbers and the word Nigger refer to those of us who don't know how this game is played. We are "in the dark" like Sims on free will trying to figure out what to do with no direction and that ignorance and frustration produces a drive in some to know wtf is going on which = sparks of energy = acceleration

    1. Great thought, I agree with your thinking very much.

  8. From 7/17/2014 (MH17) to 11/13/2015 is 484 days. 44x11 = 484

  9. This is such a great find and I feel underrated

    1. What do you mean underrated? More people must know of Andy Stone's work! I need to get links to your blog, Josh's, Eric's and everyone else's on the sidebar somehow... there must be a way.

    2. Go to your blogger dash. Next to the new post orange button there's a drop down menu. Go to "layout" and click on it. Pick the place where you want to add the link "gadget" and hit "add gadget" a box will pop up with choices of things to add. Go down the list until you find one that says "link list" push it and fill in the links you want to add and hit save. ;)


    WHATS GUCCI = 114 / 42 !!!!!!


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