Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, November 2, 2015

83 | The Tom Brady and Peyton Manning Connection +New Super Bowl Favorite In AFC

I'm starting to think the Super Bowl will be Packers and Broncos in San Francisco for #50.

3/24/1976 = 3+2+4+1+9+7+6 = 32 (NFL = 32) (32 Teams) (America, Denver, Broncos, Peyton)
3/24/1976 = 3+24+(1+9+7+6) = 50 (Year of Super Bowl 50) (San Francisco = 50)
3/24/1976 = 3+24+19+76 = 122 (San Francisco = 122) (**Aaron Rodgers born 12/2)
3/24/76 = 3+24+76 = 103

Peyton Manning = 7+5+7+2+6+5+4+1+5+5+9+5+7 = 68
San Francisco = 1+1+5+6+9+1+5+3+9+1+3+6 = 50/59/68

From November 1, 2015 to February 7, 2015, the date of the Super Bowl, is a span of 98-days.  That number has been huge in pro sports, as well as the Super Bowl last year.  (Tom Brady = 98)

Speaking of Tom Brady, checkout this connection between him and Manning.

Notice that Peyton is born on March 24, the 83rd day of the year.  Tom Brady is born on August 3, or 8/3, kind of like Peyton's 83rd day of the year.  These men are considered to be the "top QBs in the NFL for a generation".  Here is why '83' is important in regards to their legacies in the NFL.

Football = 6+15+15+20+2+1+12+12 = 83

8/3/1977 = 8+3+1+9+7+7 = 35 (Tom Brady = 35)
8/3/1977 = 8+3+(1+9+7+7) = 35 (Deflate Gate is centered around the numbers 35 and 53)
8/3/1977 = 8+3+19+77 = 107
8/3/77 = 8+3+77 = 88

For this year's Super Bowl, the Broncos have better numbers than the Patriots.  That said, the number attached to this weekend's plane crash, October 31, 2015, had the number 217 all over it.  The Patriots have that number as well.

An AFC Championship of Patriots and Broncos would be fitting.


  1. Look at Cam Newton's numbers right now:

    C. Newton 3/13 31 0 1

    Hmmm. What a stat line.

  2. could very well be Packers/Broncos. found it very strange that there was a segment shown during last night's game in which Mike McCarthy delivered a golden Super Bowl 50 football to a group of students during a school visit. Also, 49er tight end Vernon Davis traded to Denver today, 3 6th round picks traded between both teams as well.

    1. Mike McCarthy's 47 year old brother died in January 2015.


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