Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Donald Trump Mocks Handicapped NY Times Journalist, the End of Trump Campaign Nearing

The wheels will be all the way off the bus soon.

The media is about to bring this ride to a close.


  1. I'm not so sure about that because this man has said and done it all and he's still at the top of the polls and thousands of people are still attending his rallies. I'm curious to see what happens by the first primary caucus in February.

    1. You say it as if the media is not controlling the spectacle. When the media says show is over, the show will be over. They're signaling.

  2. I know they control they spectacle, but they don't control people. People by the hundreds or thousands are supporting Trump even though the media has been negative toward Trump for months.
    I'm sure TPTB will end it when they're ready, but Trump is bloodline to the "royals", do you think they will end his campaign when he has more "energy" from the people than Jeb?

    1. Thats not the way it works though. There is no transparancy. Whatever the voting results are will not be challenged (legally) and the media will proceed on its day without acknoledging the pissed off population as always in hopes that those who are ignorant will follow.

      You make a good point though. How much of a difference would it make for Trump if the democrats agreed to wat with isis? Or if we were attacked and Obama along with many were killed just as may have been implied through gematria if you follow the blog.

      Afterall, this is the same media that backs up hillary. Not that I have anything againts her but srs what is holding her up?
      Idk anyone in person who supports that monster simply because there is no reason to. Anyone who googles her name alone knows this.
      They fluctuate their polls when they fluctuate their news events so people can't tell the difference and ppl just agree and move on with whatever the black box told them to be true that day.
      Honestly, i'm at a lose for words that Hillary is still a challenger. She must be a cat with 9 lives or something or the media is trying to fuck with my critical thinking skills.
      This is how you encourage behavior btw. You show ppl that if u act that way, you can get away with it and be glorified (feminist tactic).

    2. Hillary's bloodline traces back to the royal family as well. I realize most of the presidents and candidates have royal family lineage. That's why Hillary is still around and that's why the media is propping her up. This explains why Obama was selected. Jeb, Hillary and Trump are all royal family bloodline so I won't be surprised who gets the nomination and presidency.


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