Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Jewish Owners Recently Sold Bataclan Theater on September 11 (Jewish Insider Trading) (November 13, Terror Hoax)

This remind me of how Larry Silverstein acquired the lease to the World Trade Centers months before 9/11, when it had been owned by New York City's Port Authority for all the years prior.  Larry Silverstein also bought the lease to the Sears Tower on the day of the 3/11 Madrid Train Bombings.

With regards to September 11, the exact date of sale for the Bataclan Theater, was September 11, 2015.

9/11/2015 = 9+11+20+15 = 55
Satan = 19+1+20+1+14 = 55
A transaction by 'The Synagogue of Satan'?  Oh yes...

Also, from September 11 to November 13 is a span of 63-days, and we're talking about Paris.

Paris = 16+1+18+9+19 = 63
Charlie Hebdo = 3+8+1+9+3+9+5+8+5+2+4+6 = 63


  1. See how Zach can quickly make that connection,

    Everything in this "reality" is symbolism.
    I'm watching these sports games, and anticipating the plays, what the commentator says and gradually how it connects back to everything else.

    The game is then followed by commercials to get you back down into that hole of negativity. For example, I'm following the TN-CAR game. I SEE Cam start 11/11. He gets a first down and points forward in that pose he does.

    JUST LAST WEEK, I'm watching Cam BEAT the Colts- which has to happen in the progression, btw. And I'm being fueled by negative thoughts.

    Look how this is done:

    I am from Atlanta, I'm a Falcons fan.
    I see Cam from Atlanta, do positive things for my "rival" Carolina.
    This is supposed to piss me off, because I JUST watched the Falcons LOSE in SF.
    Carolina is 8-0, Atlanta 6-3
    Hence, "Falcons have NO CHANCE against Carolina! Cam is legit. Ryan is not elite and fails in big moments."

    So the programming is designed to keep me in this mental state that only operates at probably 50-70% of what it SHOULD. I'm slowly breaking that coding.
    Remember the Zionists feed off the fear. Which is why I want confirmation that these supposed real tragedies result in real deaths.

    I used to wake up for these games with such little energy. NOW I have probably slept for 3-4 hours a night, but my energy level is so much higher because I'm breaking the coding. It's all symbolism.

    Here's another example:

    I started selling off my CDs when I was in college. Now I'm restocking my collection because CDs are so cheap. The last batch of CDs that I bought included a band called The Exploding Hearts. What's significant is that this band is FROM Portland, and I believe 3 members die in a bus accident.

    Do you know which CD is at the top of the pile on my floor as I write this?
    See how it is trying to lead me.

  2. LOL. Carolina JUST about to break through to put the AWFUL Titans away, (Carolina SO GOOD OMG!)

    TN gets a penalty to create a...3rd and 30! That becomes a 4th and 22 after a Cam Newton sack. (YEAH FUCK CAM! THAT FUCKER from College Park, GA.) at...1:07.

    That 1:07 is the 71 for Atlanta's SB. But I'm too busy hating Cam for being from my home and doing well to really see this. Carolina kicks the field goal to make it...17-10. Of course. That HAS to happen in the ATL SB progression.

    I'm supposed to LOVE Cam. But I can't because he plays for a symbolic rival.
    Cam is just enslaved in the rigged system. Real people being used in the rigged system.

    1. My guess is a 27-20 TN victory in OT

      That 17 that ATL received through TN, in the 10-7 victory produces this.
      See how the ATL/TN score creates the 71 for ATL, but it GIVES TN the 10.

    2. But then again MAYBE not BECAUSE it has to work through the ritualistic system. That ritual is produced through the scheduling of the games. Let's see how it works out.

  3. AH! Not so.

    Carolina is probably going to WIN this 27-10.
    I'm on the track though.

    1. So Cam (1) FROM (69) Atlanta scores the TD. It's a 2 yard run. The 2 (Matt Ryan). See how Cam is doing negative plays that in the end BENEFIT ME.

      Because I know that Atlanta wins the SB.

    2. Watching eagles game... Bradford out, injured.
      Sanchez in. Eagles driving, Sanchez picked off in end zone.. Lovely...ugh.

    3. So TN on their way to do something positive for me, (a TD) FUMBLES and Carolina recovers. ("FUCK!") but see how it benefits me by producing the score for Atlanta through these events.

      I'm starting to think my theory works:

      A real person (Cam) from my location is a SLAVE to a RIGGED system.
      He wins these games by these scores FOR MY BENEFIT.

      Again, do these "real" events in our real universe with the FAKE Zionist actors happen?

      It's in our consciousness. That's why the mass awakening has to happen. What we run into along our path is in the negative thoughts that infiltrate our consciousness. We will win this game.

    4. Game ENDS with Cam (1) FROM Atlanta (69) to produce Atlanta Falcons (70) kneeling. Symbolism. His win through a team I'm supposed to hate is actually a benefit for me. We live in opposite world.

    5. See how that works.

      The players are in opposite locations. So when Bradford (from Oklahoma, goes through St. Louis, to be Philly's QB throws the INT in the end zone (a negative play for Oklahoma, but it's a positive play FOR Ryan FROM Philly.) This is done SO THAT Ryan can win the SB. The negative plays BY Philly players, are positive for Atlanta because Ryan plays in Atlanta.

      We're getting closer.

    6. LOL so check this out.

      See how I made the mistake there? I know the end result.
      But Sanchez threw the interception. Not Bradford.

      When I go back to amend my mistake? I get a "double edit" message from this rigged Internet.

      People. We Live IN A VIDEO GAME. IT'S A GAME.

    7. Again,

      WE WIN by clearing our consciousness and producing a mass awakening.
      Until that happens, this shit continues.

      So look how Rodgers just lost the game by not converting the 2 point conversion. That helps Stafford (playing for Detroit, who comes through Georgia, from Dallas) But look at what happens.

      A turnover giving the ball BACK to GB.

  4. G.S. You need to help us sports betters with this process keep showing who should win until we can figure it out for ourselves time to make em pay until we can expose the whole game

  5. Exactly. That's my goal.
    Know the Falcons will win the SB
    use this against the money system

  6. I have falcons to win Super Bowl at 38 to 1 and falcons broncos to make Super Bowl at 80 to 1 if both happen I'll win 12k if It doesn't. I'll lose 200 I'll take that chance I also put some on giants to beat pats cause of your other thread any betting questions I'm you guy

  7. Yes, I have to do the same. See how you lead me.

  8. What's your thoughts on the night game Arizona at Seattle

  9. This was my destiny all along. Wow,
    Know that I love all of you.
    We have to come into contact to produce this.

    I always wanted to know why my life path was 1, when I was so unsure of this through my lack of confidence. See how we give each other the key to connect the next element of the puzzle.

    I wonder if this has to do with my age (27) and Zach's age as well. Everything is in the numbers.

  10. It's amazing to see the show unraveling before our eyes after all this time knowing it really couldn't happen any other way but be revealed now makes u wonder what is controlling this besides men of any kind (zionists) or masons. Def something spiritual jumping off here

  11. Okay. I missed on that prediction, but I can explain why eventually.
    It's amazing how it moves in slow motion for me.

    But remember this, which I'm learning:

    Every element of the game is rigged in the numbers. I didn't realize that this does the following::

    MAKES the Giants 5-5, WITH 2-2 in the division (Hence Falcons 25, which lines up)

    AND Brady WINS here BECAUSE he is the REVERSE of the number Ryan will collect through this path.

    So again, my apologies. But we're going to get this right.
    I was calling the interception before it happens, AND the missed TD
    But again, it's a learning process for me.

    See how this flows out of me, because this is what I'm supposed to do with my life.
    I give to you, you give to me.

  12. Manning with 17 picks, after 4 today
    Ryan IS not playing. Obviously., I was noticing how his numbers were lining up with Manning. When Ryan had 11/7, Manning had 7/11.

  13. What blows my mind is a 54 yd field goal to win and u know that to follow the script how do they know it's going in or do they make it so if he makes it it lines up one way if he misses it lines up another like a win win situation.

  14. So remember that we need Arizona and Seattle in order to make this:

    1. CAR 2. GB

    3. AZ 4. NYG

    5. ATL 6. SEA

    When you lay it out like that, I feel like you trace it in the way our lives are coming together. Remember how the Giants game ended. The 1 second is significant.
    BECAUSE Beckham (LSU) MUST be last with the ball.

    I think I want to just sit and watch the AZ/SEA game unfold.

    1. Yeah, that's the one thing I'm trying to understand.

      It's clearly scripted. BUT what if the FG is missed? How does the FG at 54 always go in to line up? Like how does Hosmer hit that double on the 111 pitch in that location. What if he swings and misses? I don't get it.

  15. Yea like at the begining of the game they show a graphic Eli maning is 3-1 against Brady they cut back to Odell beakham # 13 catches longest td against the pats in belle check era and I just laugh cause it's so obvious once u start seeing it but until u do your blind to it

    1. Exactly. All of us had to come together to make the scattered puzzle pieces that we have fit together.

      As I'm on the track to be a teacher IN Philly, my friend is moving to SF, as I'm losing touch with a girlfriend who wants to move to CO/NM. I wonder if she did.

      While this is happening, I'm watching Zach's stuff in Seattle, and I'm fascinated but don't know why.

      I start making more money through tutoring kids/ freelance writing. And all the while I'm noticing how Zach's numbers are slowly proving to me that my team is winning the SB.

      I was literally sitting here about two hours ago having this mental breakdown (which is just breaking the coding.) While I'm trying to post to you guys. It won't post. It wants me to prove "I'm not a robot". At this SAME time, I'm listening to a song by Marina and the Diamonds already know. I Am Not A Robot. Fuckers. Haha.

      Note: Atlanta loses to UTAH 97-96. It works with the pattern of the team winning the SB at the end of the ritual that runs through all the sports at specific times. Atlanta GETS the 69 number through a loss.

      But NYG has to wrap up its part of the ritual. Osweiler (17) steps in for Manning (who throws the 4 picks FOR the 17) That signifies that Manning is stepping down in the progression. To move it forward.

  16. I don't know how I even found this website but I've been following sacs work for months checking this site several times a day like being driven to do so then I saw ur posts gs and instantly drawn to them part of it greed as a sports bettor lol but also I'm drawn to your logic as I'm drawn to sacs if that makes sense

  17. Read the linked article -- whenever you wonder if there's a "Jewish link" to something, you can count on the Israeli media to shout it from the rooftops! lol Saw where the DEAL WAS COMPLETED ON 9/11 -- Talk about laughing in our faces! Big Piece Of Info Missing ... WHO BOUGHT THE BATACLAN?? They never say in the article ... ;D :D


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