Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, November 14, 2015

49 59 119 | French High Speed Train Crash, November 14, 2015, Near Strasbourg

First notice the crash near 'Eckwerseheim'.

And get that, the TGV train was carrying '49' technicians... I bet.

TGV = 20+7+22 = 49
49 Technicians...

The location of the crash is also curious.

Strasbourg = 1+2+9+1+1+2+6+3+9+7 = 41/50/59 (Notice 59, the Jewish Kill Number)
Strasbourg = 19+20+18+1+19+2+15+21+18+7 = 140

In recent videos, I have talked about the pairing of 106 and 140 in Gematria.  Recall, the Philadelphia Train Wreck of May 12, 2015, the train was traveling 106 MPH.  Also, keep in mind that the name Philadelphia comes from Revelation.

Revelation = 9+5+4+5+3+1+2+9+6+5 = 49

it should also be noted that today's date, leaves 47-days left in the year, and 'France' has Gematria of '47'.

France = 6+18+1+14+3+5 = 47
Star of David = 1+2+1+9+6+6+4+1+4+9+4 = 47

Yesterday's terror hoax attacks by the numbers in Paris, fell on a date with '59' numerology.

11/13/2015 = 11+13+20+15 = 59
Kill = 10+9+20+20 = 59

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