Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, November 15, 2015

63 | Medal of Honor & Paris, French Born Florent Groberg Awarded Medal of Honor Day Before Paris Attacks

Florent Groberg, the French Born Zionist Jew, who received the Medal of Honor for surviving a suicide bombing, on November 12, the day before the suicide bombings in Paris, creates an interesting Gematria connection.  See below.

63 and 63, what are the odds?  Please see my prior posts for more information on Florent Groberg.

And I can't help but notice the Medal of Honor is 5 pointed star, reminds of the following:

The Pentagon is 5-Sided, 5-Floored with a 5-Acre Court in the Middle
The Washington Monument is 555-feet tall
The Iraq War began 555-days after September 11

5+5+5 = 15

Look at what this other recent Medal of Honor recipient said in the MSM recently.

166 is interesting for the following reasons:

1 comment:

  1. What a dickhead -- definitely a PR tool. Funny thing is, I can't recall which "special guy" this one is ... The guy who was (supposedly) recently stabbed, not long after getting caught up in a CA drug bust; or the (supposed) "Air Force" guy who was promoted several ranks up, despite never receiving the necessary training to handle his new post (which incited a LOT of anger within the REAL military) ... or is this another one before the French Train Myth? I can't remember. Anyway, NO ONE who's been through an ACTUAL, REALLY TOUGH COMBAT SITUATION, would EVER willingly "invite attackers to engage them here at home" -- EVEN FICTIONAL ONES ... Of course, we already know that these PSYOP HEROES only say the lines they're told to say -- otherwise, it'd never make the press. These lying assholes may wind up in books & movies by helping to create the FALSE HISTORY, but legions of REAL soldiers know EXACTLY what they're up to, and I guarantee you, they do not like it one bit ... especially the ones who've ACTUALLY lost fellow soldiers or now have to watch as the survivors suffer for the rest of their lives -- ALL WITH NO RECOGNITION WHATSOEVER ... their only "ticker tape parade" consisting of the miles of bureaucratic red tape that never ends once you're no longer "battle-front material". Eventually, each of these lying ass-lickers will get to have a "special encounter" with a REAL soldier ... because they are most definitely due for a close-encounter "Reckoning" with THOSE WHO KNOW THE TRUTH. Thanks for posting this -- it was something I'd missed, but will certainly be passing it along ... ;D :D


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