Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Just got a surprise call from an old girl friend (God, the Master Mathematician)

She wanted to say hi and let me know she had a baby recently.  She told me the baby came 5 weeks early and was born October 28.

I asked her the baby's name.

Her name sums to 35
The baby's name sums to 17
The birthday has a numerology of 53, and 17 is the 53rd prime.   10+28+15 = 53
Also, the reflection, 35 and 53, mom and birth of first child 

God, the master mathematician.

One more kick.

The father, is a former NCAA football player.  There is that association between 53 and football...


  1. Zach start paying more attention to this stuff..... i have looked into birthdays with my friends, and my friends babies....... i really feel like the name (the energy?) that's decided before birth..... helps play a roll on the day we are born. I have found that our names correlate a lot with the month/ and or day we are born...... almost like we all have certain "main" numbers connected to us.....

    For example, the sum of my friends kids name = 22...... he was born on the 22nd.

    My sisters name =

    after looking at those numbers what do you see?..
    My sister was born on 9/9 ..... you see what i see?

    Anyways, i have done this with tons of my friends and it all seems to correlate..... most of the time by just adding the sum....

    Another example, friends kids name = 21.......... he was born 2/1.

    It's really interesting....... and the patterns are definitely there once you start paying attention....

    "Zachary Hubbard in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1290 = 12 (12+9 = 21)

    Zachary Hubbard in Simple Gematria Equals: 138 = 12 (13+8 = 21)

    You were born on the 21'st......

    1. My dad's full name = 89
      My full name = 89
      My mom's birthday is 8/9
      I was born on the record coldest day, -89C
      My sitters birthday is 12/7, mine is 7/21

    2. I am 11/22, born 89. Se year berlin wall came down, 26 years to the day after JFK. Mother is 5/22. father is born in 57. Last name heine. Much like heinz 57. My 'big' brother was born 3/22/84 much like 1984. I was introduced to secret service agents at 15. He was introduced to nsa at 17.

  2. Also, zach, you should look at your friends name again in gematria.... and see if there is any correlation to, or similarities with her name and today's date...... the day she called you....

    1. Today's date connects to my last name Hubbard. Her and I could have had a much different outcome, but I was young and stupid. We're still friends though. I'll tell you what is weird. Since making this post, my girlfriend got crashed into by another driver in a car I just bought her in September =(. Strange day for the women in my life.

    2. Zach, I would be interested if you performed some gematria on these events since they are personal. I am curious to see what kind of coding is in these things that you can know are real. I had been thinking about this for the past few days and ever since you said that you also got arrested by the numbers.

      If you have not read my reply to the God's Son is right for the Crucifx yesterday please do. It is so weird that this happened the same day as all of this. For some reason as well I brought my journal to work today (which I never do). But this morning I wrote this. "Now this morning I am praying that Yhwh (God's real name) reveals himself in such a way that there is no other explanation. I love miracles!! Then in my prayer section I prayed for a miracle with Zach.

      I have seen some big miracles that I have prayed about recently, but not frivolously, only when I am lead to do such things.

  3. My birthday is May 1 (osama bin laden death supposedly) My Dads birthday is 9/11, his grandson, my nephew = 3/11. My brothers 3/3. I bought a lemon used car on 9/11, also my phone broke which could've been a saving grace. 9/11 = a warning?


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